if true, then i’d assume these lawyers would be facing death threats, intimidation, and risk of disbarment. if trump loses the case, then these lawyers would face the scorn of patriots, attacks from the IRS, a first class ticket to the gulag and on and on. i don’t defend being a pussy, but i can understand why such a high percentage of people are pussies.
(financial retard here) what’s known about the hedge fund members? who specifically will be hurt the most from this gamestop stock squeeze? i think more digging into those people and their connections would be beneficial. which, if any, other risky hedge funds are they part of? if they are involved in multiple shorts like gamestop, then you could squeeze all for complete nuke.
keep in mind...as we awaken as weaponized autists...someone could “aim” us in a particular direction for their own revenge/benefit
i remember that video of the police chick saying “move away! they’re gonna bring the building down!”