Been saying that, about both, for some time. And its people on our side who claim that leftards are the brainwashed ones.
ALL election laws are ONLY legislated by STATE bodies, ON STATE LEVEL, not by feds. Curious how SCOTUS will rule on this. And want to see how STATE legislatures act, I expect a full challenge from a number of states once this clown show votes this FRAUDULENT law in.
I am sure that as soon as another 100 year old someone dies there will be another "notable mention". Waiting for pink unicorn farts to be "decoded" to mean something and somehow match some Q drop at this point. Lots of derangement out there, this past 3 weeks have turned this site into National Enquirer and Fukbook hybrid.
Is this why they are now practicing "civil disobedience" drills?
They just pissed on Stafford Act 2 days ago, openly, by giving themselves the right to act on US soil. Pissing on both Stafford Act, and Commiegress (as much as I hate them, they are still the legislative body last time i checked).
He knows money laundering, I get that, but that doesn't make him "in the know", by any measurement. "I worked for CIA" means he simply helped them run drugs and sex rings by moving their monies, so guilty by association, don't care if he "repented" now. How this idiot is not even smart enough to vanish I don't know. He's as complicit as anyone else.
And if you think we have plenty of "muzzle up" people here you should see the brain washed idiots there, they ALL WANT to wear muzzles and call anyone refusing "vaccines" crazy. As bad as brain washing and gaslighting are here they pale in comparison to Russia. Not that far removed from Chyna, though Chyna, at least and so far, has not forced "injections" Yet. Only difference.
But, yeah, they stand up and sing national anthem. What a country!
My bad, you're right. Though it is still up to the Senate to decide on punishment, with removal from office just one such. A "censure" will accomplish same thing, in the end. Neither looks like doable at this point. And I've been asking what their end plan is when they knew up front they will fail.
That said, do not discount 14A option to censure even if Chucky has thus far said he is not looking at it. Once they fail to convict via impeachment I fully expect them to move to any other option available, with 14A the only real one left.
Do not discount McConnell to assist somehow, he's been at it even if he voted Nay both times in the past 2 weeks.
Clinton was impeached. Was he removed from office?
That's why all who can leave the damned place do so? Its all a show.
Turkey murdered Russian Ambassador to Turkey a couple of years ago. You saw any response?
Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet in Syria a couple of years ago. You saw any response?
The only response is Russia selling them more natural gas now via newly built pipeline. And buying ever more produce and products from Turkey. What's the price of Russian life these days when their government simply rewards those who did that.
Yes, let's call it patriotism, incredible video. As fake as it gets in the end, but hey, they all sing their anthem in unison.
Very bad comparison. Russia is just a slightly improved version on Soviet Union. Run by same KGB morons, now calling themselves FSB. Save for ability to earn more while now paying protection money directly to cops instead of criminals. Otherwise, save crap, different day. The new, "improved" Constitution just kicked in on Jan. 1, they can now fine you for using cuss words.
Don't play your victimhood here. ALL of this was pointed out by me countless times in the past 2 weeks, with moron after moron down voting me instead of at least ONCE, once picking up the 20 pages of Senate impeachment rules and actually educating themselves. I posted plenty of links, and even abridged versions. Nothing works when retards are set in their ways instead of trying to improve themselves.
This board has turned to shit in the past 3 weeks. Every uneducated and uniformed freak is now projecting their failures onto others, instead of listening to good advise.
"Qaren" someone else who gives a crap about your failures.
SEARCH function, like I keep on saying. This ain't Fukbook with underaged morons striving for "lkes".
Either Photoshop, or old picture.She looks terrible in recent years, plenty of pictures around: lots of cellulite, creases, droopy skin, etc.
You seriously think she existed at all?
Ummm... Human neck is nowhere near able to take a 9mm, let alone a .40, HP round and not have the bullet go right through and on exit take some flesh with it. As well as make plenty of blood splatter. Not only blood splatter, but a bullet then hitting a wall on the way out.
Also, no soi boys ran for cover. Nor did any "SWAT" guys, no one even flinched.
A poor movie production for ibtard idiots who mostly know guns though movies.
SEARCH usually works, not only on this site, but in general interwebz. Just an idea.
Because yet another lying shill, alongside Parkes, Steele and others, has access to Q.
Got it.
Ever entertained a thought that the drop may NOT mean what YOU think it does? Or logical, analytical thinking is a foreign subject to you.
Its not good to go through life stupid and ignorant.
Read the FRIGGING Senate impeachment rules before spouting utter BS. The ONLY thing Leafy may be in charge of is his stool and piss during breaks. Per rules, and as also confirmed by SCOTUS blog on the issue, it doesn't matter who presides, Leahy, you, I or Judge Thomas. The position is simply as an OBSERVER, and NOTHING ELSE. At all. Well, and toilet breaks.
