by BQnita
royaltea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Enlightenment infiltration not Jesuit

The Jesuit who rebelled was Adam Weishupt...who was taught Enlightenment principals by his Jewish grandfather.

by BQnita
royaltea 2 points ago +2 / -0

What?! This is news to me. Guess I need to go back and read again.

royaltea 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Dahmer meme series is my favorite. Hands down.

royaltea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why are you asking ME personally? This has nothing to do with what I personally think is okay or not.

You're emotional.

royaltea 12 points ago +12 / -0

Juan O Savin said other legal avenues open up on the one year anniversary date of the belligerent occupying force.

Legal avenues that wash military forces hands of breaking Geneva Convention rules of warfare. Gives them room to get work done without ever being prosecuted for war crimes.


royaltea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Compassion for people who wanted to put us in camps? Ahaha

royaltea 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great reference. His response to Shelly should make meme status. What a little weasel he is.

royaltea 2 points ago +2 / -0

She asks wtf has happened. Hey dummy, shouldn't have complied in the beginning. Many people warned of this. We could have stopped it looooooooong ago but NOOOOO, PEOPLE LIKE YOU COMPLIED. Stupid, stupid, stupid woman.

royaltea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes but what is causing the sleep apnea? I had read swollen tonsils from low vitamin D or iron can be one cause.

royaltea 4 points ago +4 / -0

God bless you, hope! If you have the time...right off the bat I'm wondering if you know anything about children with dark circles under the eyes even with meat in the diet and also have you come across anything on pediatric bruxism?

royaltea 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm sorry, this is my third comment because I have another question:

Your innate immune system recognizes these defective cells and deals with them on a daily basis.

Is this what's autophagy is about?

royaltea 5 points ago +5 / -0

I will caveat here that there are a few subtypes of cancer that do respond well to chemo.

Can you tell us which ones? Thanks again!

royaltea 6 points ago +6 / -0

Reminds me of those memes on 4chan, "If you only knew how bad things are" or something like that. I wish I could afford to hire you as our family doctor.

There is an interview out there called "I'm a Rofschild, Ask Me Anything" (something like that) and he says simple carbohydrates are the Trojan horse of the medical industry.

Thank you SO MUCH for this post. I hope it gets a sticky!

royaltea 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fluid in the lungs? Dandelion root. It's a potassium-sparing diuretic.

Have her take some potassium in orange juice or v8 a few times a day. You can buy it in powder form on Amazon. You can safely take 300-400mg at a time in powder form. Anytime we are sick, we use more potassium and its hard enough to get day to day as it is.

Get a multi-mineral with zinc, molybdenum, possibly iron if her iron runs low. Does she eat meat daily? Does she have a normal menstrual cycle?

Vitamin D - she can get drops that are 1000 IU per drop. She should really just get her nutrients tested but whatever, some people don't have time for that. You can take like 6-7 drops a day. It goes well with the magnesium in those mineral capsules. You need good magnesium stores in order to take higher doses of vitamin D. D and K2 and magnesium and calcium all work together.

Calcium lactate to bring a fever down. I've read a fever is the body demanding calcium which is why our bones hurt when we have a fever. Aches? Calcium lactate is very easily absorbed by the body. It also relieves a chronic cough.

royaltea 1 point ago +2 / -1

She doesn't have COVID.

What are her symptoms? Problems breathing? Coughing? Mucous in the chest? What's up?


They make money on the test, the diagnosis, the Remdesivir, the ventilator, etc.

royaltea 2 points ago +2 / -0

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a communist. You will never see that printed in an Establishment textbook, heralded in the controlled press, or mentioned in one of the numerous whitewashed MLK documentaries on the History Channel. Yet, despite officialdom’s deliberate cover-up of King’s communist activities and affiliations, the truth is that this so-called hero was actually a communist agent who worked to subvert our Republic.

In 1956 Stanley Levison, a Jewish attorney from New York, began raising funds to support the Montgomery bus boycott and became acquainted with Martin Luther King, Jr. The two men developed a close relationship in which Levison not only advised King, but also aided him with the day-to-day administrative demands of the movement. In 1963, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used King’s relationship with Levison, who they believed to be a Communist functionary, to justify surveillance of King.

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