There's an unofficial fourth branch of government that the other three are deathly afraid of. The other three made sure that the fourth branch never understood they had this power. It's US the patriots. When they fail to honor the Constitution we will come to rescue, and they had better be ready for the consequences, because it's going to BIBLICAL. Just take a look at recent pictures of SCOTUS and the RINOS and democrat lackeys. They look sullen and sick. The party is over for them and they know it.
The three star Trump hating general is ultimately responsible for feeding his men properly. He's obviously too busy finding ways to screw Trump; he doesn't have time to make sure his troop are being taken care of. Mobster Pill made sure that the NG got to sleep on cold pavement in a parking garage. That's what you can expect from this Fu Manchu democrat regime that the coup put into office. Hope they are discovered and live to hang for treason. I'm waiting!
None of these [DS] demons care if we ever show up to vote again. They have there plans for us. I still believe there is a patriot Q plan on the burner. There's nothing wrong with the rank and file patriots having a back up just in case things don't work out. They know that we are awake and those gorgeous gals of the View can't put us back into the bottle. WAR!!!
Actuallly Bill's interest in medicine may have started when he acquired a program he called Windows. Windows would frequently crash and you would see just a blue screen. The "condition" was called the [Blue Screen of Death]. The only thing you could do is pull the cord on the computer and boot up again. So he may have decided to move up to higher life forms to do his magic. So I'm thinking if you get the vaccination and you start having problems; just hit "CTRL-ALT-DEL". It could ave your life.
It's absurd to think that the military has to wait for this or that. At the very least military intelligence has everything. All the i's are dotted. Foreign countries, seditious and treasonous POS, media, government agencies, are all known by the brass. The ramifications and other dangers of inaction are known. The magic football is floating around there somewhere. Do you think the ruskies or chinks would be just a little nervous with a mask wearing Alzheimer twerp in the loop. And here's the three star going to save the day in DC. ref We're the enemy and don't forget it. Look into his dark eyes and tell me someone like him is our savior. NO NO NO, it's going to be up to us, the patriots, to get creative and fix this problem. Let all the people know in DC we are watching and time is UP! Fix the voting fiasco now Mitch, you know how. Sorry for the doom frens. Cancer is cancer and we're riddled with it.
It's becoming more difficult running a business. One false step and you're sued or worse. It's better to get a golden handshake and leave the country with your family before the globalist take over completely. Ask Eric Schmidt.
It's a lose lose for us. If we vote we play their corrupt game; if we don't vote they stick it to us anyway. We have to get creative and find the biggest megaphone and call them out by name every chance. We shouldn't let up. Make their lives miserable and some. We should use the law against them, and don't give up and don't give an inch.
There is nothing more important than securing the elections. It's totally corrupted and has been so for years. The guy standing in the way is the bitch. ref: We can't wait for the next election cycle. We're going to have to do this. Forget waiting for the cavalry; it aint coming unless it's for us. Sorry for the truth as I see it.
There should be a ban on politicians. With all I've learned, if you see someone on TV / movies or print I ask myself what did they do to get there. How did they join the club?