trumpwonbyabagillion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden actor should just say he was spying on the deep state. He should expose them for the frauds they are without sounding senile. it would red pill many.

trumpwonbyabagillion 3 points ago +4 / -1

agreed angels and demons are real. all this alien crap is nonsense for sheep.

by BQnita
trumpwonbyabagillion 0 points ago +2 / -2

dont matter what level you are if you believe NASA and their fake Globe lies. funny how they never mention that on any of these levels. #flatearth is real. WAKE THE FUCK UP SHEEP.

trumpwonbyabagillion 1 point ago +2 / -1

your shilling trash. im calling it out for the fake it is. what are you gonna do about it? this is all non sense to guide people to more lies. its all it is.

trumpwonbyabagillion 2 points ago +3 / -1

stay off the drugs. get back to reality. wake up sheep. cant fix retard.

trumpwonbyabagillion 10 points ago +12 / -2

who cares what they do. nothing new. when your corrupt, your corrupt. no blaming will work. they lost, and will keep losing.

trumpwonbyabagillion -6 points ago +2 / -8

lol, gtfo. stargate bs, time travel etc. STFU. 1 earth, 1 God. this is all trash.

trumpwonbyabagillion 0 points ago +1 / -1

now they are all dead at gitmo. so no it was not fake.

trumpwonbyabagillion 1 point ago +2 / -1

rino pos will die in gitmo. mob? FUCKYOU POS, we are patriots!!!

trumpwonbyabagillion 1 point ago +1 / -0

agreed. i would love the photos. i have the list of gitmo tribunals and all these mofos and hollywood are already ghosts.

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