joanofsnark 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes it is and thank you for your prayers

joanofsnark 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you so much. The fellowship is so welcoming the loneliness has been crushing. On my good days I realize I am not actually alone but I am definitely imperfect and it is easy to forget

joanofsnark 7 points ago +7 / -0

He is good and faithful and he always answers. Not always the answer we want or hope for but he sees things so much clearer and he knows what we need beyond our desires. I trust him

joanofsnark 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you so much. Our Lord is truly good to give us fellowship in difficult times

joanofsnark 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you so much. Lifting up our brothers and sisters in Christ is the greatest gift we can offer and I am truly grateful.

joanofsnark 7 points ago +8 / -1

I am both hopeful and concerned because of the compromised liver. Ivermectin I am not concerned about but fenbin may overwhelm his liver. Weirdly his last bone marrow was really good. Clots are our battle ground. Thankfully I denied the vax but yet he clotted. I have ran as close as possible to a clot clearing protocol but again I don’t know enough medically and I don’t have the equipment to do too much. It is so scary and frustrating. If it were me I would not be near so cautious. Not giving up though. There is a way forward I just haven’t found it YET

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. 2 gel caps day Nordic. He loved them too. Whenever he would limp like durning certain times of year I would up it to three. His farts smelled like death but otherwise he was my sweet boy and happy boy no pain so worth it lol.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pediatric Cancer wiped ALL appointments except Covid. Thankfully we were not on Chemo at the time. ( test patient for treatment) Lost oncology because we refused the shot. Later told the shot would have been the end because of an unknown clotting factor. The pressure was intense for what??? No treatments were happening anyway. The medical system is so broken. I got stories

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Omega three helped our Shepard with inflammation and pain a lot. They wanted to put him down because of his hips. He had 3 more happy years. 3 weeks in he was running like a pup again at 11 years old. Lost him last year at 15

joanofsnark 17 points ago +17 / -0

The fact that they want to ban space x with so many accomplishments that are untouchable by anyone else in the field is proof that the whole system is a political grift operation.

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw new ones for sale not long ago. A whole new generation is soon to tee the unbearable guilt and or weight of responsibility lol

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus said “ and you shall know them by their fruits”

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

It cool if you don’t believe in God. He still believes in you. In truth I prefer an honest atheist over a hate filled church goer. The person who sits in church with hate in their heart can hurt a lot of people. So can hateful atheists but at least they don’t claim to represent Jesus while they do it.

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

I may be new here but I have been observing this movement for years. If we are sincere in fighting for a truly better world with genuine transparency then we have to be willing to stop the cycle of hating on groups instead of standing together against the actual enemy. Call them the Cabal or whatever I prefer the term Principality(s). Anyone or anything that might stop or slow them has been under assault.Part of assault is infiltration. That infiltration is not reflective of the people infiltrated. If that is the view point then I suggest you stock up on glass replacements for the house your lobbing stones from. I have read John btw and nothing in it suggests Christ hated the Jewish people. In fact it was his Love that sent him to die and rise again.He called out the corrupt and thisecho oppressed the people and sought to prevent them from approaching the Father. I would rather be attacked here for standing up for that truth than explain to my Lord why I would allow such filthy lies about him to go unchallenged. Hate will not change anything. Satan cannot cast out Satan.

joanofsnark 4 points ago +8 / -4

Jesus celebrated Yom Kippur didn’t he? As a Christian my gauge is often as hokey as this sounds WWJD. Would HlJesus Christ be upset at people who say Happy Yom Kippur? No then I am not going to be either.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have used these radios a lot. Elevation makes a difference. Like someone mentioned mountain top to mountain top. Otherwise the signal degrades and you would need a booster. Problem is a booster needs power. And that would only work until the car battery runs out. I am looking into satellite radio. However I may learn something from this thread I didn’t know.

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did not come to kill steal or destroy but to give life- Sadly we can not say the same about ANY human. So ultimately he must be our compass

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