Man, controlling rouge agencies. You sure know how to make a fella blush ...
2023 documentary on alterations of frames in the Zapruder film.:
Btw, this full version of the film really shows where people were running to - instinctively - just after the shooting. Even continuing into the railyard behind the fence.
This carries weight for me in the claims of a frontal shot from the "Grassy Knoll".
This French copy, restored, is one of the best versions available.
I used to have every frame from this French copy as a still image. This version was the first time I had seen President Kennedy's head move forward slightly just before the shot from the front, matching James Files' account of where he was aiming, and what he saw through the scope (watch Grassy Knoll on Amazon: one of the best documentaries on the assassination, and the one I believe is closest to who and what was involved. The Men Who Killed Kennedy series is also very good).
As for the SS driver taking the shot, with due respect to Bill Cooper, I don't believe this account. Perhaps it was an ONI cointel op.
With everything else being shrouded in layers of deception and secrecy, why in the world would you risk that, out in the open in a crowd of potential witnesses? Makes no sense. What he describes as the driver firing a gun over his right shoulder is nothing more than a sun reflection off the pomade (top of the head) of the agent in the passenger seat, imo.
Anyway, I've had interest in this tragic event since 1988, the 25th anniversary - the end of innocence for me personally.
Here's a summary video from ETAC regarding the CCP's illicit industry:
The term "organ harvesting" began to be used noticeably around 2006 when news emerged that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was tissue-typing Falun Gong practitioners in forced-labor camps around China to create a database of living prisoners of conscience (who, through meditation and practice, and abstention from smoking, drinking and other vices, generally had healthy organs).
CCP and PLA backed hospitals advertised on the Internet a state-sponsored program of providing hearts, kidneys, corneas. lungs, etc. within weeks, instead of years (China has no organ donation program). Basically, when an order was placed, that person was ordered killed for the organs.
This was exposed through practitioners, NGOs and government officials, and the hospital websites were taken down, but the program continued - and still does.
ETAC is a great resource for information on this:
There are a few documentaries out about this (Human Harvest, Hard To Believe, among others), some available on Youtube.
I volunteered to host a showing in Colorado, and visited communities to share this information and help expose the atrocities. I met families who experienced this, and the stories are real.
China has helped spread this evil market around the world, including institutionalizing through the communist-led state apparatus the industry of organ harvesting. It is pure evil.
Nice to have adults in the room in a social media world. This type of character and professionalism has to be cultivated and developed for oneself, and then naturally manifests in moments like this. It instills confidence.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, fren.
Yes, to be awakened comes at a cost, and one must choose: Cypher or Neo?
If you come here to stay, the choice is made. I wish you well on your journey ...
Made me laugh. On point : ]
Truth. It'll happen when it needs to happen, in the timeline of The Great Awakening
Don't be lyin' to the pubic...
Yea, whatever. I think I'm going with Team Trump, and the Plan; the people doing the work, risking their lives for this country, and making it happen.
Internet prattle. Ignore it. Take morsels from those you like, but know that, in general, they don't know or understand anything. Just glimpses, like you and I
Trust the president and the plan. Have faith.
Perhaps we can reserve that for the Christmas holiday season. I get to feelin' that way with all the good eatin'...
I tend to lean towards him being a Mossad asset. But I believe there are many Mossad assets within the halls of the US Government.
Much like when discussing the JFK assassination over the decades, I like to make a small - but significant - correction, when referring to "the Government" did this, and the "US" did that.
More accurately: "rogue elements within the US government" did this or that. The importance of this distinction should be obvious, but it also puts responsibility back on us, we the people. We allowed the subversion, caught up in our own comforts and achievements. For a constitutional republic requires vigilance from its citizenry. It requires courage, duty and vigilance.
"A republic, if you can keep it" is on us, we the people. It's our duty.
Nah, I think I can do hockey and we save the world at the same time. You do you, amigo.
I like it with the music
Fighting is part of hockey. It doesn't get out of control, and comes with penalties. But there is an intensity to this sport that allows it. Either you get it, or you don't.
They sent a message because they're proud, competitive, and love their country. It's a sight to see.
Still pure gold, and 100% American: Raw, unvarnished truth
Whew, lad. Now THAT's some nimble navigation...
Support their work, and click on their link:
Of course it is. The theatrics, the hat tip to V for Vendetta to pull us in. It's psyop 101.
The real jedis are Elon and DOGE. They don't need to showboat. They just strike, breathlessly.
Tell me: which one is having the real effect?
Holster that before you hurt yourself.
An incredible post. It's been a long time since I've read something so impactful, and with my background and experience, I truly appreciate the breadth and scope when describing this "extinction-level" event. They never saw this coming. Breathtaking.
Thank you for the behind-the-scenes insight.
Can we just bury this nothingburger, and get back to real business?
- Accused of nazi salute
- not a nazi salute (more "Hail Caesar" to me - a nervous energy moment)
- see others did it and you say nothing (what do you expect?)
Anything else to mine in this distraction?
Spot on.