Have you been to Palm Beach? His aircraft is most likely at the PBI, a 15 minute drive.
Unions did. Not cops, they all went for Trump, but most other unions went for Zhou Bai Den.
Isn't that what I stated about Senate and their utter disregard of laws? Nothing new by now. Have no idea why so many people somehow trust Chucky to do what we expect and not what he wants. Our "wants" and reality are 2 very different things. Unfortunately.
You see that FOR in there? This is NOT Trump, nor his endorsement. Its some guys FOR Trump, nothing else.
Do you guys understand what's in front of your face? It is some people in state of GEORGIA, of all places, the snake pit of just 3 weeks ago, and not Florida. No one knows who they are and what this is all about.
For now I am assuming a honey pot. Until either Trump or Jr. says its on. Avoid for now, or have your name duly delivered to indoctrination mavens. Your call, of course.
Again, as much as I WANT to see Trump's team to present ALL the election fraud FACTS, what you and I, and everyone here wants is NOT what we'll most likely get. I really cannot imagine Chucky allowing any of it to be presented, and I am sure they will adjust Senate impeachment rules to limit Trump's team as much as is possible. Have no idea how and why everyone here bets on a different outcome.
Not sure why so many think I am somehow against Trump, I have been following him from the mid '70s in my days in NY, way longer than most here even know about his existence. Been his fan all this time and always followed him. I am simply giving people a dose of reality when facing idiots in Commiegress, have no idea why so many refuse to understand that we are dealing with subhuman forms of life devoid of any ethics all the while expecting them to somehow do the right thing all of a sudden, for the first time in their life.
House Article of Impeachment has only one item, Incitement for riots. No way in hell will Chucky set the stage for any other discussion, and will limit all other venues of defense. SENATE sets the rules as they seem fit. If you, and others, somehow think they won't cheat at that you are very mistaken. BY LAW this can't even take place in the Senate right now, and yet...
See the failure of your logic yet? These mofos piss all over the law.
Take your beef to the mods, then. They keep telling people, in a big, bright red stickie, almost daily, that people need to do their own research, as well as use Search function prior to posting.
When an attorney with a 25 years of experience doesn't understand what both Senate impeachment rules book and SCOTUS blog clearly spell out, do you still think people are informed? Should not they be pointed to the facts rather than keeping quiet and let myth and suppositions promulgate themselves ad naseum, in thread after thread?
I am not in to PC, never was and never will be. So, since the title of the thread is "Senate rules for impeachment", how many posting int thread have actually read the damn thing prior to posting? Obviously, not many. Its just 20 pages or so.
Ironic, isn't it.
TBH, this position is really absolutely irrelevant. SCOTUS blog (above) clearly states that the position is just as an observer of proceedings and serves no other means. Doesn't even have to be a judge, just someone in Senate. I am guessing, and again only IF Roberts recuses himself, that Chucky and McConnell will move to appoint someone. I am also guessing that none of the SCOTUS conservative judges will be considered. Doesn't really matter in the end. I cannot imagine that someone like Thomas or Alito would even want to preside at an ILLEGAL impeachment trial while having absolutely no way to interfere and set things straight. Watching 50+ utter idiots play out illegal circus would be a maddening experience for any real attorney, and judge. Torture, really. Rand Paul already stated this is what Roberts told him as his reason to recuse himself. Questionable, sure, but I'll go with Rand's statement for now.
In the end, the ONLY decision that matters is the final vote after the trial. 67 Yays. VP cannot vote. Senators only.
Traditionally, it was chief justice. So, Roberts or not, it really doesn't matter in the end. Chucky and McConnell will set some more rules, I am sure, but in general, Senate impeachment rules are already mostly spelled out (~20 pages worth). I know that many keep on thinking that Trump will be allowed to present election fraud facts, but the reality is that Senate sets the rules for what can be presented, or not, and the only charge the House voted on is "incitement for riot". Doesn't matter what Trump said at the rally, they will only concentrate on what they want, incitement. You know, his call to come to D.C. for a rally on Jan. 6. And nothing else.
Reality. Sad one. Sometimes what we want and expect, and wish for, by law, is not what we actually get. As long as GOPe holds steady, Chucky and McConnell won't be able to convict.
There is no way this kabuki impeachment does not take place. One thing does bother me, though, as this is taking course. As of today Chucky KNOWS he doesn't have the 67 Yay votes to convict, they don't even have 60 right now. And yet both he and McConnell are still moving this along, which just doesn't make sense. Unless there is a fix of some sort that I, so far, have not discovered in the Senate impeachment proceedings rules. Very odd, to say the least.
When did I say anything about the House? And in Senate it takes at least 60 to get to the floor. Learn to comprehend what's written. This is getting tiring.
Because he needs at least 10 GOPe in Senate to do much? Its not rocket science, time to learn how Senate works.
And second reason is that during Hussein's years many tings were pushed through via executive fiat (e.i. Executive Order). While no one in Senate challenged them in court, as they should have, by law. McConnell simply let them slide and ignored his Constitutional duty.
In simple terms? Because he can. At least for now and until we all figure what is really happening, because this kabuki shit show cannot continue much longer, one way or another.
