sleepersawake17 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's great as long as we have the manufactured parts and fertilizer to keep us producing.

sleepersawake17 5 points ago +5 / -0

If this strike happens, I see it as an opportunity for Trump to showcase his MAGA leadership in contrast to blithering Biden's and Harris's ineptitude. It'll be an opportunity to make Americans understand the fragility of globalism and the importance of manufacturing on our own soil, and a good chance to frame it as a national security matter. Both biblical AND awakening, a slap in the face for those still sleeping.

sleepersawake17 17 points ago +17 / -0

The actor playing Hitler looks remarkably like Angela Merkle. Funny about that.

sleepersawake17 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hope we go back to mom and pop pharmacies. Maybe when we become a healthier population, we won't need as many drugs, and we can scale down.

sleepersawake17 1 point ago +2 / -1

Russia has a role in this Great Awakening as setting an example of traditional morals, but it has a real gloom about it as soon as you cross the border. Better to stay here and live a clean life and DO NOT comply with what you disagree with.

sleepersawake17 2 points ago +2 / -0


There is profound content to be discovered in this link that relates to the above Q post. Most importantly, look WITHIN yourself to find the answer to WHO YOU ARE! (If you don't like what you see, take the journey of learning to forgive yourself.)

In Q's last post, #4966, he (they) writes "Ascension". It's also in post #4963.


Humanity is about to Ascend to a higher Density. It will be beautiful after we go through the darkness that we know is coming soon.

sleepersawake17 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seems that monoliths (monolith art was popular in the 1970s when the WTC was built) were meant to be destroyed:


Odd that the WTC was destroyed in 2001 and that the film 2001 a Space ODDyssey was famous for featuring a monolith.

sleepersawake17 4 points ago +4 / -0


For those people who have a good grasp on the geopolitical Q movement and who are ready to further expand their thinking, look at this.

sleepersawake17 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I was the WH pulling the strings, Biden will be removed one way or another if he demands to get back in the race. Then, the media will pretend it's no big deal that he 'died' or whatever and continue to rally Kamala. If (when) Kamala and Walz get replaced (scandal?) by HRC and/or Michelle, no biggie, media rallies them even more, etc. etc. till the people understand that they don't have a say but are just being TOLD who to support. Wonder what percentage of Dems will do as their told without question. Anyway, if it plays out like this, even most Dems should sense something's 'off'. Add to that jailing Trump before the election and/or another assassination attempt. The spotlight will then be on HRC and/or the Obamas being behind all of this scheming.