joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

The MSM is painting this as a massive protest but if you really pay attention they are in only one area. There are bigger flash mob videos. Yet again all for optics. Soros better be paying for bail for his clash mob JS

joanofsnark 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s an excellent idea. I will start looking into some of that so I have something helpful to add to that. Great suggestion

joanofsnark 8 points ago +8 / -0

“The truth and facts is their Kryptonite.” That part. Your right it is why it can be most tricky when they come running and it is hard to tell who is who. There is Gold in them there Shills. They almost always layer the truth in their lies to spark that subconscious recognition. just a thought.

joanofsnark 6 points ago +6 / -0

I agree but I feel strongly that the answer is in teaching people how to do their own research and protecting information from disappearing and offsetting the dark psychology that twists information. That in my opinion means teaching people how to think for themselves and where to find accurate information as well as how to use the sieve of discernment for the gaslighting tin hatter psyop for information that got out. Excellent post and excellent points not to distract from your points at all but to add to because I think your spot on. Thank you for this excellent observation. Essentially how do we Q normies who aren’t like us? Hmmm How do we path find and turn sleepers into seekers? I am not certain but I am very sure that this would make it more difficult in the future for those seeking to deceive no matter their angle. JS

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think they are either puppets or just want to move the line and don’t care about the effects as long as they move the line. Most don’t even understand why they are overstepping because they drank the koolaid and think only they stand between the unwashed masses and disaster. Nothing scarier than someone thinking there doing good and working for totalitarianism

joanofsnark 8 points ago +8 / -0

This has been going on for thousands of years those outside the cabal have been unaware in mass only in the last 20 years have we been made aware and have the ability to come together to do something about proof that isn’t easily disappeared

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel this post so hard. I bounce between this and it is worth it if it allows children to be saved first ugh. Also I bounce between hang high and make them suffer to it doesn’t matter if I see it just as long as the monsters are stopped ideally to face God’s judgement. Children are beyond precious and they are the potential of our entire existence given in a vulnerable form. Each child not just mine calls me to want to nurture and protect and I truly truly do not understand how they can be used intentionally in ways that harm them. I pray I never ever do. What allows me patience is the idea that too fast too hard we can’t rebuild something better and safer and inadvertently deepen the reach and number of victims of these demonic puppets. To stop something worse and make permanent changes that is worth it. End the reign of terror once and for all. Otherwise we are just another cog in a wheel grinding down the most beautiful of all creations- the soul of innocence.

joanofsnark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah man I don’t have any more wagon wheels to trade for medicine

joanofsnark 7 points ago +7 / -0

I know all the theories but she seems like a genuinely kind and beautiful person.

joanofsnark 4 points ago +4 / -0

Truth. They need to replace God with the state in order to push through the type of totalitarianism communism requires

joanofsnark 1 point ago +1 / -0

What’s incredible is that we have reached a point of normalization that this is done by someone who will likely campaign again for something and is affiliated with a large party. That is what is worrisome. The fact that they are not even trying to hide the fact that they Openly despise God and Christian’s in particular. I don’t think they can help it. Someone once told me that you know your walk with God is strong when the demonic can’t help but rise up around you because you make it angry by your presence. When you are walking in such perfect alignment with what is true and holy they can’t maintain their facades that is a sign of God’s presence. So either we are restoring this republic back to right relationship and God is once again being given his proper place and those who despise this are unable to maintain this facade OR the Democratic Party genuinely thinks they don’t need the votes of Christian’s. Either way it isn’t a good look for them and to me speaks on proof that what is done in the dark is coming to light.

joanofsnark 8 points ago +8 / -0

I want 85% of the money I earned and saved and spent on a medical mafia that makes us sick iand dependent instead of cured returned. Money well spent if he was better sunk cost because I invested in lies. That alone will add real wealth back to a lot of people at this point I will settle for the cures instead

joanofsnark 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pasting because this is potentially excellent red pill ( black pill for the sweet little old lady types) useful .I was going to paste the full lyrics in the comments but I don’t want to add this low vibration filth to my mind long enough deal with it any longer than necessary -so here is a link. This isn’t punk btw it’s garbage. For those unfamiliar with punk don’t judge the whole genre by this and for those who like punk be prepared it is musical junk not even counting the lyrics. So know that if you actually try to hit the play button your ears might not thank you. https://genius.com/Laura-jane-grace-your-god-gods-dick-lyrics

joanofsnark 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was a longtime lurker too. Welcome out of the cold fren. Pull up a chair and get comfy it is a good place with really good people.

joanofsnark 6 points ago +6 / -0

the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

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