by penisse
JonathanE 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm struggling to find a current UK military badge that matches the one this guy is sporting.

Closest matches so far are ww2 eagle squadron (uk) and a US airforce colonel rank badge - and it isn't either of those.

Edit: Found the original :

The guy isn't military - total LARP

JonathanE 3 points ago +3 / -0

That ties in with the missing [i] in DURUNG.

JonathanE 1 point ago +1 / -0

Peering points with every other network on the planet.

It doesn't exist in isolation, it has to have a way to talk to other network providers and that all happens with BGP at the peering points.

JonathanE 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nice one, I was thinking DURUNG sounded a bit like DURHAM.

JonathanE 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm going to go with u/#q144

"US Risk This week GOD & COUNTRY"

Or perhaps u/#q753

Think image drop.

Think OP.

Think United.

When does a bird sing?

Everything has meaning.

JonathanE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people insist on being shown.

JonathanE 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unfortunately a lot of people have a herd mentality.

Here's a funny hypothesis for you to enjoy:

All energy comes from God, and is connected to God, but once it is cast in to the crucible of the material world it can be separated and purified and returned to source at the end of the process. (aka good people go to heaven).

However, there are now so many people God has to start promoting lower forms of energy before it's evolved over a long time, so now we get people ensouled with energy that was previously used to animate lower life forms, such as dogs and cats, but also lots of other less intelligent creatures, such as deer and lemmings.

This is why some people are 'old souls' and appear to be born with innate knowledge and understanding, whereas others seem newborn and have characteristics of the animals that their energy was previously used for.

Now, in the animal kingdom, it's a food pyramid, there are a lot more prey animals than predators, so it stands to reason the greater proportion of newly ensouled people have prey animal energy, and prey animals herd together for safety because they lived their lives in fear of the predators.

It may not be true, but it certainly explains a lot ;)

JonathanE 2 points ago +2 / -0

Words should read: I love you(r taxes)

JonathanE 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read a plea for help and responded, and no I didn't check his post history.

'Here' is what we make it. There still a lot of digging and fact checking and pattern spotting going on, we can do both when it's necessary.

JonathanE 1 point ago +2 / -1

So, when a fellow fighter is struggling, do you pause to give them aid, or do you just tell them to man up and disappear?

We need to look out for each other on occasion, otherwise we'd be the same as the fucking soulless caballists.

JonathanE 6 points ago +6 / -0

Human nature has thus far assured me that if AI takes over all the jobs, then there will still be arseholes at the top shitting on everyone else and keeping them poor.

JonathanE 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ok, yeah, that's an issue. Have you thought of selling your eldest off? (Just kidding!)

JonathanE 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just for comparison, I was in hospital once just when we were about to move house. I was rushed in with a grumbling appendix, was there three days all told, pretty dicey at one point.

My mother didn't come to see me because she'd made a commitment to play badminton and didn't want to let them down. The next day she text to say that the other person had cancelled and how pissed of she was!

Not only this, but my wife was having to cope with all this, plus getting everything ready to move house and my mother didn't offer to help once.

In the end I let my wife reply to my mothers text, it was a doozy..

"Fuck your selfish self". Said it all really :) Some people, no matter what we think we might owe them, really are selfish, and that's just the way they are.

JonathanE 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't want to sound like a **nt, but you need to wake the fuck up.

You're good nature has been taken advantage of. I totally understand where you are and why you feel the way you do, but this is a situation you can resolve, but you're going to have to do things that you aren't used to doing.

Number 1: Be calm, don't let anyone push your buttons.

Number 2: Take charge, if they don't like it they can fuck off, it's your house.

Seriously, my wife has, on occasion, resorted to being a ball busting bitch, but I finally had enough and put her straight on a few things.

Wasn't easy, but later she told me she actually appreciated it that I had taken charge and that if she'd been in my position she'd have given her ' a bang on the snout' (no lie, that's what she said).

I've never hit my wife, but fucking hell I've made it perfectly clear when she's pushed me to the edge of doing so.

I'm really tired and pissed off with people taking the piss out of my tolerance. Sometimes the lion needs to wake up and roar and let the other animals know who's the boss.

JonathanE 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've been talking about this with my wife recently.

Sometimes I know that something is out of place/important, without knowing why.

That the general election has been called for July 4th is important, somehow. I just haven't worked out why yet.

JonathanE 5 points ago +5 / -0

Looks manipulated to some degree. For example, where is the 'arm' in the bottom left version?

JonathanE 6 points ago +6 / -0

Even more so if they knew who Q+ is, but that one wigs me out too, if the theories are right :)

JonathanE 1 point ago +1 / -0

I appreciate the effort this took, but perhaps you should stop feeding your spiders alcholic red ink :)

JonathanE 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fair points, all.

However, during the late 90's there was a very clear indication that everyone was putting aside their differences and just getting along - If they hadn't 9/11'd us I think we would have woken up most people a lot sooner than this.

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