When I saw his pardon list it really changed my perception of him. He didn't drain the swamp, he pardoned swamp people and let people who fought for him languish in the clink.
Unless something happens soon then they've either got dirt on him or there never was a plan.
Sounds like globalist propaganda.
He doesn't deserve the hate he is getting. The notion that the vice president can throw out an entire election on their own is absurd, it never would have stood up.
Lin Wood is full of terrible information. The guy has repeatedly been wrong, he also rallied AGAINST the Republicans in the Georgia Senate race.
He has done far more damage than good.
Don't make public calls for the execution of the Vice President.
Also, don't, almost single handedly, cost your party the senate majority.
It's 2am, on a weekend...
If you can pull up most weekends at 2am... I expect this is hardly abnormal.
Troops deployed are rotated out relatively frequently. This is likely full of marines going home.
People who stumble into this forum for the first time and see posts like this walk away laughing and only return to mock it.
Complete nonsense.
Ted Cruz is a taint, he just wants to gobble up Trump's people for a run in 2024. He is as two faced as any of them.
I cannot find a single example of someone saying Trump wrote them a reply letter while he was president.
They talked about Qanon in the townhall but it was nothing like this.
Posts like this that are obviously untrue only make Q people look like liars and easily manipulated fools.
no, this post is bull shit. You can find the exchange on a ton of sources and it was nothing like that.
I'm sorry... but the legal team isn't looking so hot. Giuliani embarrassed himself and the President's case nearly every time he showed his head.
Probably when Biden became, literally, the President.
That happened and it is going to be hard to undo. Even if the vote was illegitimate, once he is sworn in, that is that. The time to prevent the Democrats from taking power has passed.
Unless... you know... the earth is round and it is day time there or something crazy like that.
This is insane. According to my sources the Scottish haven't even discovered flight, much less helicopters.
This is big. Expect a huuuuge announcement. Watch the news.
My guess: Cheese steak.
Lin Wood is an absolute clown. Even Trump told him to screw off and shut up.
In a couple years this dude is going to be destitute or in prison.
Pretty sure people would notice if Trump landed at a civilian airport in air force one.
The notion he still has access to the plane is rather absurd. It would be REALLY obvious.
I'm not talking about an overhaul. I am talking about the decor.
Probably getting work done on the interior. Biden might want a different layout than the one Trump used.
If this is what you're expecting you are going to be sorely disappointed.
The trial will focus on Trump and whether he is to blame for the 6th.
If Trump was going to go after the elitists he needed to do it a couple years ago, now he is in survival mode.
I've felt this before: Me: "Dad, can I play some more mine craft?"
Dad: "ask Mom."
Me: "She said to ask you"
Dad: "That's enough, thank you, thank you".
Mom haaaaaates it there during the winter. That is why her decorations were so bad. An excuse.
It's because I am not playing minecraft there anymore.
God promises eternal life for the faithful. There are no such promises relating to American politics.