Here’s a really nice story of Barron Trump giving his first class seat to a vet:
Hello my dear Tweetie,🤗💐
Thank you for these news. u/Mary911 had a unreconciliable argument with a moderator which ended with her permanent ban. Good that I have her personal contact so I can keep in touch with her.
Frankly this whole things is just the epitome of stubbornness. But then we just are humans.
I will terribly miss her marvelous prayers. She has that gift and she’s being very generous with it.🙏🏻
Let’s bookmark this: 🤩
Hello my dear Tweetie!🤗💐
My colleagues have been quite unable to train me quicky because they were overworked, but I think we broke through this case which should make the next ones much easier for me and lighter for all.🙏🏻
Évariste Galois (25 October 1811 – 31 May 1832) was a French mathematician and political activist. While still in his teens, he was able to determine a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be solvable by radicals, thereby solving a problem that had been open for 350 years. His work laid the foundations for Galois theory and group theory, two major branches of abstract algebra.
Was that guy also too young?
Then they went to celebrate in a luxury restaurant and ended washing the dishes when their USAID payment card was denied.🤭
I believe these people will shamefully pretend this did not happen somewhere in the future… until then, you’re in my prayers.🙏🏻
I just copy pasted your nice message in a mail to her.❤️