unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

The question is who do they believe would stand a better chance over Biden? Newsom? Michael Robinson, aka Michelle Obama?

I do not see any candidate on the Dem side that could beat Trump even with 10 million fake votes.

Maybe they will take the RFK challenge, doubtful as it may be.

unQuestionable_Truth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do you think they had the first debate before the national DNC and GOP conventions?

I've said it many times over the last year or more that Biden is unlikely to be the DNC choice for a candidate.

My guess back in the day was Gavin Newsom, others claim Michael Robinson, AKA Michelle Obama, but I think that is unlikely.

All I know is if the DNC does not pull a rabbit out of their hat ... even 10 million fake votes won't save them.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thus, GJN presciently described corporate America in a nutshell.

The craftsmen and actual doers of the world slave underneath men such as these.

If only we appreciated and exorcised our power.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh yeah! After the clown attack in Kazakhstan, that is when Putin went all in, he amassed forces westward towards Ukraine not southern towards Kazakhstan as expected.

He invaded Ukraine in response to the US state sponsored terrorist attacks the first time by invading Ukraine.

If this was Putin's response the first time, what do you think Putin's response will be to another US state sponsored terrorist attack?

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the "Free Tibet" movement was an orchestrated PR campaign that gave the CIA ammunition to show the evil criminality of China annexing a neighboring nation.

The official narrative is that the world had no logistical way of stopping it and bad PR was all they could muster.

While in reality ...

I would not doubt that the Kazarian run Clowns in America, State Department, et all gave the ok for China to annex Tibet in exchange for some other nefarious quid pro quo.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want nothing more than to dive into that rabbit hole with you while reminding you that Daniel slept safely amongst the lions, God tends to make his servants walk through the fire not be sheltered from it, but I promised to share my views on sino-rus vs USA.

There are families of old that maintain order. Some of those families have gotten too big for their britches and have gone completely mad. The other families are not without the means of taking it all down but they would also harm themselves and everyone on the planet in doing so.

Nothing in international affairs is as anyone thinks, they are missing the subtext. Your enemies are friends and your friends are enemies.

It is the age of delusion, Jesus spoke of a time when truth would be lies and lies would be truth.

unQuestionable_Truth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quid pro quo, you answer me and I'll give you my opinion on the sino-rus world narrative.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ash dog, you are a prolific poster of great intel but I would love to see an op ed post by you.

A topic that you have a strong opinion on.

But answer me this, what is your opinion on John Nelson Darby and the doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Laughing my ass off, fren!

The Golgotha demon has made everything in Hollywood turn out like shit.

unQuestionable_Truth 5 points ago +6 / -1

I love when she played God in the Kevin Smith movie "Dogma", now she might get to channel God and help to cure a systemic sickness in the entertainment industry.

The fabled crossroads of Robert Johnson is history not legend frens.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you, but I was just agreeing with you when you were asking for the source and the sauce given was lack luster at best.

Now, smoking guns have been posted. Good for you for pushing the issue until unquestionable truth was presented in the thread.

unQuestionable_Truth 9 points ago +9 / -0

Exactly, Wolfgang Halbrig did not supply AJ with the proof, nor did he testify or even sign an affidavit for AJ because Halbrig was criminally charged and his family was threatened if he were to testify.

Halbrig was a credible whistleblower with amazing evidence InfoWars took the bait and now AJ's empire will evaporate. He took on the Clowns in America and lost.

If you want to hear the real evidence of Sandy Hook and what Halbig knew ... go get yourself a membership of Caravan to Midnight , host John B wells, go back into the archives and search the early Halbrig shows.

unQuestionable_Truth 7 points ago +7 / -0

:) Fair enough.

Just yelling about the plot to those just tuning in.

unQuestionable_Truth 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ok, but where the hell was Wolfgang Halbrig when AJ was being crucified in court?

Halbrig was the one who came forward with all the proofs of the Sandy Hook conspiracy but then the Government allegedly clamped down on Halbrig and brought him up on charges. So, the whistleblower in all of this never testified for AJ or on his behalf at trial because he cut a deal under threat.

unQuestionable_Truth 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is the funniest episode yet!

I hope you all have been watching the full series (season 3) of this reality TV show, it is aired random nights of the week by all channels.

unQuestionable_Truth 10 points ago +10 / -0

Amen brother. A bag of gold is still a bag of gold when there is no electricity and the net is down.

A bottle of good whiskey is worth more than a million in bitcoin in a world with no electricity.