Welcome aboard Newbie - glad to see a new face willing to go out there and do some research for yourself.
anytime you have a question, let them know you are new so they do not think you are a SHILL - someone who is trying to spread disinformation amongst the group
I will pray for you Eagle 123 - that you either get off of this site or get on board
I am really sick of people trying to change our minds with STUPIDITY.
We have done the research on VACCINES and NONE OF US ARE LISTENING to anyone who believes taking this "LUCIFERIAN JAB" is the answer . . . NOT ONE.
WTF? YEAH THAT'S IT - WE ARE ALL STUPID and don't research for ourselves
where have you been the last year Eagle123?
we should BLINDLY TRUST THE VACCINE - when it has not even been tested yet (OR NOT< because we ARE NOT STUPID)
The plan is to depopulate - and any dumb a*s willing to blindly get in line 'for that much needed shower'.
We aren't ready for that yet. There are way too many people who do not understand the harm they can do.
NOT TALKING ABOUT IT? WHEN THE LEFT IS? NOT VERY SMART. Especially when we have loved ones we don't want to take it or wear the mask.
And he said if it was up to him, the vaccine would not be available for AT LEAST 5 more years, if EVER.
BYE BYE VACCINE - Trump supporters choose heard immunity at 99.9 rate of survival
if you cannot figure out how to research the size of a virus? I cannot help you
There is a large map that shows which states are removing the mandates, if you do your own research
If you haven't seen any studies on you know like the one FAUCI CO-AUTHORED? Said that Swine flu was the first punch and bacterial pneumonia was the final blow (from wearing a mask) ???? That's for you to find (since they swiped it off the net - AFTER I READ IT)
I was just going to say - LOVE #7
It was suggested to me awhile ago and whenever one of my friends is dooming I remind them how I found Peace...through trusting in the Lord.
Let us all pray for the doomers and gloomers that they find the Lord and in doing so find Peace.
I am amazed that you have healed as well as you have. I know you have because you are able to talk about it openly. And to work with survivors? You are a hero.
I am absolutely certain you have more qualifications than I do. There is no question about it. I will mention I have a keen sense of being able to 'read between lines' and I felt her aura when she spoke about this and it literally gave me goose bumps.
May the light shine so brightly on your world, that peace encompasses it softly with Love and Adoration.
WTF? you've done studies on MASKS? WTF? HELLO MCFLY . . .
- It says right on the box that the masks are not for VIRUSUS.
- Do you know the size of a virus verses the distance in fibers in the mask? EVERYONE HERE DOES.
- Have you heard about all the states that are now saying that MASKS will not be 'mandated'? BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WORK.
you are saying 1 in every 200,000 children will lose their parent over this and you are ok with that? WTF?
it's just a 1 in 200,000 chance you'll die? And you think those are GOOD FUCKING ODDS? WTF KIND OF STUPID - who would ever think those are good odds?????????????????????????????????????????????????
we aren't sure the odds of sustaining a life long ILLNESS from it, either
They thought they won in 2016 remember? It didn't work out - they thought it was going to be close and it would be an easy steal.
They tried VERY HARD THIS TIME, because last time failed.