Numbers I saw are roughly 47,000 jobs. On our side, and 10,000 or more on Canadian. And some estimate up to 70,000 all in, on both sides. That's just the actual Keystone project, then you have other jobs related to servicing it: food and other daily necessities.
Well, big words and all. Have you actually read the impeachment rules and how things work prior to your expert assessment posted here? Kind of sad to see the down votes, clearly says how poorly educated and misinformed some on this board are while claiming otherwise.
Read the rules doc, point out just where it says that it is not the Senate that sets the rules for the trial. And what they will discuss, or not. After court after court refused to listen to voter fraud you now somehow deluded enough to think that Senate, of all places, will now want to hear any of it? Educate yourself, its just roughly 20 pages long. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
Well, I am not an attorney, but I can read. And comprehend. From SCOTUS site, just now:
The Senate’s standing rules for impeachment trials make no distinction between the powers of the chief justice presiding in an impeachment and those of any other officer in the same role. The job is referred to throughout as “Presiding Officer” and its authority is the same regardless of who holds it. The rules nominally give the presiding officer considerable power, including the power to issue “orders, mandates, writs, and precepts” (Rule V), to “direct all the forms of proceedings while the Senate is sitting for the purpose of trying and impeachment” (Rule VII), and to “rule on all questions of evidence including, but not limited to, questions of relevancy, materiality, and redundancy of evidence” (Rule VII). But in every case, this apparent authority is subject to the critical limitation that the presiding officer may only act in accordance with the will of the Senate.
IF Roberts recuses himself, and we still have no official line on this, but IF. Then its Senate's prerogative to select who presides. Recusal opens up possibilities, including no one on SCOTUS. To anyone in Senate. So, not sure what you're saying.
I WISH its either Alito or Thomas, still not sure about the other 3. But reality is different.
Let's stop this. This impeachment is ONLY about the Jan. 6 "incitement". NOTHING ELSE. No election fraud. AT FUCKING ALL. No "introduce shit" in any way. Its a trial dealing with just ONE CHARGE.
Is anyone even following what's going on in real life?
We will still need to get past Dominion machines. Herein lies the rub.
He also has Dominion machines. Hope we reach the 1.5M required, but we still have to get past the machines in the end.
Military CANNOT block IA, stop posting kooky theories. That anon post from yesterday, as good as it sounds, is still BS. Its up to the POTUS to declare one, no one else. And that ability was taken away via recently signed Military Budget Bill, now has to get Commiegress approval.
POTUS declared an Emergency, in D.C., and this is when FEMA steps in and gives orders to military. How Trump went around the recently mandated IA declaration to be first approved by Commiegress. FEMA is de facto government right now and until the Declaration of Emergency is cancelled. The ONLY way allowing military to operate on US soil under Stafford Act.
You should seriously consider the SEARCH function, save many of us way too many multiple threads on same subjects, and also explains the facts to you, and others. Info above was posted and discussed in a number of threads by me, and a couple of others, time to learn before you open a new thread in search of "Likes", this is not Fukbook. What's posted on this site is under scrutiny these days. Posts like yours give libtards a way to call us kooks. Let's stop this. We should be an example to others, not "prove" their view of us as kooks.
I'll steal Zhou Bai Den as well, if you don't mind. Better than Bidet, which denigrates all bidets unjustly, IMO.
That was the plan all along, openly blabbed by Xiden in one of his more lucid moments when his mind clearly recalled something that was discussed in front of him before. He said, "And when my views do not match Harris' I will simply say I am quitting due to some medical condition, and she become POTUS". Quoted liberally, from memory, of course, but this was a plan by DS, and I recall this was when he had a "TV chat" with Hussein", one of the questions.
Why is anyone surprised. Now that Articles of Impeachment were filed by GOP, Xiden seems to be "leaving" one way or another. What's the difference with Super Spreader becoming POTUS, and who knows who them becomes VP, its all the same and most likely worse.
Its all a plan, all along. No news here. It was either DS using Hunter's laptop, or GOP impeachment, same end.
Was Florence a stop? That looks like a very sharp "detour". Just started to watch, how do I retrace? TIA.
ROBERTS was the one who screwed up the wording. WATCH THE VIDEO. Hussein actually corrected him on the spot, and Roberts came back the next day for re-taking of the oath. ROBERTS. Do not repeat a myth, main reason some consider Q anons kooks when a claim is rather easily proven otherwise.
I am sure he is if Lin says so, a number of times as well. But that would not stop him from presiding, would it at this point? I truly believe its a ruse by libtards to have someone even with less scruples to preside. Like Super Spreader herself.
So, I am guessing he was "died" in hopes the case goes away, which it seems it did?
Giuliani already said he will not part of impeachment defense. Dershowitz volunteered earlier in the week, but so far no one was actually announced.
STOP THE LIES. Please. Enough with the Fukbook BS and trying to get "push the Like button", thread after thread. This entire BS was debunked in a thread late last night. Some dudes in FRIGGING state of GEORGIA, the snake pit, created this whatever it is, for whatever it is. Most likely a honey pot, so avoid if at all possible since we have no idea what this is all about. Most likely name collection for whatever purpose.
Trump today already said he will back primaries against GOP, within GOP, and not any other party.
Read the real news, get informed!