What's the charge for unintended nocturnal emissions??
Pedo Detector go "Ping", "Ping","Ping".
Thank you for your enquiry. Your personal FBI Agent is currently unavailable. Your post has been placed in a queue and will be responded to by the first available He/Shee/It soon to be former employee. It may take some time.
Hey, Norwegian Ship's Captain, why didnt you call on the Norge air force to strafe the survivors and complete your utter total disregard for the law of the sea?
I especially like the hanged man one leg away from swinging. "No leg to stand on"?
A R M Y ! In hangman style. I did not catch thay thanks for pointing it out.
Well, he has had plenty of practice 'talking trash', lets see how he goes picking it. Bet he'll be sour.
At this melt rate, Lemon is gonna run out of juice soon
This is the way.
I thought the kenyan preferred a paddle to the back of the head. Maybe that's Mike's preference...
"Ah did not have travel arrangements with that island".
"45" is the last legitimately elected President. "46" is a fraudulently installed puppet.
Gotta drop this here in light of the events unfolding "Future proves past"
Eggs fried in the bacon drippings..... damn! Now im hungry.
Hot dogs are a personal choice. With the red ones, straight boil in lightly salted water with a teaspoon of white vinegar, served with a slash of ketsup. With the plain incoloired sausage style I prefer mine with mustard and katsup, no onion. But my kids prefer them simply char grilled or on cooked on the plate, in the run off from the caramelising onions. With char grilling i lay mine along the ribs of the grill, turning frequently so as not to burn, once the skin is getting crisp, i move the over to the hot plate and finish them slowly in the same oil, or lard, or tallow, that im using to fry the onions. The ultimate here is to have some bacon gently frying on the hotplate at the same time. Put the dog in the bun, add the bacon, dress with onions and any sauce of your preference, crack a cold beer and enjoy. No one can really tell you how to cook your dogs. But the journey to find out can be great. And if it does not work out you can always eat the evidence.
Epstein list members. Justice os coming.
You have taken the first step onto the world of genuine flavours. Welcome, it only gets better from here.
Was this before or after Hilldawg inferred that she would have Tulsi suicided after Tulsi called her out. That sort of revelation changes people and their afilliatons. I am willing to give Tulsi the chance for redemption.
Hail Mary play to avoid the oncoming indictments?
Nup, cant decode it, im going to have a whisky and het some sleep, been a long shift.
Another FBI document FOI requesT complied with B I got no idea what os going on here. Thanks u/catsfive, im now as messed up mentally as a democrat voter.
Just kidding....
Another FBI document FOI requesT complied with
Male or Female? The prostitutes, not the SS.
They should make a KJP version. Would sell like hotcakes.