theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, stay away from the Ai for creative purposes.

An image created without human perception - think about this.

You are putting YOU out of the picture.

Get it?

theist -1 points ago +1 / -2

Be warned. Do not use AI to generate your content nor train the AI on memes.

Iirc it was the only thing the AI could not parse. There may be a Q posted relating to it.

This is not how you create memes.

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stand up and that state of mind runs, eventually falls.

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Recent Archaeological expeditions have unearthed a priceless and ancient meme and is now on display for the worlds public to view.

Gino (the squeezed restaurant owner):

“I thought America, was answer to my dream. My dreams become a nightmare.”

**Hannibal Smith: **

“It isn't America, Gino.

We're talking about tyrants.

Tyranny is a state of mind. It's not a nationality.

And if you don't stand up against tyranny, it will beat you every time.”

A-Team The Big Squeeze, Season 3, episode 15

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's also a valid point, but there are a lot more C17 built.

Does the C5 have runway limitations?

My gut feeling is the C17 is that bit more nimble and there are more built and probably in operation than the C5, but I used it purely as back of a napkin means to work out the potential haul and what it might imply.

Have the airheads found any historical flight patterns?

C17's or C5's with serious escorts?

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to Wiki Top 50 countries:

USA = 8,133 The other 49 countries including the BRIC's = 22,854 (BRIC's = 5171 tons)

There only needs to be approx 15,000 tons restored from the Vatican, for the USA to have more than the other 49 countries combined.

That's approx 23% payload capacity for 650 C17 flights.

IF this is true...

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excellent point, but I suspect for various security and operational reasons they may not have maxed the payload capacity, so let's go with 70-75% of payload carrying potential, low mid or high it's potentially a lot of GOLD!

The aim here is to asses how much from this new info, because it's the first I'd ever heard and the whole 10 minutes or so of comments are causing quite a stir so it must be new and they really managed to keep that very quiet, but if it was undeclared and a real bad day at the races for the Kabal/Cabaal, you would presume they are not going to blast it across the msm.

theist 6 points ago +6 / -0

That drop never fully settled right, yes new world awesome, but “Brave New World” dunno if that trolling but that’s the Huxley book title.

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Basically I guess spread the word people, there are not too many pace discussing it online so far, there is a wiki of archived links to it here too https://thepropertypin.com/t/csrq-sm-the-great-reset-hacked/90288

This does not look like nesara/gesara, wan't that narrative we're all gonna be rich, and get loads of stolen hidden money released back to everyone, this so far appears to be the complete reverse of that idea. I think the Gideon character rejects that claim (among many others) as distractions etc.

It looks like it is staying very much on message:

  1. Expose world financial/money social management credit system take over by exposing the "Sovereign" class
  2. Expose raising vaxx injuries awareness

Get both things out to the least 50/60 million people.

Even if it's fiction, maybe its designed to raise awareness, using again a mix of truth and reality, but it remains very specific all the way. It is stepping people into what you have to agree, if was to occur, is beyond really most peopel comprehension, like Zelekno said about the pandemic, and what was behind beyond most peoples imagination.

They didn't get the whole pandemic, so how do you think they are going to spot this arguably even bigger move. The Final move.

What might consider this REAL, because it demonstrates the accelerated plan, the original planed forced into a much shorter time window, like 3/4 years instead of 10 years to get to 2030.

This causes them to make mistakes, rush to the final solution, so they have not time to control/manage mistakes or leaks and any growing resistance, they have been putting in place all the pieces for decades and decades, are sloe to losing it and need to get over the finish line before it's too late.

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q posts were as much dis-info to the other side. Maybe.

Think mirror.

The "playbook" known is maybe a clue too, and if you play along with their playbook, then how can they not guess exactly what you are doing?

If their playbook is to cheat, then play along with the cheating.

You are mirroring them, another kind of "mirror".

So Trump did not concede. He took it to the courts. He projected doubt on the election results.

He spearheaded their own plan designed to take him out, against them. Playing them at their own game.

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

A good example is much of what has occurred over the last few years has been seen in dreams and many years in advance too, it never cease to amaze, Acts 2:17 is the whole truth.

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have updated the dream text with the full dream:


theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ha ha I had to search that ladies name, now I know.

