sadicantuserealname 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything will be electric, and there will be no electricity so you will just have to die. Oh well!

sadicantuserealname 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a known method of psychological warfare, it is not about making more sense.

sadicantuserealname 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crazy things happen when there is chaos. We’re definitely in a time of chaos. Historically chaos is what has disrupted the accumulation of capital by the few to the many.

I think the same rules will show them selves true. Spend a little time trying to understand what the future might bring, diversify(all assets-time and skills are also assets), hope for the best, prepare a plan for the worst and then stay aware and be ready to adapt.

sadicantuserealname 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can’t risk mass default because the owed debt had been massively over leveraged by wallstreet. Just like how wallstreet was over leveraged on mortgage backed securities prior to 2008. This time it’s SLABS - student loan asset backed securities. Highly rated securities because they are fully backed by the US government and by law (legally can’t declare bankruptcy…) same securities rating agencies that were giving out fraudulent ratings prior to 2008 btw.

sadicantuserealname 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hate to agree. They have never and will never play by the rules.

sadicantuserealname 3 points ago +3 / -0

BBBY announced a buyback of 2/3rds of their outstanding shares yesterday which triggered an 80% jump after hours in their stock price. There is a theory that GME is being shorted through equity basket swaps. The theory is there are also other "meme stock" companies within these baskets. Yesterday when BBBY jumped big AH so did BB, AMC, KOSS, etc.

Also of note, GME trade volume was almost 5x the entire daily average in the first hour of trading today. This plays into the rehypothecated shares theory.

sadicantuserealname 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you, this is very appreciated. The For United Solutions link was of great help!

sadicantuserealname 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe this is what will used to usher in Kamila. They will use this obviously intentional fuck-up to push out Biden and then usher in Kamila. She is universally disliked so they will uses the optics of regaining control, something of which she will have no actual part in, over the situation to swing the option of the unthinking masses back over to her side.

If the suits in the dod/pentagon did their job even a little bit they could clean this mess up quickly - at least enough for mainstream media to report rainbows and unicorns, Taliban is actually good and inclusive. PoC woman power, why didn't we have a woman president all along. They will start doing their job and Kamila will get credit for spearheading the operation and all the generals that "didn't know what to do"/ "couldn't do anything about it" a few weeks ago.

Classic government. Create a problem(while profiting/benefitting off it), then solve the problem (while profiting/benefitting off of it).

sadicantuserealname 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm used to Hawaiian shirts and flip flops up the pulpit, but this guy is a badass.

I honestly think there is something to this, I know theres is meaning in everything he is wearing. while I'm cautious of what man has brought into religion vs Christianity - the teachings of Christ, I think there is something of value in this in the way of "setting ourselves apart from the world" for a moment as we connect as a church body with Christ.

sadicantuserealname 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all know it's not about covid spreading in the middle of summer. Good way to try and hide the reason behind the crash. Schedule a lockdown the day of or a few days prior.