and couple that with the fact that there has been exactly zero information in the way of funeral services or even an obituary for Ashli.... (assuming she actually died- I have mixed feelings and think it could be highly probable that she is still very much alive and well...) You would think that her family might at least have something to say about her being shot in cold blood, however there's nothing but crickets...
That's how I feel too. At this point, it's just beyond being worth it to even try. Like you said, let the chips fall where they may. I know what side I'm on in all of this, the side of truth, and I'm very much at peace with that. If others are unwilling to see it, well, I guess you win some and you lose some.
His channel. Stream starts in 5!
Yes, thank you. The only problem I have when I peek around is that I don't know that the normal flight patterns are like- I don't really have much to base anything on, so I don't know if I'm seeing anything significant or not!
Thank you!! I'm happy to be here! Covid was my major wake up! I had known about Q through my ex, but didn't dabble in it myself until September ish, but now I'm in it for the long haul, baby!! ? And I love this little community I've stumbled upon here! ☺️
Can someone make a meme of someone sitting in a room piled high with stacks of mypillows? Every time the media messes with him I feel compelled to buy another pillow.
Media trashes Mike ---> Must. Buy. More. MyPillow. To. Show. Support. ---> Gonna run outta room for pillowsss....
I know!! And I don't think there's anyone who is more surprised about it than Salty himself. ?