racist_terrorist -4 points ago +5 / -9

Intel has owned McAfee since like 1987. He hasn't been involved at all.

racist_terrorist -1 points ago +1 / -2

Again, you keep bitching about being downvoted while posting these multi paragraph overly verbose rants. You can say everything you said without posting the entire output (i'll remind you again. It means nothing) & writing half a novel. Talk less, people will listen more

racist_terrorist 1 point ago +3 / -2

Lol what a bunch of retards, as if the SEC has ever had anything but corporate interests in mind. It's funny that it took getting personally fucked instead of just looking at the history of the SEC but I'm somewhat optimistic of people waking up regardless

racist_terrorist 2 points ago +3 / -1

Cockistocracy - a system of government ran by cocks

racist_terrorist 1 point ago +3 / -2

I bet the simpler answer is probably the true one; that you've just played too many video games.

racist_terrorist 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lol weed results in male breasts?

racist_terrorist -1 points ago +1 / -2

are you seriously saying anything you see in a movie is real

racist_terrorist 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah certainly not a "common" resolution in the traditional sense! Only suggested because I know compression algorithms these days do all sorts of crazy tricks

racist_terrorist 3 points ago +5 / -2

I wish more people cared about this stuff because this is one of the few issues that literally everybody I've ever talked to agrees on. It's so blatantly corrupting our government and by extension country...

racist_terrorist 0 points ago +1 / -1

I wouldn't trust an uploaded twitter video resolution as an indication of anything. It's likely been highly compressed by Twitter & put into that res. You could try downloading some other random vids to be sure but I'm betting that's a resolution Twitter commonly compresses to

racist_terrorist -1 points ago +2 / -3

The peak..? The stock was under $5 a few months ago & it's $150+ now. You should make that transfer of wealth final & exit IMO. If you just wanna gamble with the hopes of a skyrocket you'd be better off catching shitcoins in a dip

racist_terrorist 3 points ago +4 / -1

Agreed, being a total baby & not even communicating what the issue is? The community is pretty chill if you are pretty chill IME

racist_terrorist -4 points ago +2 / -6

I mean I doubt it's that bad. It takes like a second. Yeah it's definitely annoying but if it's what actual torture is like I must be a real tough guy, lol

racist_terrorist 1 point ago +2 / -1

that new hummer EV.

Hope that works out for you but I would have an extremely hard time placing any amount of trust in a first generation product from GM. Good luck!

racist_terrorist 1 point ago +3 / -2

Lol yeah when shit hits the fan I'm sure you'll have no problem just taking your "hose and hand pump" and simply getting gasoline out of the ground.

If it gets to that point good luck getting gasoline anywhere and remember it goes bad within a year (more like 6 months)... I think you're much, much more unprepared than you realize.

racist_terrorist -2 points ago +3 / -5

I don't mind supporting some of the girls

racist_terrorist -3 points ago +3 / -6

I buy OnlyFans. Who cares. It's a consensual exchange of goods.

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