by PepeSee
rollerdelayed 3 points ago +4 / -1

OMG. Go skydiving. At 13,500 ft looking out the open door of a plane (not thru some magic fisheye airplane window lol) you can actually SEE the curvature of the earth. Or try sniper school where you need to account for the curvature of the earth or you’ll miss your target.

rollerdelayed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Knowing that someone who lives in Omaha was in Washington DC on January 6th isn’t the same as knowing that someone who was near a dropbox deposited fraudulent ballots.

rollerdelayed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the recipe! Will try that.

rollerdelayed 0 points ago +2 / -2

Pure adrenochrome keeps my teeth sparkly white. 😁

rollerdelayed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, thank you! Appreciate the historical details and helpful info.

rollerdelayed 2 points ago +2 / -0

(or couldn't choose, bullshit tbh there is always a choice)

No, there isn't always a choice. And there wasn't in this case. Assuming for a moment that he did have a choice, that would mean the founders of our democracy put in place a mechanism for a single individual (who may well have a stake in the outcome of the election) to decide to invalidate the will of the people who voted. Not likely and not logical. Had Pence done so, then this paragraph could just as equally be applied to the Trump administration:

The context is Pence and the events of Jan 6 put a regime in power that has absolutely no intention of following any Constitutional precedents, rules, or laws of any kind. They operate entirely outside the boundaries of these conditions that we are debating and mulling over. They take what they want and do what they want with fucking impunity and nothing stops them. They are struck down by courts and continue along anyway. Their corruption is exposed and they laugh at it and brush it off. Their agendas and plans are exposed and they redouble the efforts. They are like terrorists in politics, they dont fear "death" in the political sense. Popularity doesnt matter votes dont mean shit, we're going to cheat and lie and tell you who voted and how many and you'll accept it. We own the information and we tell the stories. That's who THESE people are.

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