nowabeliever 25 points ago +25 / -0

Not disagreeing, simply pointed out graphene oxide properties observed in the video for those who did not. I was awestruck, and in not a good way. Been reading up on 5G for the past couple of years and all the warnings, but seeing a live demo really awakens the mind. Its a kill switch, by any definition, and when other components of jabs take time, at least for most who took jabs, 5G and graphene oxide are an "instant on" device no matter the condition of immune system.

nowabeliever 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like it. I just followed up, all Russian sites now have very short mentions of the phone call, all say it took just over an hour, and all then indicate nothing really was discussed save for Putin pointing out that Russia and US were friends back in the '90s and he does not understand why we should be again. Also mentioned was Bidet giving "stern warning" that if anything happens to Kiev there will be hell to pay. Right...

Still odd that all of this took an hour, supposedly? Kiev did try to provoke a conflict, Donetsk didn't react.

Also interesting that all sites mention proclaimed ethnic purge/cleansing of Russians in Ukraine announced by someone in Duma (our Congress), but a lot of back pedaling by Kiev since.

Both UK and US have pulled all "military advisers" it seems, as of today. Though still supplying arms as we claim, "only self defense arms" including Javelins and short range missiles.

Its a wild and crazy ride in the past couple of days in Kiev. Zelensky says no war imminent, Bidet claims its coming.

nowabeliever 52 points ago +52 / -0

Moderna, at the least, released 80% of the contents of original jabs a while back and listed HIV as components (at least 2 strains, now I see some claims there were 4). So, not just "boosters", but HIV was part and parcel Day 1. As were graphene oxide, luciferase, Toxoplasmosis, hydra vulgaris and a load of other "vaccine" crap that is not in any way related to any medical need. Quite the opposite. Never you mind spike proteins.

Watch some Russian videos on graphene oxide and what heat does to it and, well, your brain once it is heated up (provided it went through blood barrier, which is the purpose of it being in the vaxx jabs). 5G use, and screaming about it, which I could really never understand at the time became rather clear the second I watched one of the videos. Video I saw was Russians selling Chinese graphene oxide via live demo. Picture what happens to pop corn when it goes from a very compact size to fully exploded/expanded in a microwave, with graphene oxide wildly exceeding the "expansion" ratio of corn.

Jabs are full of various ways to destroy humans, one way or another, weak immune systems fail right away, stronger fail eventually. Gradual annihilation, as planned.

nowabeliever 2 points ago +2 / -0

2 reliable Russian news sites so far have absolutely no news of any kind, and call with Putin specifically, which to my eye seems very strange.

One thing that did pop up 15 minutes ago is the West has closed all air traffic over Ukraine until further notice since all insurers declared they will not cover any flights. Take it as is, not sure how to read this entire silence over the call and air space restrictions, even for private planes.

PS. (added via edit) Ukraine reported that there was a very loud explosion in Donetsk earlier today. Donetsk denied this and pointed out the explosion was on the border with Ukraine and where Ukrainian military has been positioned/concentrated for the past 2 weeks. FF?

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in Yolo, and getting a CCW in Yolo is almost impossible, and this tells me Yolo is deep blue.

One other point about Sacramento itself, not sure if you recall, but DA, can't recall her name, was being intimidated by Antifa last year, and she came down on them, hard, after making her point on TV, which was awesome to see when Antifa was heckled by people on streets afterwards. So, not only Sheriffs, but even some politicos in Sac to North are on red(der) side. And to the West as well, Rte. 50 West is all red, all the way to Tahoe.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those issuing orders have families, right? Cops as well. And any rural area, even in blue states, has a rather large contingent of hunters with bolt actions and scopes who can pick targets at distances cops are not equipped to deal with. Many sheriff's departments, even in blue states, are not "blue" to begin with and may simply stay neutral if not joining the people.

