mmtwo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Shortly before 10 a.m., the police said: “In the Karolinenplatz area, police officers fired shots at a suspicious person; the person was hit.” There are currently no indications of any other suspects.

mmtwo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Like they are currently and all ready stationed snipers to neutralize the shooters. remember Germany has been a migrant shit show for years now kind of what's going on here in the States.hopfully it won't spread to other countries. But I saw a post in the last 2days about a i.c.e. officer telling us Americans to arm ourselves.keep eyes open and head on a swivel fren.

mmtwo 4 points ago +4 / -0

BREAKING NEWS: MASSIVE HAPPENIG IN MUNICH: SHOTS FIRED SHOTS FIRED https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/480668713

mmtwo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything with him Flynn and or Miller? like together on anything?

mmtwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

looks off in that video. staged or fake?? Could it be fake? Babak Taghvaee writes for @PtisiMagazine , @IsraelHayomHeb & @AFMonthly. this has the 40 babies vibes .

mmtwo 4 points ago +4 / -0

JOE PIENTKA has 24 hours to come out as the MOTHER OF ALL WHISTLEBLOWERS OR FACE RETRIBUTION for his transgressions. might be good to see.kek

mmtwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joseph Pientka, III: Mother of All Whistleblowers? Or biggest coward in the FBI's history?

IVAN RAIKLIN SEP 02, 2024 Who is Joe Pientka III?

In honor of Augst being Joe Pientka Awareness Month, we will deep dive into the role Special Agent Joe Pientka III played in fomenting our country’s current constitutional crisis. An FBLIE agent once tasked with upholding the law, Pientka's actions during the infamous 2016 Illegal spying operation Crossfire Hurricane investigation have left a stain on the bureau's reputation, yet again, one that echoes through the halls of justice and the minds of those who believe in the rule of law.
In the annals of American law enforcement, few names have stirred as much controversy and intrigue as that of Joe Pientka III. In this article we are going to go through what exactly was Joe Pientka’s role in the crossfire Hurricane investigation, spying on General Flynn, entrapping General Flynn, and overall discrediting an incoming duly elected president nefariously, all while using taxpayer funding. We will also discuss how Joe is being rewarded instead of disciplined for his erroneous work and wrongdoing that may meet the threshold for treason.

California Dreaming

Sources tell me that Joe Pientka III is either still currently working at the San Franscisco Field office of the FBLIE Or is on the cusp of retirement:

450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102-9523


Moving out to California happened AFTER it became clear that he used improper politically biased sources to fill out paperwork and obtain a FISA Warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign with fraudulent emails from Kevin Clinesmith and bogus assessments from Crossfire Hurricane Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten who later was the recipient of the Biden Criminal Syndicate Laptop who played a critical role as the Supervisory Intelligence Analyst at the Foreign Influence Task Force to coordinate the Censorship Industrial Complex. It’s par for the course lately among the DOJ where one is clearly unethical, immoral and illegal, yet they give them a raise, a promotion and a cushy relocation to beautiful California! Or was it deliberate so that he could coordinate the censorship industrial complex from the San Francisco Field Office of the FBLie in Nancy Pelosi’s back yard while former General Counsel of the FBLie would become the Deputy General Counsel of Twitter 1.0.

If you’re new to this Substack and need other examples, look to the treatment of Michael Byrd (who was promoted to Captain, housed in lavish hotels at taxpayer expense to ensure he was untouchable) who killed Ashley Babbit in the US House chamber. Recall Yogananda Pittman, Director of Intelligence for the Capital Police (cushy retirement arrangement, transfer to Berkely CA with a raise) who demonstrably let chaos reign by being at a minimum derelict in her duties on Jan 6, 2021, or likely intentionally facilitated the breach of the US Capitol that day at the direction of Nancy Pelosi.

Once it became clear the start of the unprecedented treasonous endeavor known as Crossfire Hurricane originated with fraudulently filed paperwork resulting in a FISA warrant to Watergate-style spy on the Trump Campaign as they made their way to the White House, the agent responsible was apparently met with applause and commendation! There was absolutely no accountability or rebuke for Joe Pientka III initiating the political hit job that cost tax payers millions and hobbled President Trump’s first term with scandal that though proven fallacious, continues to this day in leftist rhetoric and propaganda, known in the vernacular as “Russia, Russia, Russia”. Joe Pientka was quietly transferred to illustrious San Francisco. And he disappeared from public life completely in 2021! His pictures and name has been completely scrubbed from the internet. However, it appears there is one pictures available:
The Man Behind the Badge

Joe Pientka III was no ordinary agent. Stationed in the heart of the FBLie's operations, his role was pivotal during the most politically charged investigations in FBLie history. But what sets Pientka apart isn't just his involvement but the manner in which he conducted himself, weaving a web of actions that cannot be attributed to mere incompetence and stupidity, (sorry Joe). Taking into account his actions as summarized here, I assess with a high degree of certainty that his actions were purposely deceptive.
The Crossfire Hurricane Conundrum

Crossfire Hurricane, the FBLie's code name for its investigation into alleged ties between Trump's campaign and Russia, was supposed to be a beacon of impartial justice. However, under Pientka's watch, what unfolded was less about uncovering truth and more about orchestrating a narrative. His actions, as revealed through declassified documents and testimonies, suggest a man more interested in protecting himself and crafting a truthful wholistic story of the weaponization of the Government against it’s policical existential threat.

