To idiots with a hammer everything looks like a nail.
The only thing that is "epic" is your complete ignorance of the Senate impeachment rules. Read Senate impeachment rules. ~20 pages, won't take you long. People should really start learning to read published guides readily available prior to posting, instead of dreaming up yet another anything "epic".
This has been ALL covered late last night, use SEARCH function, RULE of the board. Explained clearly and called what took place today in Senate.
Turtle? (McConnell's nickname)
Just funning with you.
Isn't it easier, and much better, to simply check Lin's Telegram account instead of claiming fake news?
Use the SEARCH function, its that large text box you see on the right of this page. Per board RULES.
This board has turned into fucking Fukbook with everyone and their mother posting for the "push Like button" effect. Polluting the board instead of using the Search function and joining an already on-going thread.
Hmmm... Mitch, is that you? :-)
And some will pay for their gullibility. Sadly. Especially when DS is openly discussing all sorts of punishments for our side.
Its not, already debunked in a couple of threads today. Trump has never authorized it, and now has distanced himself from whatever it is. Look at the formation doc, its by some 2 unknowns in the snake pit, aka Georgia. Most likely honey pot to collect names, and well, your money. Stay away.
He was approached by a MI6 guy, IN ITALY, on his way to USA, actually, and the guy gave him the envelope, which set off all sorts of flags. No one was supposed to know his location at the time and his travel plans. Immediately gave the money to his attorneys for safekeeping, as you said, and told them of the whole deal as his alibi.
What is it with MI6 and Italy?
No, Sandmann made a statements a few weeks ago denouncing Lin when Lin pointed out that Pence is a fraud. This was coming, have no idea who is advising Sandmann for all of this. His loss.
Could be. With all the shenanigans going on for months now I am not sure what to think anymore. On the one hand we saw McConnell so easily go against Trump. Now I see him fighting Chucky over giving up nuclear option going forward. And McConnell seems eager to get to trial, pointing out that you may be right and he's just playing a role knowing full well there are no GOPe votes to convict Trump, all the while egging Chucky and rats on to get this over with. Not only will Trump be the first POTUS to stand 2 impeachment trials, one even as a civilian now (which is more than dicey under the Constitution from what I read), but first POTUS not to be convicted in the process.
I am still trying to understand what it is that Chucky is trying to achieve when he doesn't know there are no GOPe votes there. Unless, and again, as you say, McConnell somehow has convinced Chucky that he'll whip enough GOPe votes in due time. While GOPe resolve seems to be growing by day.
Like I said, I call kabuki theater right now with difficult to read tea leaves. None of it makes any sense. For any normie, that is.
Post particular Article/Section in the Constitution that spells it out. Then read the SCOTUS blog on the issue. Stop posting BS only because that is what WE want and expect. And its all really irrelevant. Again, per SCOTUS blog. Read it. And then find my posts from last night with links and explanations. All the info is there.
This has been a rule forever. Read SCOTUS blog and Senate impeachment rules. Read all I posted last night, PLENTY of info there. Nothing in that regard has changed, nothing. Presiding "judge" is just that, someone SIMPLY OBSERVING while having absolutely no input into proceedings, nor rules. Senate sets the rules, ONLY the Senate. And ONLY Senate final vote to convict or not that counts in the end.
Read SCOTUS blog on the subject. And my posts from last night where I explained it all in detail and predicted that no SCOTUS judge will preside, for a number of reasons.
Main reason there is a SEARCH function provided by the mods.
When I explained all of this last night, even to the "practicing law for 25 years" account, a bunch of people didn't like the info I posted by referencing both SCOTUS blog and Senate impeachment rules. Some even hit "minus" button while, very obviously, not paying attention to what I posted nor making an attempt at reading Senate impeachment rules, nor SCOTUS blog I provided a link to.
Its all a kabuki theater right now. Per SCOTUS blog (repeating what I posted last night) it is absolutely irrelevant who presides since that person has absolutely no input into proceedings, just an observing part and nothing else. The ONLY thing that is relevant is the final vote, one per senator, with 67+ required to convict.
