People who have enough of a viral load to pass on the measles whooping cough and tb have obvious symptoms.
They're saying I could be a carrier and not know it and then pass it on to someone weak and kill them.
Which is insane.
Yeah, the same type of fermentation happening in our gut as at the brewers. But it's produced IN the body more than BY the body.
The ethanol produced is a waste product that is excreted. Endocannabinoids are actually used by the central nervous system and immune system.
The relationship between opiods and seratonin and thc and other cannabinoids are quite obviously not the same. Your strawman is ridiculous. My argument is sound.
There are plenty of medical benefits from thc, cbd and other cannabinoids. And marijuana is not only natural, but you don't need to process it with solvents the way you need to process poppies to make heroin. You just let it dry. That's it.
We were comparing ethanol. A poison things produce when they rot. To marijuana, a plant that produces anti inflammatory bioactive compounds.
You know what else is full of beneficial bioactive compounds? Food.
And "exactly" what?? The body produces its own vitamin K, does that mean we don't need to ingest it? Talk about a ridiculous argument.
To compare Alcohol and Opium to Marijuana in that way demonstrates nothing other than your lack of knowledge of all three.
Ethanol is a poison diluted to be tolerable.
The human body produces its own cannabinoids, beneficial anti-inflammatory compounds.
The fact that people use both marijuana and alcohol for recreational purposes isn't relevant. They're completely different in nature.
Lying to your wife because of what you think she can or can't handle it is not biblical.
Telling the truth no matter how it hurts people is biblical.
You can tell the truth without sharing all the gory details.
But pretending there isn't evil so people feel better is how we got into this situation.
I had higher expectations when I chose the woman I'm spending the rest of eternity with. You're advising men to marry weak fools they don't respect. Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it's sound advice.
And I'm sure He does, just like the rest of us. He's the one who gave you free will after all.
Whine whine whine "I didn't have a choice"
Except you chose to marry him. You chose to leave eventually, you could have sooner. You chose to live in Los Angeles, one of the most expensive places in the country.
You willingly send your kids to a place you think they are in danger.
You're a total piece of shit.
That's not a personal attack. It's a fact, and none of your attempts to victimize yourself is going to work. Your arguments aren't worth responding to directly because we operate on different PREMISES.
There are 0 reasons for cameras and every one we have should be removed. It's not an acceptable thing and you act like it's a given. No way.
And read the WHOLE thread.
People don't want cameras.
Maybe that's why you tried to insult me and do the whole "this says more about you than it does about me" bullshit.
If you don't homeschool your kid, I'm judging you. And I think you're selfish and a dumbass. But we already knew that Miss Democrat.
No they don't.
No they fucking don't.
Making ends meet doesn't mean 2 cars, smart phones, a room for everyone in the family, internet in the house, a vacation every couple years.
People act like they are working 2 jobs and living in a shack like Charlie's family in Willy Wonka.
You're selfish, spoiled, superficial and delusional if you are sending your kids to government school. You don't care what happens to them. Of course people like that would be stupid enough to think cameras will fix anything 🙄
No, I live alone under a rock.
If it's PMS then regulate her diet and exercise better.
But if your kid is melting down when the internet goes off there's much more at play.