Go read the book. It's in Isaiah. Hint: Egypt is the US, Assyria are the Global elite, and Zion are the based, righteous few (not the Jews). A few of the characters are yet to come; those being the king of Assyria/Babylon like Nebuchadnezzar who is the Antichrist, and the (right) Arm of the Lord, an empowered servant and messiah who defeats the Antichrist and saved the world after a cleansing destruction.
I remember hearing or reading that it happened in each animal group: ferrets, cats and rhesus monkeys; that in each group most or all animals succumbed to immune overload due to antibody-dependent enhancement/pathogenic priming
I'm very close to this and it's devastating. I just found out the true history of the Church. It was, it seems, Brigham Young or friends who murdered an innocent man, Joseph Smith, to cover their sins of Polygamy WHICH HE PREACHED AGAINST, and then took whomever would follow them out west to Utah. I'm of the Utah tradition and descended from polygamy, which was FRAUDULENTLY ATTRIBUTED to Joseph Smith. Yes there have long been evils hiding in the Church. Abuse toward women and children is common and covered up, BUT there are many who are saints INDEED and are the salt of the earth.