the_whole_truth 1 point ago +9 / -8

All the so-called Neo-Nazi groups were created by the international Jewry in order to maintain their lies about the allegedly evil "Nazis" of that time.

„Open your mind – you have been lied to about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism incessantly – from the moment you were born. There is a reason for this. ...

... We are all familiar with the story of Hitler that the United States would like you to believe. Hitler has been made out to be one of the most “evil” people to have ever lived, slaughtering millions of innocent Jews. This same story has been echoed throughout Hollywood for decades, and by now it’s safe to say billions of dollars have been spent to convince you of this black and white, good vs evil perspective about the National-Socialist regime. What if it isn’t entirely accurate?

After investigating the work of others who have documented history in an unbiased fashion, as well as those who have interviewed people who worked and lived alongside Hitler, there is strong evidence to suggest that what we’ve been told is extremely inaccurate. A completely new examination of Hitler and National-Socialist Germany during World War II is required, and from this examination a different story is sure to emerge.“


National socialism has nothing to do with the socialism we know today.

“National Socialism is not a political party, as are the political parties of the United States and Europe. National Socialism is an evolutionary nation repair kit, that makes communism and capitalism as outdated as feudalism.” – Mike Walsh – Hitler Uncensored

„What National Socialism Offers:

-Strong, altruistic, interactive communities. -Very low, almost non-existent, crime. -Nature’s laws respected. -Nature and wildlife protected and revered. -Animal welfare seen as very important. -A family orientated society. -Anti-Globalisation. -Anti-New World Order. -No debt slavery or usury… No private owned Central Banks parasiting from the nation. (jewish banking cartels will not rule your nation) -No degenerate Art or Books. -No degenerate Movies. -No Cultural Marxism. -Protects the unique cultures, races and traditions. -Promotes respect for other cultures and races. -Protects your own race and provides a safe homeland for each race / people. (It recognises that each race has a right to a homeland) -No mass immigration. -Promotes ‘world peace’. (If the majority of countries were National Socialist there would be no World Wars) -Regular plebiscites and referendums on important national issues (More Democratic than so-called western “Democracies”) -Leaders are rated by the citizens and nation every 12 months. -Leaders are held accountable for their actions and decisions. -Leadership appointments and important national positions are based on ability. (Anyone in the country can rise to prominent positions if they are talented, capable and have the highest moral integrity) -Farmers and agriculture assisted by the government – and held in very high regard. -Small businesses are protected and promoted. (Large corporations are regulated and not allowed to monopolize). -Countries are much more self sufficient using materials from their own country wherever possible (Much more environmentally friendly with less import and export) -Private property is protected. -Individuality promoted (Freedom to be yourself as long as it is not damaging to the larger community). -Art / Music / Theatre is very much encouraged. -Working for the greater good is a national philosophy – creating a National Community. -Technology created for the benefit of the people in the nation. (i.e the National Socialists were developing free energy.) -Pursuit of knowledge and science strongly encouraged. -A striving for excellence and continual improvement. -Full employment. -Free Healthcare for all. -Subsidised housing – and no homelessness. -Eradication of class clashes. -Physical labour is very much respected. -Healthy lifestyles and healthy diets (free of toxins) promoted. -Subsidised holidays and vacations. -The creation of an awakened Nation aware of global issues and the international lies and propaganda. -Newspapers / news outlets owned and run by the citizens in that country. -Gifted and talented children very much catered for. -Free higher education. -Families financially assisted when raising children. -Policies to assist the needy – if ever needed. The elderly are well cared for. -Youth organisations that promote, health, fitness, altruism, practical skills, camaraderie, assisting the needy and upstanding moral characteristics. -A well trained military to prevent attacks from other countries. (Disarmaments possible if neighboring countries all reach agreements) -A military with morals, honor and ethics. (Again, military as a preventative measure) -A Nation that seeks to have friendly alliances and open dialogue with other Nations. -No confiscation of guns from the citizens. (No strict ‘Gun Control’ legislation)“


the_whole_truth -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think the true meaning of "socialism" was twisted into the negative with the founding of the first so-called "democratic parties" of modern times. Possibly in other contexts even earlier. Hitler started with this choice of name an attempt to call the true, original meaning of this term back into the consciousness of the people.

the_whole_truth 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party never called themselves ‘Nazis’. The ‘Nazi’ term is an insult, a slur against them. It was created by Konrad Heiden, a Jewish man who was against the National Socialists.

the_whole_truth 1 point ago +3 / -2

„Why Hitler and his administration chose to use the words "Socialist" and "Workers" in his party I do not know, as these were clearly leftist words. ...“

National socialism has nothing to do with the socialism nowadays. Under the term "socialism" we know today, the communist, Marxist agenda is being covertly pushed.

“National Socialism is not a political party, as are the political parties of the United States and Europe. National Socialism is an evolutionary nation repair kit, that makes communism and capitalism as outdated as feudalism.” – Mike Walsh – Hitler Uncensored

Hitler explained in an interview he did with George Viereck in the 1920s: “Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal (‘weal’ means well-being). Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.”

the_whole_truth 6 points ago +8 / -2

Jews have ruled the "Western world" and its values for more than 100 years. Hitler and the National Socialists brought all their lies to the public at that time. Exactly because of this, Germany had to be defeated at any cost in WW2. Immediately afterwards, the most inconceivable stories (like the Holocaust) were spread about the evil "Nazis" so that the truth would never come to light again. Therefore, the narrative of the evil "Nazis" must also be maintained at all costs. And for this reason the Jews in Ukraine installed the cruel "Azov Battalion" in order to be able to attribute their deeds to the evil "Nazis" if necessary.

the_whole_truth 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's right. They were merely their puppets and were put in place. Similar to what was done with Biden and many others before him.

the_whole_truth 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is illegal to question the holocaust in many countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland.

This is outrageous when you think about it — why is it illegal to question a so called historical event?!

‘The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation!’

the_whole_truth 8 points ago +8 / -0

"A Satanic power had taken over our whole country, which had been able to occupy key-positions in our intellectual and spiritual life. From these key-positions, they were able to control and monitor the whole nation. This power has at the same time, the ability to persecute legally those who fight against it, and prevent other from creating a resistance to its advance." ~ Adolf Hitler, 1935

Doesn't that sound kind of familiar? AH was already fighting the DS back then, so he is defamed until today as the biggest monster of all times. The international Jewry (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) was at that time to bring the NWO (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion) on its way and AH wanted to protect Germany / Europe.