patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

wow great clip, I haven't seen the movie, will watch it. I believe our job is to show the world our love for God through our existence and how we interact. We can't save everyone, but if some are brought to Jesus through our actions, we have done great things.

I have a friend who remembers what I went through with my middle son. Stroke at birth, mental and physical damage. Brain surgery at 6 years old. My friend asked me how I got through that, he mentioned I seemed to handle it very well and just kept going. I told him faith in God, that is why I don't stumble when hit by obstacles of trauma. We have had many discussions some on God, he grew up in a Christian home, but not really practicing. But, I think the door is open just a little bit more for him now.

The way we carry ourselves and the little things matter. Brings me back to a memory when I was 16, filled up with gas went in to pay, paid. Got outside realized I was undercharged, he had me pay the wrong bill. I went back in and paid the right bill. He had an african accent. He asked me right then if I was Christian. I said yes, he said God Bless you and my name. While he was obviously Christian as well, in that moment his beliefs were reinforced.

I don't always act as I should, but I am trying to do better.

I ordered a chronological version of the Bible for my and I the other day, plan on reading through the entire Bible in a year maybe a bit longer.

God's Blessings to you. I hope the ordeals of our society bring more people to Jesus.

BTW, if you are ever looking for a good book, I enjoyed the CS Lewis books. Mere Christianity (a philosophical proof of our God), The Great Divorce (A look at what idols people can't let go of to enter heaven) and Screw Tape Letters (Letters from a demon to his mentor about turning people away from God). All are great books. I really liked the one about the demon. These books are not scripture and CS Lewis discusses this in prologues, but they are helpful in seeing Christianity from different perspectives.

patriotic_legend 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting take. I didn't mean to be dismissive of the issues of the day. I realize not everyone had the same situation that I did. But, there is always a way, depending on one's priorities.

  1. I grew up Christian continue to be Christian. I believe that is a huge part of what "made it work". I don't look at life as finite. In China, not many Christians. I can see how demoralizing that would be. And in the US Christianity's influence is diminishing, to me this is the root of our problems. I am not a weekly church goer and don't read the Bible often (trying to do better). But, my faith is strong and I pray daily.

  2. I watched my Dad work, and work a lot of hours. But, he still found time to coach our little league teams. As we got older he had less time, but I have 2 brothers and had a great Mom. My Dad is great too, but he traveled a lot and worked a lot.

  3. I had a pretty massive trauma in my early teens. I don't want to go into huge detail, but spent weeks in the hospital and years of post hospital surgeries. I made a dumb decision that caused the trauma. I learned perseverance through this. I learned what family is through this. I don't wish anyone to go through what I did, but for me it was well worth the pain.

  4. I will admit that something that always made it easier for me to take chances in my career was my family. While I never asked for any money, I always felt it was an unspoken thing that if I needed help, they were there. Most people don't have this luxury.

Probably too much information, that is the first time I have ever written this much about myself.

You are 100% right life skills are passed down. If one's family isn't loving and strong life will be much more difficult. Life is all about balancing. I always wanted to have kids of my own and did. It hasn't always been easy. Marriage and family are rarely easy.

Hope this is in any way helpful. Part of me is unsure of hitting post, but I will do it any way. The key to life is just to keep moving. Regrets happen when you wait for life to come to you.

patriotic_legend 7 points ago +7 / -0

I had my last child in 2013, my first in 2005. I am not that far out. Yes things are more expensive, but people can survive on less than they think. They can also move to less costly towns to live in.

The worst part is the housing market. My first house was $150k in 1999, that same house is now valued at $500k. That coupled with higher interest rates makes owning a house unattainable for most.

That being said if your goal is to build a family, it can be done. Especially if you have a trade skill or tech skill, then you can move to a smallet town.

patriotic_legend 14 points ago +20 / -6

those type of people are to enamored with comfort, consumption and lack of responsibility.

My wife and I decided to have kids and have her stay at home with them on a modest salary. We made it work.

patriotic_legend 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can't think of a good Speaker since Newt. That is 30+ years of garbage Speakers.

patriotic_legend 7 points ago +7 / -0

agree with your sentiment, don't like using their term "of color" We all have color. They are trying to create groups "people of color" is their way of saying anything but white as a way to turn people against white people. there are black women, latino/hispanic women, arab women, indian women, asian women, white/euro women.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know that is our theory, but won't be easy to explain to the masses if the deep state turns against the vax and blames Trump.

