mj1979x 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll definitely be looking in to Frankspeech at least!

mj1979x 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry to hear what happened to your grandma. My wife's grandmother got the jab (Pfizer) and a week later was diagnosed with covid. A week after that and she was dead. After this her children who had been caring for her all seem to have gotten covid. I feel like we're in for a world of hurt and that the hyped "3rd wave" is really just a byproduct of these genetic therapy shots.

mj1979x 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very well done standing up for what you believe in and your rights. If more people did the same instead of going along to get along then we'd rapidly turn the tide of this covid tyranny around the world! God bless.

mj1979x 6 points ago +7 / -1

My favorite is when I read some shill's post attacking Q that makes it incredibly obvious they've never really read Q drops themselves or are purposefully ignoring them to throw shade on the whole movement.

mj1979x 3 points ago +3 / -0

Credible and educated theory. Praying for our nation and that these corrupt evil doers face justice for their betrayal.

mj1979x 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can someone get this guy a valium and a bag of popcorn for the show? You seriously think your buddy Beijing Biden and the most demonic party in US history can openly steal an election after treasonously using the state apparatus to attempt to remove a duly elected President of the United States of America and NOT have massive blowback? It's not coming from just hillbillies you poor stereotypically misguided progressive elitist with a superior intellect complex! It's coming from every red blooded American who still believes in the United States Constitution and the values that built the economy you're boasting about. How long will that last if your ideology has it's way? Here's a hint, read a history book not produced by the global elite who are erasing history faster than you can zip up your onsie! You think you're on the right side of history here? You better wake up before you meet your maker after suffering the boot of global communism crashing down on your neck after you begged for it and celebrated it like a brain washed useful idiot!

mj1979x 20 points ago +20 / -0

God bless you! He is the Way the Truth and the Life! We truly are in a battle between good and evil and the battle is fierce but take heart! We know the end of the story.

mj1979x 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm also seeing infiltrators trying to paint our movement violent on Gab and CloutHub.

mj1979x 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds about right, that. Plenty of video evidence of true Trump supporters / Patriots trying to stop what was happening. Sure there may have been a handful of malcontents who were carried away by the incitement coming from Agent Provocateurs planted on the scene by our ideological enemies but the idiotic, treasonous, mockingbird media ignores the fact there were somewhere between 500k to 1 million people at the rally and the vast majority of those were peaceful. If they wanted to take the Capitol they could have!

mj1979x 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right they take out the people we know are in the thick of things but leave many large, well known conservative accounts. It just makes me wonder if there's some kind of deal, spoken or unspoken, within the establishment where they can talk the talk to a certain point but no further and they're allowed to exist and make money off the people.

mj1979x 1 point ago +2 / -1

You guys ever wonder why a ton of small patriot accounts get whacked on Twitter but some of the big "conservative" accounts keep sailing? I'm not lumping Project Veritas in with establishment conservatives but it makes me scratch my head when they survive the Twitter purge while millions are wiped off the map. Perhaps it's simply because PV takes them to court?

mj1979x 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol thanks for the laugh! :)

mj1979x 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can be explained purely by ideology or even occult control as well. Why did the NBA and NFL and even patriotic stalwart MLB dive in to the BLM narrative and give in to the plandemic? People who are sold out to the Marxist cause have infiltrated all over the place. They're proving they don't care about the money anymore. You're definitely right about the blackmail too, I just don't think they care anymore.

mj1979x 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thanks for the encouragement and information! It is definitely a confusing time as most of us scramble to stay connected to one another and to good source info! God bless WWG1WGA

mj1979x 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's on Gab. ✌

mj1979x 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're definitely in constant information warfare. I find myself increasingly frustrated hearing the lies over and over and watching friends and family shuffling through life regurgitating the official narrative and making their major choices based off the false information. I've got acquaintances who parrot word for word the Great Reset talking points and act like they're thinking for themselves! It gets exasperating. These days it is my faith in God and the truth of His word that keeps me moving forward with courage. God bless you all and God bless the United States of America. May truth win the day!