Right now there are only 5 GOPe critters I can count that will vote against Trump, and this includes McConnell for good measure, leaving Chucky and McConnell well short of the required number. So, I have no idea why they are proceeding, but then libtards had no votes to proceed last time and still moved to trial.
Thread No. 4 on this same EXACT SUBJECT today.
Learn to use Search button. Mods requested we all do prior to posting. Rules of the board. If you're looking for "Likes" count Fukbook is the pace you're looking for.
RULES of the board.
When I joined the board, 3 Sundays ago, I spent the day researching all the Resources posted first. Made lots of sense, so I joined. First 4 days or so were excellent, threads were concise, well researched, and NOT repeating themselves every 20 minutes. Then an influx took place, seems many from the TDW, some not, but the place is almost like National Enquirer since, multiple threads on same exact subject, almost no research at all even when facts are clearly stated and are easily found with even a cursory search online, and this childish behavior reminiscent of Fukbook and its "hit Like button!" BS. Shame. And even when you post factual information that disspells/debunks "But I want...", you are then hit with dislikes as if posting factual info is now verbotten and only myth is now allowed to stand.
Main reason I only started one thread, not looking for "Likes" and counts, simply want to learn and share all I can. Have no idea what others are here for.
Supposedly, docket date of Jan. 22, this past Friday. Though I keep checking since and so far I see absolutely nothing in the news. Odd.
Why assume that Dr. Shill has not been signing for him for a number of years by now?
Arghhh... Anyone actually keeping up with the news?
WI Supreme Court, IIRC, already THREW OUT 200,000 fraudulent ballots, PRIOR to Jan.6 electoral vote count. More than enough to give the state to Trump. And yet. WI legislature, with GOP MAJORITY, simply released a letter confirming the invalidation of the 200,000 ballots and then PROMISED that all such fraud will be dealt with IN THE FUCKING FUTURE elections. Just you wait...
MI Supreme Court ordered MI state SoS to release all communications she had with DOminion, Google, etc. Emails, phone calls, whatever. As part of a lawsuit to overturn the fraudulent vote count. Also prior to Jan. 6 electoral count. This will now lead to nowhere, fast. Also.
Hope this answers your question.
Hate to say it, but the headline and the link are NOT correct. What SCOTUS threw out are 2 lawsuits accusing Trump of profiting from his hotel in D.C. while being POTUS. SCOTUS ruled that this point is now moot and ordered lower courts to close cases. Done.
What remains a much bigger issue is the NY AG lawsuit to audit Trump's finances, something the libtards in Commiegress have been trying since Day 1. A much bigger trouble for Trump for a number of reasons.
That is my assessment, and HOPE, as well. I am thinking we'll see a sea of red states in the middle and South, and then a sprinkling of blue ones on both sides (though not sure how they stay a country being separated this way and having no energy resources).
I'd expect secession to take place long before this list is completed (elsewhere).
Most antifa were already released sans charges.
Its been filed, sure. No one knows why and who these guys are. Read the filing very carefully. In state of GEORGIA, not Florida as one would expect. "FOR" Trump, not "by" Trump.
You can file anything you feel like, file 10 of these. Doesn't make it anything "BY Trump". Most likely a honey pot. Trump already said he will stay in GOP and primary all traitors he can. THE ONLY WAY.
Well, Dershowitz and a couple more of real Constitutional lawyers told the idiots in the House they cannot impeach an ex-POTUS, and they absolutely ignored it. Today even Barr, not a Trump supporter by any means, told the Senate same thing. I have yet to hear that Chucky and McConnell cancelled the impeachment.
We can all think of Roberts any way we want, Lin Wood making it clear who he is, but even Roberts spelled out the real reason for recusal, he said he cannot preside over an unlawful trial. Still think these Commiegress idiots care? They have been pissing on the Constitution for a very long time by now, with no punishment coming.