no, but giving poisoned bread to a hungry man is not exactly thinning the herd.
my only question is at the point Trump left and Military took over it was all under their control, they could have just told everyone the truth.
the only value is your place by God. digital currency is part of the infrastructure the mark uses. it is just like how they restructured our economy into a debt based one. they are went from something tangible like metal to something like paper meaning you allegedly own the metal and now to something that resembles the paper alleging you own a piece of metal. your still being programmed to project value onto these things. don't. break free of it fren.
just don't be surprised when they find it wasn't made by the people trying to create a privacy based system
keep the faith fren. there is nowhere to run to if America falls. we will win this. God bless.
she also is just asking for money. fuck her.
this is like when people said tor was safe and then found out the NSA funded it.
but does he hover hands children?
yeah, he even has a foundation dealing with kids with his wife, and he's a complete psychopath. makes you wonder about Jim and his wife Mary Poppins.
Pretty sure Steve Carell is. He's very close to Colbert who Kappy said was very close to Podesta regarding pedophilia. John Stewart also is very likely a pedophile. Carell also did a movie about a creepy crossdresser. If you can judge a guy by his friends...
Kevin James seems legit but nothing would surprise me. Keanu and Chris Pratt are both likely pedophiles.
what I see rhymes with bewbs...8^/
yes, always a good idea. im going to be eating soup with all the champagne I bought for election and Inauguration Day.
how long does she have to wait to be able to serve two more terms? Trump said the 25th would bite Biden in the ass so part of me expects them to put her in, but the other part of me says she would undo so much of the redpilling for all the people that just want to see a girl as president.
seeing the same thing. I think it's on pace with the election fraud news coming out along with the end of the china flu show.
I will believe it when Q posts it or Trump says it or John Podesta is arrested publicly.
also bitcoin is constantly tracked with ease by NSA as is every other digital currency.
I can't tell if you're trolling. we are saying the same thing about the mark of the beast.
just like the fed prints fiat currency that was meant to be a receipt of something real (metals) the paper is not real or worth anything, bitcoin is less than the same in that it does not even mean you 'theoretically own anything'.
we have been mass programmed to believe our currencies are worth anything. people think bitcoin is worth something because they think money was worth something which it was not. It was a receipt to something you owned, but people lost sight and now think money is what is valuable. it is NOT.
Never give up. God is always with you and will always love you. I am a fellow Commiefornian trying to find work since the lockdowns began. Keep the faith, not just in the plan but also in yourself to walk the path you know you need to. Don't ever give up. God speed my fren. You are going to do great things.
it is the system for the mark of the beast.
digital is not real btw. neither is paper money. it is in your mind :)
my guess is they don't want to lessen people's trust in vaccines.
KEK if I go back in time and abort someone alive right now, is it murder?
No. I believe in term limits.
3rd time's a charm, just don't tell them when it's going to happen. God speed fren. You know where to find us.
ok the idea that Bitcoin cannot be tracked/traced is a fallacy. NSA already can and do which automatically feeds it into the system. the whole concept that your ID is not connected has been a lie from the beginning. I use gold and silver.