The Succubus (or Incubus) is no laughing matter, but that's for another days post but you can check Wiki quickly if unfamiliar - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succubus

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly, yes, your dreams very often deal with future events, in your own life or sometimes the greater story of the world and sometimes those dreams are also from the man upstairs if ya follow - that's why I shared it, that's what I meant by "I know how this might go", if that wasn't clear.

theist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea the dose is higher since delta.

I’d say if you took 3 notches is horsey it’s now more like 6/7 notches maybe more, gone from 0.2 to 0.4iirc

Read the flccc stuff carefully.

The protocol as good as it was confused me as I didn’t spot the raise in dose properly and worked on what I had used previously and so I under dosed couple of months ago when sick, thinking I was taking the right dose. It did help other things for sure.

Headache and sweating for 3 days but no fever or high temp.

This thing is two month recovery overall as I think it releases any pet virus or ailments you have.

You be over the hard part in 3 days which is not influenza hard but then it’s fatigue for weeks and it other hard to put a finger in things. Give it time.

Some days you think Youre back then a day or so later you get a reduced hit if the fatigue. When you hit normal normal you’ll know. Lots of false normals.

Whole family was around a lot of people 98% vaxxed, hard to avoid. The next day l or so after that it began, the descent into the weirdness and the malaise.

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I does and keeps it simple and clean.

Always look at the value of the source, even if it's fictional, everything has a value, disregards the face/voice, think, what is the value here... discernment is within.

theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I proposed much the same thing here with using a simple hashtag, use it on all your formerly controversial but truthful posts and get it trending!



theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good point, bring that one up too in discussion, so what do we call it "didn't get murdered day" ... "escape death row day"

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes excellent work!

The way this works is you stay the langue (marketing) they are using and you reverse engineer it so you know how to do exactly what you did. Great work!

I will add to the memorise point reductio ad absurdum:

  • It's ok to murder someone in their house.
  • It's not ok to murder someone if they walk out into the street.
theist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea but what I find interesting is it's been around a long time, but I've been on the fringe for decades and I never quite caught it, it seemed familiar but I had no strong recollection of looking glass per se.

It's the stuff of movie plots and legends, but when you look at the world and the behaviour of people and the things government are doing, reality is dissolving, it's very much book of revelation time and since we all can see some part of the future in our dreams form time to time, it's also not an impossible idea.

Seeing the future is absolutely possible in many different ways, it is just another aspect of being in this reality, it's not too common but it's within every culture of the world stories, legends and experience.

So again seeing into the future is not the problem, it is not the issue here as it is an established truth looking glass or not, what is urgent here, is the outcome and potential scenarios

  • How how accurate or plausible is the information?

  • How plausible is it can we affect the outcome?

The group ran numbers, I'm using my own subjective experience to make a similar assessment. I think that 4.3% can be improved!

the more the mass mind is primed, to detect the greater the chances of turning it around.

It is the same for dreams, this is the purpose of some dreams or many dreams - sometimes you can actually affect the outcome because you have advance knowledge and in some cases this advanced knowledge can even save your life or potentially the lives of others.

It is also true, and probably more often than not, when you see the future there is not much you can do, other than remain forewarned, so you can at least be less surprised and have a better grasp of what is actually occurring before your eyes when it's a crazy event of crazy times, much like now.

theist 2 points ago +2 / -0

You all have your own personal project looking glass - YOUR DREAMS

Do read this thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/15HIFH3Vm1/crazy-dream-/

I think the comments in this thread are justifiably sceptical.

However, there are things in there that resonate with some other things in my own purview that predates Q, Trump and other things, but not sure if they are connected, yet it feels like there is some connection, which would related to this outlook I posted here last year, it's long, but you will find that some of what I wrote to try an explain lines up with some of the first video in terms of the positive outcome (nor am I connected to the video makers in any way):


To me this is the positive outcome that I have seen.

It might be time to publish explicitly the information. Some of it is already know to a few, but I tried to wrap up the spirit in that long post to give hope, it filled me with so much awe for hours after, even days.

  • Discernment is key and if you spent more time with your dreams, you would understand how much info you already have. It give you a totally unique edge to judge event as you witness and experience them in your life. I'm going to to try to keep writing more about dreams here to help others - https://dreamborders.substack.com got a bit side tracked as a ton of my own historical dreams connected with Jan/feb events of this year and even non-dream info (the line blurs a lot!) - Never a dull day let me tell you!

  • Also on a 8 year time line there are 8.75 event per year to come!

Final comment for now - If nothing happens on the 18th, they can claim it worked without proof - will you believe it?

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