sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's almost like one of these wrongdoers is an individual with at best a small business advertising supplements, and one of these wrongdoers is a mega corporation, and that the system is inherently geared to protect one of these at the expense of another. Like how small business owners and the self-employed in America can often face a tax rate of near fifty percent, but don't get the benefits of healthcare and education that other people in countries with fifty percent tax rates do, with that money instead going to corporate welfare for video game companies and corn sludge manufacturers.

sillysausage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or that people really hate seeing grieving parents have to deal with mass media slander.

It's middle school thinking to praise when people you hate are pissed off, and then act like the only rational explanation for something is the fix is in, and not all that white-hot anger you were so gleeful about before.

Yes, this fine would be a logical punishment for Getting Too Close To The Truth. It would also be a logical punishment for Lying About The Worst Day Of A Parent's Life And Getting Them Harassed In The Street By People Claiming Their Trauma Never Happened.

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

If someone wanted you to ignore something looming and pressing that will irrevocably change the world your grandchildren will leave to theirs, then distracting you with artificial price gouging would be the play, no? Frogs and boiling water and all that.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

Of course they are on the road to socialism, that has never been disputed. But the victories for the common people that the article highlights - increased social safety nets, the eradication of abject poverty, welfare - are only possible due to the generation of wealth caused by Deng's capitalist reforms. China is currently capitalist and will continue to use capitalism to secure a better world position until they no longer need it. At that point, they will have a strong socialist infrastructure solidified under decades of state capitalism.

You don't need to own land for capital to be generated and flow. Being forced to rent land puts a cap on things, obviously, but fettered capitalism is not the same as socialism, a mistake I see constantly made on all sides of the political map. Being on the road is not the same as being at a destination.

Also, by posting this article you all but proved that horseshoe theory is just a fucking circle, but that's a discussion for a different day.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Weird that Biden, who is just as much at fault for the invasion of Iraq as Dick Cheney, is seen here as a capitalism-hating communist, while Dick gets to be a stooge of the military-industrial complex. Wouldn't a real communist not, you know, be a major booster of an American imperialist venture that generated massive revenue for the MIC?

I say this not to defend either asshole, but to defend the concept of accurate categorization.

Biden does not have the most socialist administration in American history, he hasn't even started anything like welfare or social security (and genesis is always more impactful than maintenance), and it's short-sighted to call him a communist when actual leftists are trying to take the party from the likes of him and Pelosi. You're going to need those words when someone like AOC runs successfully against the DNC establishment.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

I mean, when everyone had to take the anthrax vaccine, that didn't piss people off. I would think BEING LIED TO ABOUT IRAQ would be a much bigger concern. Since a soldier gives up their bodily autonomy to the government, being forced to take untested vaxxes is nothing new at all. Being directly lied to by your commander in chief and the rest of his administration about the very reason behind your operation - that's a hell of a lot worse.

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well, that would be a clear violation of the First Amendment? Separation of religion and state and all that. And the church is clearly, emphatically a religion, whereas trans activism is not currently legally considered as such. There's an argument to be made, but it has to actually, you know, be made, in courts. And it would be a real uphill battle.

sillysausage 1 point ago +2 / -1

So, does everyone here believe they have gotten what they deserve for their hard work?

sillysausage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's almost like he was running against a firebrand incumbent who famously caused a tear filled meltdown of the other side and then presided over the beginning of an alleged pandemic. Very strange when y'all get so excited over how much anger, sadness, and hatred Trump inspires in your enemies, and then act surprised when that passion he engenders turns into results at the ballot box.

Fear is an extremely powerful motivator, as is the trap of the two-party system. Joy is an even more powerful motivator, which is why Trump will win again in 2024, but Trump has honestly been posting bigger W's out of office, as his influence on the courts finally trickles through (the courts taking a long time to do anything) - so it's not surprising that he wasn't able to muster enough Joy in 2020 to beat Biden's Fear.

Also, remember that Trump got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 - it was a big year for turnout in general.

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, and? How did I negate it? I am simply disagreeing with p8riot's assertion that this is new, via their use of the word "anymore". If you don't see the world as it is, you can never hope to effectively change it.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

China is a capitalist country. It's been so since Deng. If you cannot understand the difference between China today and the USSR or China under Mao, then you understand literally nothing about modern geopolitics.

If Biden was a communist, wouldn't there be any communists who support him? Commie FB pages are full of just as much "fuck Joe Biden" rhetoric as here. Crucially, they are mad at him for very different things, but it's almost like he's just another centrist hack and not the second-coming of Engels. There was even more shaming of voting for Biden in leftist circles then there was shaming of voting for Clinton, mostly due to Biden's larger role in getting Democrats on board with the invasion of Iraq (something communists hate, since they hate the concept of American empire, no matter the form)

Saying that Biden isn't a communist is not me saying Biden is not a weird gropy old man who can't run a country. He's just literally not a communist, and being in the pocket of Chinese capitalists does not a communist make.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, hell on Earth was Nagasaki after we bombed it. Democrat-run cities are just kinda shitty. American cities are not warzones, as is clear looking at any city that actually is a warzone. Be careful with your hyperbole.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Like, a lot more. He has long been a booster for American empire in specific and capitalism in general. He also has a long history of being a Gropy McGee

sillysausage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wyoming has half the population that just Portland, OR does, and that's at best a mid-size city. You're having an issue visualizing scale. Also, people vote blue in red states, but do so in small enough numbers that they tend to be quiet about it.

And all of this back and forth about voting as representation of what "the country" actually thinks completely ignores the fact that about a third of eligible voters don't, and the margins are always much closer than 30%.

sillysausage -2 points ago +1 / -3

So, when the data doesn't fit your world view, the data is wrong then, eh? Same tactic the communists use when you bring up the destruction of the Donbas region, or similar.

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yet another example of MAGA saying the exact same stuff I see on communist boards. Breaking down the pyramid scheme that is capitalism, hanging the bankers, etc. Also, no communist likes Clinton or Biden, because they are "pro-American imperialism capitalists". Your goals are so strikingly aligned for how disparate your reasons are. Maybe the horsehoe's just a damn circle.

sillysausage 0 points ago +2 / -2

I dunno, blackmailing MLK Jr. into suicide and then either successfully murdering him or being so incompetent they let some yahoo get to him first seems like it should make the list alongside "No arrests of victims", whatever that means

The guy who autopsied Epstein is the same man who autopsied MLK, in case you've tricked yourself into thinking this is something new and related just to the Clintonsphere

sillysausage -1 points ago +1 / -2

China is capitalist. Explicitly so. They plan to be "socialist with Chinese characteristics" someday, but they are on a slow roadmap towards that, using the Dengian philosophy of "a cat that catches mice is a good cat" - that is, capitalism allows them to generate capital which can be used to alleviate the extreme poverty that has racked the nation for centuries. The idea is some day they will definitely do something about all those billionaires in high rises in Beijing and Shanghai, honest, but in the meantime, capitalism suits them just fine. Capitalism and democracy are not mutually inclusive.

If you don't understand the people or systems you hate, you can never defeat them.

sillysausage -3 points ago +1 / -4

We've had widespread property taxes since the 18th century? It does a disservice to yourself to pretend like this is some new thing.

deleted -1 points ago +2 / -3
sillysausage -8 points ago +1 / -9

Why is it that y'all never want to trot out the maps where county size is adjusted to reflect population size, and thus give a more accurate visual representation of how many people are voting for which party?

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