koavf 24 points ago +24 / -0

"Nobody fucking talk, they got nothing on us" has probably been sent to many (602) cheap android phones right now

koavf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same thing with "no outside comms". I believe that just means to not make the connection that someone on twitter is Q, even if the account is definitely a backchannel. Probably is also a reminder to the extreme pedes that Q itself probably isn't leaving messages to them personally.

koavf 2 points ago +2 / -0

And this one claims to show it spelling out "You are already dead."


koavf 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems the video has something to do with a plague while someone claims the decoded message is "we are the antivirus".


koavf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Indeed, though they hardly ever kept up the narrative, they just ban those who question it so it looks like everyone agrees.

I'm genuinely curious what "They lost their biggest talking point and seem ready to fracture." means. It's probably similar to when a huge Q proof drops right on time like Myanmar or the many others over the years and the doomers and shills go "Qanon goes down in flames as Qtards realize the movement is bullshit." Desperate to make a proof look like the opposite so they go for the ad nauseum, confidently wrong assertions.

My favorite shill meme was back on Voat when the shills spammed Truman holding up the newspaper saying "QANON IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!" not realizing the irony of the meme, that its meant to mock the shills and not us Qtards/Qboomers/Qcumbers/Qanonsense folk

koavf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Since we are talking about the top minds, is anyone actually losing their mind over the new CDC guidance or are the top minds desperate to have their worldview confirmed? https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/nc8xzs/the_q_people_dont_know_what_to_make_of_the_cdc/?sort=controversial

koavf 2 points ago +2 / -0

California still in the bag, waiting to fall out

koavf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just went to McDonalds yesterday. Don't know if any of you believe in a "sixth sense" but I got the feeling to not drink one of the drinks and had the other one.

The person who had the one I didn't drink inmediately spit it out saying it tasted like booze, sure enough some fucking drunk worker put booze in it and gave it to us accidentally. This was at 8 in the fucking morning.

koavf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can Trump run in 2024 also if he declares the first two years as stolen from him? I would think it shouldn't count as a full term, especially if the Dems argue that Biden was legitimately installed. But similar to counting their slaves as 3/4ths of a citizen, the Dems will say, "No Biden cheated and Trump won, so this counts as his second term!"

That is if the Democrat party even exists after everyone finds out. It will probably dissolve itself.

koavf 1 point ago +1 / -0

but what if it truly isn't hurting anyone? I put lust in the same boat as greed. Is it greedy to accept 5 dollars to run a delivery for someone? Probably not. Is it greedy to rob someone at gunpoint? Most definitely.

Lust and sodomy I believe have been misinterpreted, God doesn't give a shit if two consenting adults do whatever to each other and willingly accept whatever comes from it, at least not what he has told me through prayer. God cares about people forcing others to do things they don't want to. These people forcing vaccines on us are guilty of lust because it tickles their perversions and they don't want to give us a choice in the matter.

koavf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where We Go One

We Go All

yes sir

koavf 2 points ago +2 / -0

shills* I've made up my mind, this guy is the same shill that tried and failed to try this a couple months ago

u/2820928 tried the exact same thing with the same wording and the same excuse "im just sharing the love of God bro" except the only love of God they apparently know is that God dislikes sodomy, according to them. It seems like they are more obsessed with sodomy than anyone else here lol

Same defense too, almost like an atheist Redditor who doesn't know how this site works or a dude plainly in denial that his post could not be liked by some other people, they must be heathens. "Dude, it has a 300 upvotes and only 5 downvotes, how is that divisive? clearly the majority of people agree with me. Read the comments bro, overwhelming majority agree with me." Except most posts get zero downvotes, and also thats clearly not the case since half of the comments are negative towards this post, aka very divisive. Plus, I tried to downvote and it wouldn't register, and that's after finally figuring out how to do it, so who knows what the real count is.

Only difference is the last iteration had this fucking line they constantly used on multiple posts, "Haha my flair says 'every shill downvote is an upvote' so this post actually has 310 upvotes and literally everyone agrees with me."

There is no fucking way someone is THAT obsessed with turning this site into a gay stoning "for the love of God and Jesus Christ" and isn't here to forum slide or distract us (and it's kinda working).

I just hope OP knows that it's one of the Ten Commandments to not use the Lord's name in vain, so they better be careful with how much they say "God bless your heart. I hope you learn to love God someday" with an insincere tone, since other people "sinning" means oh so much to them. Also pride, like believing God has a special spot in heaven just for them for judging others, while professing that God loves everyone equally. It's Matthew 7:22+23, but apparently they only know the one verse from Leviticus. (I would also add that the whole "I hope you learn to be a good person some day" is 100% Reddit leftist talk, for what its worth)

I'm sorry to make you read all that stuff if you did lol it's just such an obvious forum sliding tactic disguised as "harmless off topic preaching" that I have a hard time believing it got to the front page, though it was apparently posted in the middle of the night when mods were asleep so it makes more sense.

koavf 1 point ago +2 / -1

isn't Seattle/Portland supposed to be the "testing ground" for the civil war?

