The wages of sin is death, so God gave the death to his son so we may have eternal life and the cabal or elite came up with that why? How does it benefit them? I 1000% believe my bible it is amazing when God opens your eyes to the word.
I'm not a Catholic or a Baptist but I love the word of God. It tells you that we are in the world not of the world and it tells you to set your affections on things above not things on the earth. Live your life and save some souls before your earthly tabernacle is dissolved.
Satan is the God of this world, they are just doing what he wants. He (satan) knows his time is almost up. Christ said I'll be back in 3 days (a day spiritually is 1000 years) we are very close to the 3rd day. Maybe 2030?
Why does God always get The blame. Someday he is going to reconcile heaven and earth back to himself. So that means it's not his , who's is it you might ask? Satan's. That's why we are in the world but not of the world.
So your telling me God spoke to you yet you need a prophet? We have have a prophet his name is Jesus, every saved individual has 24/7 access.
Never trust the words of man.