All of this was already discussed years ago on other forums. Cops will be the least problem even if they decide to go stupid. NG is a crap shoot at this point, but same as cops, most have families and choices they make will dictate what we have to deal with, and how.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +4 / -0

And the email to Fauci describing in detail the function enhancement with not just one, but 2 different HIV strains, is also science fiction? Including VAIDS now reported all over the place by so many independent and on our side labs? Including Luc Montagnier himself? As well as Malone? And many others? They are all DS now?

I stopped posting here a while back, just because of this exact issue. While the board is an excellent (re)source of information on so many subjects, a number of posts, similar to your "... but I believe..." are simply extremely destructive and confusing in so many ways. Enhanced flu functionality, with 2 HIV strains by Wuhan/DARPA.Fauci/etc, is not science fiction, doesn't matter if you understand it, nor disbelieve it. HIV is real. Let's stop with this myopic view on extremely important subjects.

nowabeliever 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still amazed about so many people so confused and uninformed about living conditions in Russia, the so called "world superpower". You're spot on, of course, about outhouses and all, most of the population there lives salary to salary, at best, and internet providers still charge a lot for metered service, cell phones as well, where the West has moved to unmetered long ago. 5G? Not anytime soon, and not for the reasons the OP thinks.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

Weapons wise, I rather trust Trump saying we have hypersonic weapons ready to go than anyone delusional in the "military sector" believing anything coming out of Russia. "Russian forums". Where the deluded argue with the other deluded. You also have no idea how US military complex operates in order to get more Congressional funding, they ALWAYS claim we are outmatched by Russia and now China. Enough said.

Ever seen any real, in war conditions use of S-300 or S-400? Neither did anyone else, and Israelis are openly laughing in Russia's faces while flying with impunity any place they feel like. US tomahawks attack under trump destroyed a lot in Syria as well, so all the while S-400 batteies not even reacting (although Russian news media claimed they were all shut down. Right...) Turks destroyed a few dozen Pantsir installations using same techniques. Turks even shot down Russian jet and then destroyed Russian military convoy soon after, with utter impunity, with Russia still buying Turkish products and Russian women still fly to Turkey to get fucked by the moslems. "Vacation in moslem bed, all included, buying sex with US dollars". Nothing has changed, so much for the supposed and proclaimed "Russian military might". Russian forums...

But to listening to you and any other "military sector" hack repeating Russian BS claims about invincibility of these systems simply points out your complete delusional state. They can't even get their vaunted SU-57 up and running after how long now? This after making a big splash proclamation back in 2019 that they will now supply Russian military. Still cannot, years after and who knows when. Not able to do the 5th Gen while our guys are working on 7th. Still don't think it only exists on some napkin drawn in sauna in Russia? Many Russians understand all of this, have no idea why someone in "military sector" cannot. I had business dealings with someone who went to school with Putin in St. Petersburg and knows how these "military ideas" come about (the guy runs St. Petersburg port /cranes these days). "Без аналога на Западе". Well, maybe the West is way past the "analogue" and in no need for one at this point.

EVERYTHING Russians have today is stolen from the West, and US in particular. Sober up. "Spending time on Russian forums" means absolutely nothing to me, after decades in IT I have seen more than my share of "I worked at ____ with the person still clueless/light weight.

Believe whatever it is you want, but Sputnik is as "safe" as anything here. Even their TV ads now repeat same exact wording for the redefined meaning of "vaxx" the DS is using here. Ask yourself, If Sputnik is not a copy of Big Pharma and is as safe as your Hungarian "experts" claim, why would Russia use the redefined meaning of "vaxx"? Logic is not your strong suit, obviously, and as I keep pointing out you have no idea about Russia, "forums" or not. You're as misinformed as most others. Russians make fun of "British scientists and medical community", seems Hungarians are a close second since they seemingly know the entire contents of Sputnik while no one in the West knows ALL of the contents of Big Pharma jabs. Still. When Russia releases the entire list of contents of Sputnik we may consider it "safe", otherwise I call BS. Vaccine is based on isolating the virus/disease, feel free to point out at least one source/lab that actually accomplished that. So how can one create a vaccine for something that does not exist in nature? How deluded can one be to believe in this ridiculous claim of "Sputnik is safe", based on what, exactly? They haven't even tested it prior to release, rushing it through to be first on the market. Typical Russian BS. " "

You know what Mark Twain said about arguing with... No sense at this point. Have a nice day, or night for you.