Read the frigging LAWS of the country you live in. Once, at least. You call libtards uneducated? Then prove that you are educated and informed.
21 minutes, huh? Was debunked here in 2 different threads in much less time. Use SEARCH function.
Zillow lists all sorts of properties, whether on the market, or not. Including both approximate sale price AS WELL AS RENTAL PRICE. Look up any house you feel like near you, especially those not listed for sale.
In this case the listing clearly says "Off market". And has an assumed rental price as well IF the property would be available for rent. IF.
Its all hypothetical, and means nothing. At all.
Its simple, really. Watch Zhou Bai Den now give Ukraine $$$ Billions of our tax money. Then children of our COmmiegress critters, Pelosi, Biden Romney first names that come to mind, many others, will "receive contracts" from Ukrainian government for some "projects". That money is then cleaned and comes back to the pockets of Commiegress critters and their families. No one even "works" for any of it. Pure grift in minimal time.
Ever seen any accounting for that $$$ 2 Trillion package that Hussein and Paul Ryan enacted when Hussein got to WH? Neither have I, nor anyone else. Vanished into thin air.
This new almost $$$ 2 Trillion "Covid package" will vanish same way, they have a play book by now.
No, Russian prison tats were and are "passports". All of them have very specific meaning, they tell why you are in prison, theft, murder, rape, etc, and for how long. Also, how many times you were convicted, "trips" as they call them. You don't get a tat in prison if you didn't earn it. So called thieves-in-law are the top of the prison cast system, and also have very specific life rules: no marriage, cannot have a job, criminal enterprise money stash safe keeping, etc.
All of these morons imitating Russian tats here would have seriously bad time in Russian prisons, tats there serve a purpose and "Oh, I like a star here!" are not tolerated. Very few Russians have tats for this reason, they tell others you are a criminal. Of course, some Russian gansta rapper morons imitate our morons here, but they pray they never end up in prison and know they will have a very bad time there if they do.
Nephilim. They did breed with human women.
And before you discount the idea, spend some time reading the Old Testament, helps to do so in its original form and language, but even in English should be fine. Better yet, Sumerian texts, which Torah is simply an abridged version of with a more specific accent on Jewish roots. Ancient Hebrew is about 80% Sumerian, the only language today that is close.
Then research all recent scientific confirmations. DNA research confirmed, about 2 years ago?, that we all came from 6 mothers. First humans had no ability to procreate, right? "Adam and Eve were given long life, but no ability to procreate". Sumerian texts/tablets clearly describe 6 mothers and DNA altering experiments, CLONING, to create humans, via 6 mothers via in vitro impregnation. Took a few attempts. Then look at the depiction of a "snake". Again, bad translation from Torah. The word can mean a snake, sure, but another ancient Hebrew meaning for the word is, He who possesses knowledge. "Snake" then gives humans ability to procreate, right, apple or what not? Now, take a good look at depictions of a "snake" winding around a staff. What does it remind you of? Strands of DNA?
Now, research our own cloning experiments in recent times, and let me know what specific trait is in-built, and matches the above. No ability to procreate. We're still a step behind.
Then read Job's trip, he came back 800 years later in our years?, and his description of the Solar system, again, to a T, including Neptune, planet we didn't know existed until less than 100 years ago. Never even mind the rest of the planets, correct number, their proper placements and size, and colors.
Don't care what Parkes claims about alien sex, haven't heard him on the subject. But I study very ancient history, and the more recent medical/scientific research I follow/read the more it confirms Sumerian texts/tablets/Torah. To a T.
And, no, I am not religious, never was, and by my age now never will be. Instead of an atheist I am now an agnostic. But we, humans, didn't "just happen", no matter what anyone claims. We were deliberately created. The original test tube babies.
Its a long discussion. Not that I give credence to anything Parkes claims, I actually consider him a lying shill, but do not discount our origins as described in Sumerian/Torah texts.
Non-Hebrew versions of the Bible have a few very significant "misinterpretations" from the original Hebrew language text. Start with the very key difference (Genesis) between "eloh" and "elohIM", that in itself is way more than significant to alter everyone's perception of everything and all the beliefs. Mind blowing, really. Matches Sumerian texts, but not the Bible, of course. Like I said, a very long discussion.
Nothing burger. I see all of Hollyweird now copying these same tats in every movie and every gangsta wannabe having those as well. Search for Viacheslav Ivan'kov, the "godfather" of Russian mafia who was assassinated a few years ago in Moscow. He arrived in Brooklyn in 1991, Brighton Beach area, and his tats have been copied since by every crooked moron in USA, and Russia as well. Those multi-point stars on shoulders? That's Ivan'kov's "contribution" to the world.
Don't ask me how I know.
They simply improved on his research. But, yes, same deal.