In the old days teachers were single women or nuns. These women were SMART and saw teaching as a vocation like being a mother. They had a passion for bringing out the best of each student and helping them learn about God and their place in his creation.
State education and Feminism destroyed this. Teaching became a profession. Now with the “smart” women chasing money we are left with the power hungry C students. They HATE the smart kids and want to punish them.
The Hebrew calendar is lunar but also solar. There is a 13th month thrown in on occasion to keep things from getting too out of whack. The beginning of the Jewish year is the first new moon after the spring equinox so has some reliance on the sun as well.
The reason Easter is after Passover is because It’s Holy Week that coincides with Passover and the particulars of the Jewish Lunar Calendar where days start at sundown and the Roman Solar Calendar where days start at Midnight.
The last supper was the Passover Seder and was on Holy Thursday Night/Good Friday and Christ rose on Sunday. In the Jewish Calendar it happens on the first full moon after the first new moon after the spring equinox. The celebration of Easter was decided to be on Sunday so it made sense to make sure Good Friday landed on or after Passover. That puts Easter after Passover.
There is a huge difference between forgiving a sinner and someone saying a sin is a virtue and you know it. If the death penalty is allowable for an unrepentant murderer what is it for someone leading thousands of souls to hell?
Protestants believe whatever they want. That’s kind of the point. As for burning heretics what are you supposed to do when someone is leading souls to hell?
If you really believe in an afterlife and heaven and hell it’s an act of self defense to try to save souls. Now that we have pretty much given up on saving souls do you think that’s better?
Remember what God did to all of the cities that were full of sinners to make way for the Israelites? Remember what he did when they didn’t listen to him and spared people? What did Jesus say about people that lead children to sin?
It would be awesome if Protestants actually knew what the Church teaches before disagreeing with it.
Catholics do not believe you can work your way into heaven. It is only through the grace of Christ.
You can sin your way into hell. That is where the disagreement is. Many Protestants believe as long as you have faith in Christ you can do whatever you like and still go to heaven. That’s where we disagree.
Oh year. Relics are a fascinating and Biblical topic.
You wouldn’t have the word of God without the Church to tell you it. Who is going to interpret? You get what you have today Millions of Protestants with whatever beliefs you can make up leading to a complete destruction of the faith.
And? If you have two different calendars and you want to unite on a day to celebrate you need to pick a day. Options are same day of the week, same day of the month, same day of the solar year. Which is “right”? The Church decided day of the week being Sunday as the new covenant following the lunar based Passover was when they wanted to celebrate it.
That wasn’t what the inquisition was. It was the Protestants that were running around burning witches. The inquisition was a formal process to investigate accused heretics not some crazy torture policy like the Protestants like to believe.
Indulgences are a form of temporal punishments like paying fines or taxes on sinful behavior to fund things like schools, hospitals, etc. It doesn’t allow you to sin since a mortal sin will condemn you to hell.
What teaching defends pedos? Are you saying there are pedos in the Church? Absolutely and it’s a disgrace but there is no teaching allowing it. And unlike most Protestants the teachings on faith and morals doesn’t change to whatever is fashionable.
It’s an artifact of combining the Jewish Lunar and Catholic Gregorian Solar Calendars. Passover always starts on the first full moon after the first new moon after the spring equinox. Easter is always celebrated on Sunday and because the Last Supper fell on a Thursday night (Friday for the Jews because they start the day at sunset) then Easter is always on the Sunday after Passover.
Wrong. Whenever the Church spread the Gospel it looked for parts of peoples culture that aligned with the Truth that is written by God on all peoples hearts. Customs that didn’t violate God’s teachings were acceptable.
Because you don’t understand what a Saint is. A Saint is a person who is in heaven. There is a process to figure this out. Nobody worships them. If you ever asked a friend to pray for you that’s is what praying to a Saint is. Asking someone in heaven to pray for you.
Here’s the thing. Christ left a Church not a book and put his Apostles in charge of spreading his Word. Only later did the Church compile an official Bible from various writings. So when you ask what about all of these things that aren’t in the Bible imagine the early Christians before the Bible? Were they not real Christians?
The amazing thing about the Catholic Church is it’s still here even with all of our truly awful leaders. It still officially teaches the truth even with all of its sinful clergy.
Let’s hope it’s not 3 days of darkness.
It is also an off the shelf costume not custom.