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

Russia steals pretty much everything from here. Including the language. Even their Speaker of the Duma has been railing bout that for most of the past decade and even proposing hefty fines and jail sentences for using American English.

Sputnik was also stolen from us, or maybe simply passed along. No one knows the its real contents same as we do not know the complete list of crap included in the jabs by Big Pharma. what makes you think that Russia stealing and using our tech in absolutely everything else somehow forgot to steal Big Pharma jab formulas?

Oh, and PLENTY of deaths reported due to Sputnik if one looks hard enough, stop regurgitating Russian news media utter lies, they are no better than ours. If we here can still gather enough info and data, even with hefty tech blockade, the situation in Russia is way worse and nothing the gov doesn't want reported makes it out. Including real numbers for Sputnik. Hell, they still claim wuflu is not lab made and did not originate in China. Com' on, man.

Putin is not between a rock and a hard place. Russia is still mostly Third World country outside of 2 cities, roads are as impassable today as they were during Tsar's times, 70% of the population still use outhouses, internet and cell phone access are still an issue, banks still grab people's money with impunity, crime is as bad as ever. More and more people distill their own since even government controlled (low) prices for vodka are beyond many people's reach. Main reason the West has been reporting that "Russians drink less vodka these days". Right... But more die of home made distillates sold all over and made from who knows what. They had a bad outbreak of mass deaths due to distillates just 2 years ago, was it reported in the West?

If you are not native Russian speaker you have no idea about the place. None. Although a segment of their population has been waking up lately and openly laughing online when yet another "unprecedented military weapon" is announced on TV via some cartoon simulation based on Putin's napkin drawing while drunk in a sauna. They know what's going on, they simply have no choice. The only real choice is between someone like Putin, at least a patriot of Russia, and someone like Navalny, or Analny as most call him there if you get the drift, who is bought and paid for by Soros and Co. I simply LOL every time I see yet another news media story claiming that Putin is afraid of Analny with the latter simply lucky to be alive, he is extremely despised and the only people attending his so called "rallies" are teens paid in drugs or drug/drinking money.

Fakedemic wise, it is much worse for Russians than it is here. In all ways. Have no idea where you get your info.

As I said, you have no idea.

nowabeliever -2 points ago +6 / -8

You, and others, are serious? Name one thing he does in Russia that is not DS driven?

I watch Russian TV and read their news daily. Have no idea how anyone somehow is deluded into thinking he is not as bad for Russia as Soviet Union era guys were. He's ex-KGB, or as saying goes here for the Marines, There are no EX KGB people. Yes, opened up the economy, and replaced organized crime with now businesses directly paying cops for protection, but save for that roughly 70% of the place still uses outhouses. Think about that. Retirees and those who took on Germans in WWII are barely able to buy food. Outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg its still early 20th century for many.

Name one thing he has done in the wuflu fakedemic that is in ANY way or shape different than anything DS has tried here. He follows and mimics DS in lock step. Russian "Hollywood" is on TV 10 times an hour telling people to inject themselves. Vaxx passports. Bus drivers literally throwing women out of the bus, head first onto sidewalks, on videos, for refusal to wear a mask. Just the other day there was a video of store refusing to sell FOOD to a woman not wearing a muzzle.

What are you guys on to mistake any of this for "Vlad is a hero"? Besides protecting his borders, unlike our moron, what else is there to admire? Stop getting your Russian news from sources you know to avoid otherwise.

nowabeliever -9 points ago +3 / -12

More made up shit. SHOW ME ACTUAL HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS. All this, "I believe" is just that, a make believe shit. Point to actual documents from that time.

