mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

How old are you and your husband?

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's because people didn't vote for Joe Biden, they voted against Trump. Most Dems don't like Biden, he was just considered the lesser of two evils.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's true. If you look into rare vaccine side effects of the past, they typically occurred within a 2-3 month window of being administered, not years later.

Everything is dumb to the ignorant.

mahcaw -3 points ago +1 / -4

The rare occurrences of myocarditis have only happened within a week of being vaccinated, so I'm fine.

That's a hilarious comment though, going to show it to my friend, thank you.

mahcaw -4 points ago +1 / -5

Nope, I'll be fine.

Historically, with all vaccines, possible negative reactions have only occurred 2-3 months after being vaccinated.

I'm going 1+ year now and totally fine, so is everyone I know.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ok, maybe big pharma, the entire Democratic Party, the media, big tech and Hollywood really do have your best interest at heart lol

I never said that.

I understand, you do you.

mahcaw -4 points ago +1 / -5

Here's an anecdotal sample size from my area:

Last year (January) I got vaccinated, so did my entire department (100+ people), and my family, girlfriend, and her family.

If just 1% of people from those 100+ were harmed, then at least 1 person in that group would have been harmed.

Everyone is totally fine.

If you don't like anecdotal information, you don't have to trust Pfizer to look at empirical data. There's thousands of state hospitals reporting these days, and they're overwhelmingly in favor of the vaxx.

mahcaw -4 points ago +1 / -5

Unvaxxed hardly feel any effects of covid when they get it. Vaxxed feel all of it.

This is not empirical evidence, it's just your anecdotal opinion.

For example, my gym buddy, a college student, got Covid before the vaccine was available. He almost died and told me he was close to being put on a vent. My 96 yr. old grandma got Covid, after getting vaccinated, and just had cold symptoms.

But again, that's anecdotal information. You have to look at the empirical evidence, which is overwhelmingly in favor of the vaccine.

mahcaw -5 points ago +1 / -6

Reading comprehension, please use it.

Again, the vaccine doesn't prevent people from getting Covid, it's just preventing people from dying from it.

mahcaw -5 points ago +1 / -6

The vaccine doesn't prevent them from getting Covid, it just prevents them from dying from it. So unless one of those 30 people died, the vaccine possibly did work.

mahcaw 0 points ago +2 / -2

Lol sure dude, everyone disagrees with you, but your views aren't wrong, it's society that's the problem. Spoken like a true narcissist.

mahcaw 0 points ago +2 / -2

Obviously this is NOT the case, from a biological perspective we are a sexually dimorphic species and males are larger. Also, watching animals, most of situations show males leading (with very few exceptions and sure enough in those exceptions women ARE larger).

Human beings (and all organic life) are so complex in shapes, sizes, colors, function. It's odd that you view them like assembly-line products.

mahcaw 0 points ago +2 / -2

There's a ton of poor reporting being spread--specifically from random bloggers using free Wordpress sites--so that's why I was offering my anecdotal experience.

Also, all of VAERS is user-reported and rarely followed up. I could say that Covid caused me to grow an extra arm and VAERS would allow me to submit it.

mahcaw -2 points ago +2 / -4

Here's an anecdotal sample size from my area:

Last year (January) I had to get vaccinated for work, so did my entire department (100+ people), and my family, girlfriend, and her family.

If just 1% of people from those 100+ were harmed then at least 1 person in that group would have been harmed.

Everyone is totally fine.

mahcaw 0 points ago +2 / -2

I think it will slowly collapse over 3 years, either way holding fiat cash is pointless if it loses all its value.

IF is the key word here. For decades, people have been wondering if the fiat is going to collapse, but it's ludicrous to think it would happen in the next 3 years, or even in 10 years. The banks and billionaires, propped up by the government, do not want the fiat to collapse and will do anything to prevent it from happening.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

Last year, there were people on this board that believed with 100% certainty that the economy was going to collapse by the summer of 2021 🙄. Why would you try to convince your wife of the same thing? How does it even convince you?

mahcaw 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yes, unfortunately, Covid causes neurological issues. I am extra cautious because I have epilepsy.

mahcaw -2 points ago +1 / -3

Light flickering or light distortion can sometimes lead to seizures if you're epileptic, I don't understand what the point of this post is.

mahcaw 0 points ago +2 / -2

That job sounds terrible. A medical mask is not the same as a gas mask for chemical debris from an industrial building. Medical masks just reduce moisture droplets from breathing, which is why OP can use them.

mahcaw 0 points ago +2 / -2

The regular blue medical ones are worn by my nurse friends 8-10 hours a day, they work fine. These kind, oxygen levels at 99.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

The vaccine isn't a force field from the virus. Your post proved the point of vaccines actually, because it's supposed to turn the virus into cold-like symptoms, instead of a trip to the hospital.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can still carry Covid, vaccinated or unvaccinated, it's not shedding. The difference is that your brother and sister probably didn't get "hit by a truck" like you did, they just got regular cold symptoms.

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