Kamala, thanks to your lot we dont have guns BUT we DO have sharks, spiders, crocodiles, blue ringed octopuses, DROP bears and Weapons of slow Destruction your tiny mind cannot comprehend. Do Not visit Australia. OUR wildlife is very sensitive.
ABSOLUTELY, Many like me bought crypto as a middle finger to the cabal and have already taken profit. AND I am so over these juvenile arguments that crypto was created by the CIA etc. SO was ALL our currency created by BAD entities, but that does not make users of the fiat system bad, just stuck.
ABOUT TIME the world WOKE UP. This has been going on since 2015 when Merkel opened the doors to the Kallergi Plan in a big way!. BUT the fake news stayed silent as millions of men from war torn countries, thanks to the USA flooded Europe. These gang rapes have been going on ever since.
I have lived in China, and like any nation it is evident that there are competing faction,s , no different than the US. My research leads me to believe that Xi is working from within to fundamentally alter China. Like Putin he has changed the lives of countless millions. I believe both Xi and Putin need our support not SANCTIONS or even criticism unless the WEST removes the many planks from its own eyes.
China versus Taiwan = Russia versus Ukraine. Taiwan is also a very corrupt entity that has been controlled by the cabal. I believe that much is already under control BUT a PERCEIVED conflict at some point to wake up the world is highly likely.
C,MON everyone, you are on Q The Great Awakening! Do you really think after playing Joe Biden after all these years and making myself look BAT SHIT crazy that I would let another ACTOR who is way crazier than me take over my job unless it was part of the script!
TURNING the TABLES. If I was producing this show I would be releasing ALL this info NOW. Just Kamala will do for now. Plenty more to come.