What the fuck is that
Hopefully 1.13 and 1.14
Why would he say that about Pence rejecting the electors?
Theres another one 23rd
There’s 2 goodbye jacks one on 23rd also maybe today was this and 23rd arrest? Why would he arrest that moron first anyway
Just search for the keywords on q drop sites you’ll find the drops
Trump’s uncle looked at all of Nikola Tesla’s stuff after he died make of that what you will
Oh so not confirmed but soon hopefully
Ok so why would he hand out coins and make sure that the camera doesn’t see it unless it was a Trump 2021-2025 coin
How many idiots is this shit gonna kill
Do we know for sure that was how Seth Rich was killed? Also maybe everything on NeonRevolt was true and they got Pence to turn on the DS? Weren’t the emails with Paul Ryan and the other RINOs real?
I saw that but people were saying it wasnt them
but they're not moving pence is
Centipede from the Can’t Stump the Trump youtube videos
Just think of all the evidence you think Trump will sit on all of it??????
They gonna try to take down WH site now
Maybe using it as cover to make the DS feel safe
For real though
Nah its a light hearted joke everyone is thinking it
Make America Great Again?
Theres another goodbye jack 23rd jan