slippypede 5 points ago +5 / -0

Btw, for anyone skeptical of this, both Dr. Peter McCullough and the FLCCC doctors recommend dilute Betadine or povidone-iodine as a mouthwash and nasal swab. You can buy what's pictured here and take as is or make your own. In the U.S., povidone-iodine usually comes in a 10% concentration so you would need to dilute it down. 19 parts water to 1 part povidone-iodine for a 0.5% concentration.

If you have thyroid problems or are otherwise allergic to iodine, there was another post on here that pointed to xlear saline nasal spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed extract that was shown to work. Closys mouthwash shows some promise as lab tests determined that it eliminates 98.4% of covid in 30 seconds, but they were forced by the FDA to shut down their marketing message in December 2020. It's currently undergoing a clinical trial along with several other name brand mouthwashes that's set to complete at the end of this month, so it's worth keeping an eye on.

slippypede 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't have a twitter so i can't verify, but just following the google search link leads to the page with her talking back and talking trash. Maybe a sassy black woman is just what the doctor ordered.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Delusional to think that all of this is a personal power grab by joe biden. The guy can barely walk and talk at the same time. He's being propped up there by his handlers for their purpose.

slippypede 6 points ago +6 / -0

Keep her at distance and don't divulge too much. She'll turn you into the authorities the first chance she gets "for your benefit and good of society."

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this a doctor you know, or is there a source for this? This brand says it's saline. Dr. Peter McCullough talks about nasal spray as a preventative measure, but I think he mentioned Betadine or povidone iodine that actually kills the virus that stays in your mouth and nose for several days before one gets infected.

slippypede 8 points ago +8 / -0

He's basing it off the animal studies. In one study, the ferrets were doing well in captivity with the vax, but as soon as they were released and caught the wild form of the virus, they all died. I think 100% of all the animals died through ADE. It may be different with humans, but no one knows, because it's never been tested, we're the test subjects. He quoted the president of Pfizer as saying Israel is the biggest lab in the world right now. He's leaning on guys like Robert Malone, credited with inventing mRNA technology saying that ADE is a real and likely possibility, and Luc Montagnier, Nobel prize-winning virologist who said that you should not create an imperfect vaccine during a pandemic and that this is the greatest risk to human genocide that ever existed.

slippypede 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dr. Zelenko's video in front of the Jewish Council mentioned 3 phases of danger. 1st phase usually happens within a week or so. The 2nd phase is ADE, signs of which are showing according to Robert Malone based on the data out of Israel. We'll soon find out in the Fall/Winter here in the States, or even later in the future, but MSM will likely blame some "super variant spread by the unvaxxed." The 3rd phase is long term consequences - autoimmune diseases, reduction in fertility, cancer.

Dr. Zelenko did not mention another important discovery by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who found that 62% of patients he was studying had signs of micro blood clots that go undetected and can only be found on a special test called a d-dimer test. The spike proteins cause micro blood clots and will eventually make its way to the heart and brain where it cannot repair itself. He estimates those people will die in 2-3 years. By the way, Dr. Hoffe's office with all his research info was conveniently "burned" down.

This is not even considering the graphene oxide that Karen Kingston, former Pfizer rep said was in the vaccines on the Stew Peters show. We can only guess at its intended use.

No one knows for sure what will happen, if ADE will take place en masse, or if people will die of heart attacks and strokes in 3 years, or maybe people's lives just get shortened by a decade at the tail end. But, unless we're being seriously gaslighted by the doctors and scientists we trust, we're in for a world of pain. I think it's wishful thinking to believe we will come out clean in the end; people are already dying from the vax. 13,000+ in Vaers (CDC whistleblower said at minimum 45,000 deaths back in June/July); Euro equivalent of VAERS system was removed, but numbers were similar and there were nearly 2million adverse events reported back in July. 2015 study estimated that only 1% of incidents are actually reported in VAERS, but perhaps because of more awareness that number has gone up for this crisis, but by how much. There is proof that some incidents have been scrubbed from the system.

by klmd
slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you so much!

by klmd
slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got any information about this I can take a look at? Might want to try it out for something that looks a little suspicious.

slippypede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe they are victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and have been programmed as Dr. Corydon Hammond outlined in his Greenbaum Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUersarZuo&t=1866s

slippypede 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can find the clip on his podcast here: https://www.americaoutloud.com/vaccinated-or-not-acute-covid-19-in-high-risk-patients-demands-early-treatment/ He talks about treatment by age group and goes into monoclonal antibodies starting at around 14:00, but the first half of the show is essential in my opinion. Where to get Regeneron near you: https://covid.infusioncenter.org/ I think it's Free, pre-purchased by the govt., but you may need to pay for the administering of the infusion.

slippypede 17 points ago +18 / -1

Good advice, and trust your gut. In addition to the points you mentioned and all the paper fraud going on, the top-down order in these hospitals is to NOT treat covid sick patients and instead send them home until they have trouble breathing. No advice, no guidance, just come back when you run low on oxygen. Most hospital staff are sheep and will just obey orders. Then, when the patient gets admitted, they "treat" them with the ineffective drug Remdesivir and then put them on a ventilator, which just ends up killing them.