Deceptive Practices Unmasked

• Role in Flynn January 24, 2017 Interview: Pientka was one of the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn in the early days of the Trump administration. Although Pientka didn’t think General Flynn lied, he sat quietly and observed the political persecution continue knowing it was a complete bogus scam by his colleagues Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Lisa Page, Pete Strzok, Kevin Clinesmith, Catherine Seamen and others.

• Selective Briefing, AKA spying on General Flynn, on Behalf of Comey/McCabe: Pientka was present during Trump's intelligence briefing in August 2016, where he paid special attention to any mention of Russia, not as an impartial observer but as a gatherer of intelligence against Trump. This wasn't about national security; it was about entrapment. When Hillary Clinton was investigated regarding Benghazi and her personal email server, she was told of the situation through official channels while being allowed to have lawyers during the questioning. In stark contrast, Flynn was under the impression he was getting his usual security briefing, when in fact Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok were there to collect any information, they could use in support of their Crossfire Hurricane endeavor. To get Trump impeached, discredited, and otherwise hobble him as a duly elected leader of the United States.

• Gen Flynn Fly Trap, as incoming National Security Advisor and President, General Flynn should have been alerted that the FBI was concerned about his ties to Russia, they should have been provided lawyers and other official requirements relating to interagency investigation. Instead, FBI Director Comey sent Pientka and the infamous Peter Strzok to surprise General Flynn and interview him with the intent of finding something to hold against him. As per Assistant Director of the FBLie Bill Priestap, “Are we to get Flynn fired or to get him to lie?”

• Use of Briefings for Investigation: Documents and reports have indicated that Pientka was involved in using counterintelligence briefings given to then-candidate Trump and his team, including Flynn, as opportunities to gather information for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. This has raised concerns about the propriety of using such briefings, which are typically meant for national security education, not for investigative purposes of presidential campaigns.

• The Clinton Plant Intelligence: Interestingly, during the Crossfire Hurricane operation Pientka was never shown intelligence suggesting the entire investigation might have been a political maneuver by the Clinton campaign. This omission does not appear to be an oversight; it looked more to be a deliberate act of deception by the FBLie.

o Caveat Though Special Agent Peter Strzok was clearly aware of the source of information, Pientka may have learned that the Clinton’s campaign and the DNC funded the Steel Dossier when Durham informed him of this in 2021. Could he be the Mother of All Whistle blowers, or complicit with this chaotic lawlessness wreaking havoc on the bureau’s reputation?

The Aftermath and Accountability

The repercussions of Pientka's actions are still being felt. His role in what many now see as a politically motivated witch hunt has not only tarnished the FBLIE's image but has also fueled a deep-seated distrust in government institutions.

A Call to Action

To those who still believe in the sanctity of the law, in the idea that justice should be blind, Pientka's story is a wake-up call. It's a reminder that within the very institutions meant to protect us, individuals can stray, driven by motives far removed from the oaths they swore.


Joe Pientka III's saga isn't just about one man's deviation from their oath: it's a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, accountability, and reform within our law enforcement agencies. The law must not only be upheld but seen to be upheld without bias or deceit. For those like Pientka, the choice is clear: face the consequences of your actions or step forward as a whistleblower, not for personal gain, but for the restoration of trust in American justice.

This isn't just about Pientka; it's about ensuring that the FBLie stops working for political interests and starts serving the American People and enforcing the Law. The time for reckoning is now. There must be Retribution, and Joe Pientka has an opportunity to go down as a hero if he becomes a whistleblower by September 3, 2024. Otherwise, the American people will treat him as a seditious co-conspirator that spearheaded the Illegal Crossfire Hurricane coverup operation.

JOE PIENTKA has 24 hours to come out as the MOTHER OF ALL WHISTLEBLOWERS OR FACE RETRIBUTION for his transgressions. He is more than welcome to join the #MotherOfAllTwitterFiles Twitter Space at 8pm EST Sep 3, 2024 to make his announcement in front of the whole world: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqGovzwZdAKv

mmtwo 1 point ago +1 / -0

it was very strange. nothing to see here. kek.it was around the time for deadman switch. and there was a massive internet outtage around the same time.

mmtwo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, didn't it fall on it's own footprint like wtc-7? Edit... Weird right?

mmtwo 5 points ago +5 / -0

remember that building in florida that did a wtc-7 move. was that to keep the deadmans switch from triggering the release?

mmtwo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn't mean I needed help with research about chemtrails. I meant it's hard to get any good feedback on any topic on conspiracy.win. seems to be less than 50 ppl on that board. And I'm a little hesitant to download those links.sorry. but thx for the feedback fren

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