Of course the masses know Trump didm't actually create the jab.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

while he was always against mandates he was far from neutral. Trump said he saved millions with warp speed and touts the jab.

That being said I am hopeful this is part of 4d chess and will force the globaliats to blame him for the vax as they release how bad it was.

Trump will then be able to show videos of him recomending hcq, of him saying no mandatea along with all the leftiats and rinos pushing mandates and vaccine passporta.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone else think part of the plan is to have the left turn on the vax and try to blame Trump for it? If so can't wait for this part of the movie.

patriotic_legend 8 points ago +8 / -0

What an arrogant bitch. The reason we don't bring up politics with our libtard friends is out of politeness. Our true belief is that these leftists are fully brainwashed an unable to have a conversation, b/c they think facts is what cnn or the view tells them.

She wants to have conversations, but we can't, they have taught the woke culture that their religion is the only way. When we explain our beliefs in a logical non emotional way they scream bigot, xenophobe, homophobe and whatever other pejorative they have been taught. They don't want conversation, they want you to believe what they believe or they will lose their mind with anger/hate. Leftism is a cult.

patriotic_legend 6 points ago +6 / -0

I joke with my wife and tell her I am blogging. She knows blogging entails positive reinforcement to frens and trolling leftists.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a special needs son who had seizure issues until cured by major brain surgery. Praying for your sister that God will heal her from seizures and any damage the jab has done to her.

patriotic_legend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome, and unc chapel hill is as libtarded as they come. No way these boys are leftists. Makes it even more impressive standing up in the liberal shithole of chapel hill.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read his defense said all but one voting for acquittal. One person wanted him for murder. Fuck that juror.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, sorry to hear what was done to you. Glad you are here. The fact that you are still open to the idea of Christianity is amazing. You show great strength overcoming that.

I believe my God is the one true God for many reasons. Intellectually and philosophically I believe Christianity is in a plane of its own. I loved the C.S. Lewis book "Mere Christianity". I look at it as the intellectual or philosophical proof of God.

My faith is strong due to personal experiences in life and feeling God's presence in some of those experiences.

personal interactions are hard to explain. Was having a real tough time, (skipping specifics) was praying for God to help me I felt a rush of calming energy go through me, looked to the left and saw 3 life size crosses in the ground on the side of the road. If that was't God showing me he was there I dont know what it was.

One of my kids was had a stroke at birth. Transferred to big hospital in a mearby city. I didnt know the area, one day after visiting him in NICU I drove away from hospital for a bit, kind of losing it. Just wandering, didn't know where I was headed. I Said a prayer, the next small side street sign was my son's name, the next one after that was his middle name. At that point I felt calm and knew it would be okay. My son has special needs but is a blessing in my life we have been through a lot in the last 10 plus years with him.

Sorry for wall of text, but wanted to share something personal, as you shared with me.

I believe God gives everyone many chances to find him. His goal is to have us all with him in Heaven. He won't give up on people due to sin. If he did I would have been hellbound long ago.

Another CS Lewis book I enjoyed was The Great Divorce. I hate reading too, if you haven't read these I highly recommend.

May God bless you fren.

patriotic_legend 4 points ago +5 / -1

Where in the Bible does it state if you sin and repent you are forgiven, but if you sin the same way again you are going to Hell?

Reread the last sentence of my post as well.

patriotic_legend 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not sure we can say that no woman like this enters the kingdom. If she has faith in Jesus and repents she will be in Heaven. Everyone is on bondage to sin, we cannot free ourselves from it.

That being said it is unlikely that one can live the gay lifestyle while truly repenting.

patriotic_legend 9 points ago +9 / -0

first comment on twitter asks for a link to the study. That is the correct response.

patriotic_legend 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jury in Washington D.C., nothing more needs to be said.

patriotic_legend 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didnt read much about that case. Assuming it is BS.

patriotic_legend 4 points ago +4 / -0

yeah, I would need to know about what the litigation is before donating in support.

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