It looks like that James Yoo thing all over again (with respect to someone on the Internet claiming to be the perp after they're dead).
Remember James Yoo? That guy whose house exploded in Northern Virginia back in December '23?
Didn't we see something similar in Maui with Oprah and her group? One side of the street was devastated while the other was untouched. Is this just a coincidence? Have we forgotten we're watching a movie? What makes a movie great? Great actors. And isn't James a great actor?
Back Door Barry. Get it? LOL
"Zuck." LOL
That ain't Zuck.
Illegal division by zero.
chemtrail couples
Asking the real questions!
This is a triumph. I'm making a note here: huge success.
Not sure if anyone realizes the significance of this. Whenever you prompted Grok to generate an image of Pepe it just looked like Kermit. Remember when the ACLU deemed Pepe hateful? Grok is now drawing Pepe as Pepe should be. We're finally on the other side.
Aaaaaand it's gone.
Is it just me and perhaps because I live in a blue state, but it seems Americans are going to be the last to awaken. Perhaps, in general, Americans were hyper-distracted?
Nah. I'm not folding to them. Language is language. Raw milk is fine for my body.
Buy Hasbro to have access to all of their record keeping. Similar to Twitter. What I don't understand is why the bad guys didn't destroy all the records before handing Twitter over. Must not have been able to? Were the records are too embedded into the actual function/code/databases of Twitter and deleting the evidence means deleting the thing for sale? Seems like going to jail for destroying Twitter would be more desirable to going to jail for aiding in human trafficking?
Usually he preempts it with "Soon." This is the first one I've seen without it.
Interesting timing to stumble upon something so grand.
This guy articulates it very well. I've always been wary of Stew especially of late as he's been going hard against a certain group of people.
Pure evil. Both the rapist and those who knowingly released him into the U.S.
We're getting close.
So glad to see Bill Still back on Youtube.
double agent? there has to have been some (if not many). this war has been on-going for quite some time.
What makes a good movie?