HIVEMIND? Alot agree here agree because of the work done by the leaders of this site out of trust. But the vets around here sit and argue with themselves all day its great.... thats why i lurked for soooo long. just listening to the arguments take care of them selves was enough. If anyone thinks about it whatever george is {was} lol opportunistic (sp) in their presentation also very fanboyish if thats a word. Peple think this was evspra but i could tell the high brass was reluctant to george. STIL.....ON YT.........UNWORTHY.
U may be right. We need hopium when things get stagnant. they seen it and went over the top....some sucked it up the opposite worked on some. The adults in the room are obvious. I like seeing george stuff once in a while. But waiting for a live chat like a high school girl waiting for the backstreet boys 20 yrsago is ridiculous. these guys took advantage. then when asked about it bans and crickets no explanation.
I never disliked GEORGE I actually like some of the content. But they seemed to be slinging hopium when nobody had any. the sure seemed to be privy to the situation and exploited the vague doubt that alot of us were feeling at the time. me being a hopium addict. thats why I am here.
"HEY THATS MY OLD GIN STILL THAT THE FEDS TOOK!!!!"......i swore to never change any thing. Not the design or the recipe. The liquor would make you see the future.....And then the feds raided me and took it away. ...........I hope it is being used for good.......
well i dont sea any sails.............never mind forget it. the thing you arent seeing is those boats ARE SAILS. How Does your Sailboat run with just a kicker motor?