"He did not elaborate". Exactly. NONE DO when asked to. NONE. NOT FUCKING ONE. Since there is nothing to "elaborate".

nowabeliever -5 points ago +2 / -7

Are you fucking kidding me? Kirkorov, Galkin, Penkin, Moiseev, Arbenina, a shitload of others. Were you simply too drunk all the time during your time there, or just deliberately ignorant as the rest of the board is. GAYS EXIST in Russia, plenty, in show business and elsewhere, on TV screens EVERY FUCKING DAY. Yes, Russia has laws against gay propaganda, but that's about it.

Going through life drunk and stupid is not a good way. Sober up and put that pipe down.

nowabeliever -4 points ago +2 / -6

I said it enough times on this board already. ONLY when you anti-semitic idiots ALSO start mentioning VATICAN and other non Jews BANKERS, and such, will you gain a right to be openly anti-Jew. Jews only comprise a small group of crooks, but its rather convenient to sweep all those in MAJORITY under the rug as if they do not exist nor act against the world.

And until you start being fair in your assessment you remain a rabid Jew hater. Ask TRUMP how he feels about Jews and Israel, idiot. I should say, ANTI-SEMITIC IDIOT.

nowabeliever 21 points ago +21 / -0

He'll side with them ONLY when he knows they are in majority. Gives him the right to write the majority opinion. If he sides with the left and still loses, then the right to write majority opinion falls to Thomas, or whoever Thomas selects.

Roberts is a crook, but not stupid.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +5 / -2

LIBTARDS HATE ISRAEL. Have been. always. DS hates Israel. What is there to understand? Hussein fed $600 MILLION of our tax dollars to Hizbollah. And who knows the actual amount, plus whatever to PLO. And IRAN, pallets of our tax dollars.

Is this really a question any more?

nowabeliever -4 points ago +1 / -5

Been studying history for about 18 years now, in depth. All I can say is you and others here should really learn Hebrew and read the actual words and meanings, not the TRANSLATED and MANIPULATED Bible you have been fed. Better yet, study Sumerian tablets and texts, Torah is simply an abridged version and mostly dealing with the Jewish side of them, though matching Sumerian texts. A number of extremely key words and EVENTS have been, hmmmm, "mistranslated" to feed the narrative, but yeah, I should be the one "to study history". /s

Look in the mirror. Brainwashing works.

nowabeliever -10 points ago +3 / -13

Moron. One Jew is gone. ONE. JEWS still own many banks in Russia, so yeah, brainwashed moron remains a brainwashed moron. I am a native Russian speaker and know more about Russia and Russian news than the rest of the board COMBINED. Follow their news daily. Rotenbergs still run plenty of projects and money deals, as do other Jews in Russia. In politics, their Speaker is a Jew, and ALL other business ventures.

And, yes, Jews live in your uneducated and uninformed head rent free.

nowabeliever 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'l bet she won't even respond. What will they do? Its not Pelosi, but the D.C. so called mayor.

Capitol Police chief resigned right after Jan. 6 since he knew what is coming and also knew the plot by Pelosi and Co. to make it happen. Even wrote a letter to Pelosi and Commigress explaining all of it right prior to impeachment trail. And?

nowabeliever 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not arguing, simply pointing out that the marker, by all markers, will go down, soon, and hard. And as much as I understand your point about it bouncing back, these times are very different with DS ramping up things at an ever increasing rate, unlike anything Hussein did. Commiegress is not even in real session yet and we're simply managed by royal fiats so far, and see just how much damage there is already. Once Commiegress ramps up watch the economy brought to a real standstill, even when compared to today.

nowabeliever 4 points ago +5 / -1

My wife and I watched the video a few times. Never even mind the old and beat up Suburbans. Watch the idiot hop up the plane ramp, like a much younger person, and then once he gets up kind of slow down, as if "shit, I need to play old". And also, ever seen the 2 pilot stand at the bottom of the ramp of an AF1 sans any military insignia?

The jet iself also looks unwashed, never seen an AF1 not spotless.

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