by broward
pedeparrot 17 points ago +17 / -0

FF #1. Next another mass shooting followed by a terrorist attack.

pedeparrot 0 points ago +2 / -2

Kinda looks like a hypervelocity missile or projectile. Could be some kind of railgun or a copy of the HVM we have

pedeparrot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe Wray... but who knows, it's all Greek to me.

pedeparrot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why do you think they changed it to "climate change" fairly recently? Now they can be wrong and still be right according to their pseudo-science cult leaders kek

Also Ban Ki-Moon is fake and gay. Globalist puppet. Got absolutely dumped on after trying to weasel his way into domestic (Korean) politics. Too many cooks in that Korean kitchen (and hint they ALL glow).

And if they make some kind of bs "climate court" then Al Gore should be tried first u/#kek

pedeparrot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Down the rabbit hole we go. Can be a bit of a long story:

You may have heard of the "chans." If you haven't, they are forums in the form of message boards collectively named after the most infamous & prominent one: "the hacker known as 4chan."

Now 4chan itself was derived from a Japanese message board 2ch, but has since branched off. 4chan and its derivates offer certain features including anonymity (unless you self-identify...) in the form of all communications being labeled as from user "Anonymous" and IP address being hashed - hence references to each other as "anons." This is complemented by another feature which allows for the identification/recognition by other anons. Basically a way create a "username" which is validated using a hashed passcode (scrambled output - look up "hashing" or "md5 checksum" for basics) called a "trip code" and secured by an unique password set by the user.

Other anons on the board can see the username and corresponding "trip code" to verify the identity of the poster as being the same user.

Good TLDR:

Just fyi: there are programs that purportedly "crack" the trip codes used:

As far as I know, the method the trip codes are hashed is "mostly" secure as long as the admins do not subvert/circumvent such security as was the case when Q announced 4chan was compromised. Migration to 8chan occurred which was verified by Q. When 8chan was shut down, the subsequent move to 8kun was also verified. So basically at every step of the way, Q has verified his "identity" and his authenticity was then proven in what is collectively known as "Q Proofs."

You can read more about this and the "chan wars" if you want more info.

pedeparrot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Xi is keeping that pimp hand strong.

pedeparrot 7 points ago +8 / -1

MLK JR = OBAMA ver. 1.0

He had great rhetorical skill. He was a gifted man, intelligent and well-educated in worldly and theological academics. He exuded charisma, eloquence and a charm that would never be fully captured by film. That said, he was the ultimate conman.

Look at this personal life: he talked the talk, but didn't walk the walk. His extramarital affairs were an open secret... as are his ties to Communists. They keep trying to separate him from Commies but it's so blatant. Social justice is intricately tied to Communism (SJWs today) and that is what he championed.

I'm not saying he was all bad. He did well to help bring about the civil rights legislation to fruition. I think it would've happened regardless of his movement, but it certainly did hasten it.

Even the most liberal revisionists have to admit the facts:

I like his inspirational words. I want to take them at face value because they certainly ring true. But was he based? I'm going to have to say no

pedeparrot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plandemic (Chinavirus): two main documentaries + mini clips

More Chinavirus info:

Brief Q proofs overview:

Got more if you need it.

pedeparrot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with this assessment, but Trump could've picked some more eloquent people. The evidence is sufficient in and of itself but the presentation matters to the sheeple. Say what you will about the Dems, but they talked circles around the defense.

It's like your uncle who was a former mechanic vs a slick car salesman who'll take the shirt off your back. We all know who we would trust, but the average person only listens to sound bites.

That said, I hope the evidence they bring out is even more damning than the stuff we've seen already... can't wait until they're all locked up

pedeparrot 8 points ago +8 / -0

She "resigned" a day before Biden inauguration... hasn't been seen in public since, at least not to my knowledge.

pedeparrot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ditto, sources please. I know there was a dilapidated base (perhaps a DUMB) that came to our attention recently in Finger Lakes, NY (helo crash & Hunter's tattoo on back).

pedeparrot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who knows. I don't think anything in it warranted it being locked. Maybe rogue mods, new mods, itchy-trigger finger on that ban hammer mods.

pedeparrot 3 points ago +3 / -0

See the J. K. Rowling Twatter wars, top kek

LGBTQ+ vs "TERF" - will definitely brighten your day lmaooo

pedeparrot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump's practically got no friends, just surrounded by sharks - and they smell blood.

  1. Research where Bannon got his funding. Real eyeopener.
  2. Also, research AJ. He's also controlled oppo.
  3. Then you have the shills, grifters and complete nincompoops i.e. Simon Parkes & Charlie Ward

Mr. Trump -> Mr. Lonely


pedeparrot 12 points ago +12 / -0

Feel very, very sorry for them. The poor bastards are literally guinea pigs and nobody has any clue what will happen to them next.

pedeparrot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure some do. If you're a normie from plebbit and the like, stick with 8kun /qresearch/ board (go to the catalog and find most current board).

Or just follow for the notables

pedeparrot 3 points ago +4 / -1

lurk more, both you of you kek.

it's /pol/ on the chans

pedeparrot 4 points ago +4 / -0

...I can see that...


pedeparrot 1 point ago +1 / -0

None. Would you really believe them at this point? After all the blatant lies?

pedeparrot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Pure schadenfreude.

To now disenfranchised Biden voters: I TOLD YA SO YOU STUPID SOBS

pedeparrot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not to worry, very unlikely to go through even with the 6 RINO votes.

As you settle in here, you'll be doing a lot more of this:


Btw, that's just the average size of balls around here

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