This next point is really important for those that are high risk: Dr. Peter McCullough says that the ONLY way to fight covid is early treatment. This was echoed in a tweet by Dr. Pierre Kory saying that ivermectin is not as effective in later treatment against the Delta variant. You can't expect to tough it out for 2 weeks and show up to the hospital and expect them to heal you. Even if your symptoms are mild at first (symptoms are usually mild at first), things can go south quickly if this is not addressed. Doing the Zelenko protocol early on is important, and if it starts to get worse, you need harder anti-inflammatory drugs like budesonide. If a person is older than 65, Dr. McCullough recommends getting monoclonal antibodies at your local Emergency Center.

Edit: Make sure to get monoclonal antibodies in the "pre-admission" phase, meaning, DO NOT get admitted to the hospital as a patient. Once you get into the system, the doctors are NO longer allowed to give you Regeneron (monoclonal antibodies).

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great to hear and good advice. Being prepared will eliminate fear in the future.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they recalled a bunch of those hand sanitizers because the wood alcohol (methanol) is toxic. When there was a shortage of supply early in 2020, a bunch of random companies started making hand sanitizers with whatever alcohol they had on hand.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Azithromycin is an antibiotic and can probably be saved for if/when his symptoms get worse. I think doing the vitamins and adding quercetin/HCQ and/or ivermectin is good enough, unless he shows more serious symptoms.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take it. I would do the whole protocol with ivermectin and all and assume he has it. It seems like he'll ride it out fine, but why go through the hassle of a drawn out illness. One thing that Dr. McCullough emphasizes is that early treatment is essential. Symptoms often start off mild during the viral replication phase, so people do nothing, but that's a mistake. Once it gets past that point, it gets progressively worse. This is how they killed people early on in the pandemic. They offered no treatment and sent people home and told them to wait it out and come back if they have trouble breathing. By then it's too late and they stick them on a ventilator. Your friend is likely not at risk for this scenario, but he might feel like crap in a week or so and then make a bad decision out of fear. So take care of it now.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regarding the test, I personally wouldn't unless he has a comorbidity or is 65+. Dr. Peter McCullough gives a nice rundown of the illness timeline and the steps you need to take if you are a high risk person. https://www.americaoutloud.com/vaccinated-or-not-acute-covid-19-in-high-risk-patients-demands-early-treatment/ If your friend is low risk, I think a test is unnecessary and just following the "treatment" version of the Zelenko protocol and doing it early will be fine. McCullough gives his treatment plan for under 50 and healthy around the 14:00 minute mark.

slippypede 4 points ago +4 / -0

https://covid.infusioncenter.org/ Also, Dr. Peter McCullough says that when you go an emergency center to get the infusion, Do Not get admitted into the hospital as a patient. You must demand the treatment because they'll pull all kinds of tricks, but it's been already been paid for by the government. I'm not sure what it costs or if it's covered by insurance. If you skip ahead to about 19:00 on this podcast, Dr. McCullough talks about Regeneron; the first 30 minutes of this podcast is very good if you are, or care for someone, who is in the vulnerable group. https://www.americaoutloud.com/vaccinated-or-not-acute-covid-19-in-high-risk-patients-demands-early-treatment/

slippypede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting that you mentioned this. I remember Madagascar touting a cure for the coronavirus with a drink called Covid-Organics very early on. It never really gained traction aside from a few shipments sent to some African countries, so I forgot about it. I just checked the wikipedia page for Covid-Organics and the first paragraph mentions artemisinin is extracted from artemesia.

slippypede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone know proper dosage? Several options available from 100mg to 500mg

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's that ego again. Must have the last word and throw in a few non-sequitur jabs to boot.

slippypede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Although your original post may have been written with good intentions, there is misinformation in it, and I questioned it, and clarified it with a response as to why I believe it to be false. Next time just let it go if you can't answer directly instead of going off tangent and trying to re-frame the conversation

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