Seems like we might see it start getting tested in SF or NYC and later other states, if they need to that is, before the real deal.

koavf 1 point ago +2 / -1

Funny enough, I think the book of mormon calls black people "undecided" as in they couldn't choose heaven or hell, while white people are supposed to be the ones who picked heaven but still had to be tested on Earth still. Gee, I wonder why they don't teach that anymore lmao

It's just funny how prideful OP acts while apparently being convinced that God has a VIP seat waiting for him and people just like him, no one else. I tried to show him some verses from his infallible Bible that mention how dangerous pride is and using the Lord's name in vain or for selfish reasons but of course he "doesn't argue with homos". Either a fake christian shill to make others look bad or genuinely attaches this part of his life to his entire identity and not believing 100% the exact same thing is a mortal sin, could be either based on post history.

I know a dude irl like that, some youtube video told him that the bible says the earth is flat and that genes dont get passed down so of course me explaining how genetics works is "blasphemy" because "I believe God didnt make humans perfect the first time." You can't get past these people once they have decided a universal truth for themselves, like trying to convince a lefty that Trump supporters don't want genocide and that they hate Nazis too, they alread decided the opposite and nothing will shake them from it.

koavf 9 points ago +9 / -0

"Guise stop calling it theater! We only have then wear it on camera to pressure others to wear it. Nuh uh thats not theater!"

koavf 8 points ago +8 / -0

I remember an old Sims gameboy game that had the main character "Daddy Bigbucks" plot to take over the town using a time machine and charge people for the air they breathe. In the name of "public safety" he also criminalized running, and most people hated the law but were okay with it if it increased "public safety".

Truth is stranger than fiction it seems.

koavf 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looked like there was a shill wave and people were loving it, so we needed a reminder of what we are really fighting for.

koavf 0 points ago +2 / -2

Remember when this happened a few months ago? Almost the exact same post word for word, during the whole mod crisis. We literally brought the daily prayer thread back so people could keep off topic "Christian" posts off the front page.

This stuff sickens me because I am Christian and I wish the mods would keep that stuff on christianity.win. This has nothing to do with Q other than, according to OP, Q once said the words "God" and "Satan".

Would they apply the same logic to black people? Because blacks tend to mostly vote democrat, and a lot them are rapists and pedophiles. Therefore we should distrust any black pede apparently.

Personally I think OP is the same dude who posted basically this exact post last time but got banned. He even recognized me by an ancient comment of mine calling myself a "gay pede" and used the same logic that "not a redditor" guy did, "but this post only got 4 downvotes therefore its not divisive because everybody agrees." only the last guy said "this post is not divisive because it only got 12 downvotes and every shill downvote is an upvote so everyone agrees". Refused to listen to the fact that virtually no post on this website gets downvoted, at least not past 1.

It might be a real pede who just loves the bible sooo much and thinks "The Bible is infallible, I believe the Bible, therefor my beliefs are infallible." but im thinking HuffPost reporter trying the same thing again. Either way it reads way to preachy (preachier than my own comment lol) and reminds me of those lefty shills on reddit who post shit like "r/mildlyinteresting: Trump bankrupted x casinos" then when they get scolded for being off topic or posting something political they say "but the place is called mildly interesting and this is mildly interesting." You know they are up to no good either because they respond to every comment with a snarky tone, like an effeminate gay guy. They are clearly there to preach and drive a narrative and don't care if they are breaking site rules, for some reason THEY MUST post there as if their desperate message isnt being heard anywhere else.

koavf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its like the Matrix, we cant save everyone unfortunately. Heck, some Trump supporters still fall for their tricks, I know I have.

This was mostly to refer to patriots, if they are patriots then they shouldnt and couldnt be pedophiles or communists. and us patriots need to stick together no matter what the other patriot might have or be that they cant help. Althought rare, it seems like I have seen too many things recently that are people trying to hijack the movement for their own selfish, "benevolent" message including voat nazi people trying to tell us to not associate with different skin tones and more recently people trying to throw gays in with pedophile rapists. They don't even try to connect it to Q. Q warned us about people hijacking the movement for their own needs, and I don't think they need to ask for money to be hijackers.

koavf 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hopefully. It seems like a lot of us have forgotten why we are here and are starting to turn on each other, but I have made the mistake of not ignoring the division and it made me a little concerned.

This website is still going strong for the most part.

koavf 5 points ago +5 / -0

Whatever your personal beliefs are you need to set them aside, if your neighbor isn't a pedo or an "elite" but is a loving patriot, than you need to put aside your differences and work together. This goes for all of us, myself included.

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