koavf 7 points ago +15 / -8

He is a good mod but he could have handled it better.

koavf 27 points ago +33 / -6

Are you saying the mods are our superior officers?

I think that's where the weariness comes from, this weird sense of ego while telling us to let go of our ego.

by Evspra
koavf -1 points ago +1 / -2

paytriot is when they force you to turn off adblock or sign up to hear what they have to say or if they really pushed their merch/talcum powder hard

koavf 1 point ago +3 / -2

Trying to be fair here, .win uses Cloudflare and some have said that mods here banned them for mere disagreements over GEORGE which has as much anecdotal value as him saying that GEORGE banned him for asking questions.

koavf 7 points ago +8 / -1

"The whole world is LAUGHING at you guys."

Watch the left suddenly hate this sentence.

koavf 2 points ago +3 / -1

A whole bunch of third world countires had strings of bombings all in one day. Fishy fishy.

koavf 0 points ago +1 / -1

Honestly I feel bad for Greta, she was born into it. But lots of people we dislike were born into it before accepting it and going along with it.

She's definitely one of their more important shills, any criticism of her message or her consistency gets spammed with "yikes. cyber bullying an autistic girl. big man." or "at least she got the conversation going." as if global warming or climate change isn't brought up every week.

koavf 3 points ago +4 / -1

All that I don't like is hearing "GeorgeNews is hereby banned"

I understood the flat earth stuff, went against Q

I understood not allowing racism, keeps Voat shills and actual neonazi recruiters out

This just seems like powermod janny shit, like the mod over at Reddit NoNewNormal deciding that "antivax" stuff wasnt allowed until he was reigned in by the others. Is NeonRevolt banned next? Because he has been called a paytriot for having a merch store on the side.

I'm sure he has confidence in his own findings, but that doesn't automatically mean the whole .win suddenly agrees with him and it makes him look bad to declare a Q related topic banned. We can't read his mind and some of the evidence wasn't that compelling, it was interesting, but not compelling.

koavf 1 point ago +2 / -1

It will be funny then. I've been on Reddit for 15 years and could easily say this account is a spoof if they did. Maybe a socialist subreddit thread rips each other apart for trying to turn on each other and it puts the seeds of division in their heads to sprout later.

But really it's only glowies that come here to shill, the normie-commies avoid here because they think they might become "brainwashed", like an old church lady hiding out on halloween because she thinks it will make her into a satanist.

koavf 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks, I have a good thing going on Reddit under the same name. I test the waters all the time on subs that matter like conspiracy and push some straight up propaganda to see how they react. Most of the time they pass. I think I got the lefty way of typing down to a T.

koavf 5 points ago +6 / -1

All the doomers accounts come out of the woodwork, "Told you so/Waiting for your apology."

Doomer accounts do the shill tactic of copy and pasting the same comment in different threads. I always believed Tucker Carlson was more of a showman than we gave him credit for, but the shill accounts like anaconda copy pasting "Fuck Cucker" over and over again and then the minute TD turned he came out "I accept your apology, just listen to me from now on." made me think that it was undeserved and I kinda felt like ANTIFA got part of what they wanted, the downfall of Tucker Carlson. Of course, once the Tucker hate subsidedjt was time to move on to his lawyers, one by one.

You're right, even if you're joking. Mike Lindell is the only one left for them to turn on besides Trump, and even many bigger name glowie accounts there have openly turned on Trump. Funny how some were banned from TD for being weary of the sudden negativity, but Anaconda and the like can openly say "Fuck Trump, he fucked us. He isn't playing 5D chess guys. He doesn't even fully know what he is doing. He has no plan." and that's somehow not breaking Rule 1.

koavf 4 points ago +5 / -1

I never trust shit when I wake up one morning and everyone is dogpiling someone out of nowhere. It's what happened to TD when the antiQ people took a break and started focusing on Trump's team.

koavf 3 points ago +4 / -1

What if Biden is there to ruin trust in fed govt and restore faith in state and local govt?

koavf 0 points ago +2 / -2

Leftists will, with a straight face, tell you that not all socialists are marxists and that even marxists kill each other, but obviousy Hitler wasn't a socialist for one simple reason, he killed marxists.

If Hitler and Nazi Germany weren't the made into the cartoonish bad guys we know them today, lefties on Reddit would defend them saying "the CIA sabotaged their attempt at utopia by literally invading before they could finish."

Now, the only people who defend Nazis are racist socialists, never seen anyone defend Nazi Germany that didn't stand up and say "socialism works but it has to be white only" (basically half of voat) and obviously edgy teenagers don't count (the other half of voat).

koavf 11 points ago +12 / -1

While not the way I want him exposed, it's fun knowing that, based on what Q said, that sexual misconduct is just the cover for worse shit

koavf 1 point ago +2 / -1

i say this a lot to family and friends but I dont think that too many of the govt officials and politicians are "acting". I feel like they genuinely don't know what will happen tomorrow or if DC is locked down to protect them or imprison them, but since people, especially them, are predictable enough, they are being used and made to fall into perfectly set traps because, unlike Trump seemingly taking an L, the narcissists can't let their name be soiled so they work hard to keep their reputation which in turn makes them look worse.

koavf 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Execute Order 66"

I've mentioned it to my friends before, but I sometimes wonder if the plan has been attempted before and George Lucas wanted to get ahead of the story just in case.

I mean think about it, the Emperor alleges an "ancient cult that kidnaps and enslaves children are secretly controlling this Republic behind the scenes and attempted to assassinate me but their coup failed. We have now begun rounding the traitors up"

bit of a stretch but a fun one

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