unQuestionable_Truth 1 point ago +1 / -0

So much for AJ being Mossad disinfo covering up everything Israel related.

He's the first to break the news of 14 terabytes of Epstein files and videos seized by the DC FBI from the NY FBI field office. He flat out said this is a CIA/Israeli Mossad operation.

He sure seems to be the real Alex Jones to me, (not a double) and he sure doesn't sound like he's covering for Mossad to me.

You AJ bashers who have been screaming he's a Jewish shill are worse than the democrats. It is you who are the Jewish shill disinformation gang. You might as well dye your hair blue, and you can shove a lit menorah where the sun doesn't shine, while you're at it.

unQuestionable_Truth 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is a dark magic shield but if we Invision his droopy owl-like eyes and long nose and just envision our hands on his throat or heart we could collectively squeeze the life out of that globalist piece of shit

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could you please provide me some source proof that everyone is lying to you and Hamas never used schools and hospitals.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0








And I've personally seen video air surveillance of armed Hamas gunman unloading weapons from transports into hospitals as well as videos of the underground network of tunnels they excavated beneath nearly all hospitals and schools in Gaza.




As noted by Steve Witkoff, the underground of all of Gaza is like Swiss cheese from the tunnels and it will take 15-20 years to rebuild the city because there is no foundation left to build anything on without driving 100-foot-deep pylons to support structures being built.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvu2LBumGo @ 5:50 mark

unQuestionable_Truth 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know I'm going get shit on for pointing this out but here goes anyway. Hamas "was" using this hospital and many other schools, hospitals etc.

The IDF did take over this Hamas stronghold over a year ago and based many IDF operations out of that location, while internally occupying Gaza.

Whenever a military occupation is pulling out, they do not leave their infrastructure behind for the enemy to utilize. This is the case here, there is no way the IDF would leave this structure behind to be used by Hamas again.

If I or any one of you were a military strategist planning on removing your forces from a previous enemy stronghold, it would be ludicrous and the height of stupidity to leave that structure behind intact to be reused by the enemy. It was no longer a hospital it was an empty building and potential Hamas asset if left intact.

unQuestionable_Truth 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yeah, I see the JFK files as the frog in the warm water. Let it sit for a while and get the frogs acclimated. Then the next drop will turn up the heat a bit, each time giving the alt news time to dig through and spread the news.

Rinse and repeat until the pot is overflowing in a raging boil.

Meanwhile, Trump is taking on the WEF, Davos oligarchs by drying up their USAID funding, making them dig deep into their own pockets for their own defense against the Russian bogeyman, arresting and exposing their operatives, sending their terrorist infiltrators out on planes to GITMO and El Salvador and just plain calling like it is every 12 minutes throughout the day.

I'm loving it.

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only 4 more presidential terms and Baron qualifies to be the 50th President of the United States of 'merica!

unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Emperor Constantine the Great and Pope Constantine are two different people separated by many hundreds of years.

Constantine the Great legalized Christianity in Rome in 313AD and gradually made it the state religion of the Roman Empire, thus the name HRCC (Holy Roman Catholic church). In contrast, Pope Constantine was Bishop of Rome between 708 - 715AD

Simon Peter the apostle of Christ died in 63AD but was posthumously considered (by Catholics) to be the 1st Pope of the HRC. Yet, the creation of the Catholic church did not take place for almost 300 after St. Peter's death.

I was addressing the Catholic church (or rather their clergy) in my comment, not the many hundreds of early Christian sects that existed in the 300 years prior to the institution of the HRCC.

EDIT: Interestingly there were 33 "Bishops of Rome" before Christianity was no longer outlawed in Rome and the institutional implementation of the HRCC took place. The first Bishops of Rome were Peter, Linus, Anacletus, Clement I, ... etc. None of them lasted very long before they were thrown to the lions in the colosseum, crucified, or martyred in some way. None the less, there was no such thing as Catholicism until the 4th century AD.


unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've seen that photo and it sure looked like a tropical Island beach to me. There was someone else there too, I just can't recall who.



unQuestionable_Truth 2 points ago +3 / -1

You have a hard time with comprehending a thread it appears, so I will clarify.

ashlandog wrote > ... Zionism is their religion ....

I replied, > Judaism is their religion

And then a bunch of tools piled on me acting stupid and down voted me for some reason.

unQuestionable_Truth 1 point ago +1 / -0

The long and short of it is that everyone who has ever seriously looked into the JFK assassination in the past was nearly convinced it was a plot carried out by the CIA. The new unredacted white papers basically give strong supporting evidence that the CIA did it and the entire world's intelligence agencies helped cover it up because every group you can think of wanted JFK dead.

High on the list of suspects who gave the order is Lyndon Johnson.


unQuestionable_Truth 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we are at the point where the witch who looks identical to George Soros falls back against the wall and stops menstruating.

Woman in their early 30's are starting to go into menopause due to the jab as we speak.

Next in the video we see the business world blown down and the release of children's minds from the constant media programing. Next we see the fall or destruction of the church (Christianity) followed by the pyramids being destroyed by meter strikes as the sun grows larger and larger with devastating rays and more meteor strikes.

unQuestionable_Truth 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why are you asking me? I was correcting ashlandog, who said Zionism was a Jewish religion, which it is not, Judaism is the name for the Jewish religion. Zionism is the political will of establishing a Jewish state. Which it did in 1957, it was a political ideology established in 1897. Again, not a religion but a political vision for an exiled people at the time of its inception.

You want history? here is some for you, the term Jews comes from the great grandson of Abraham whose name and later, tribe, was called Judah. Judah's offspring became the inhabitants of the largest province of early Israel called Judea. The neighboring Arabs referred to the entire people as Jews based off of Israel's most populated province called Judea.

This thread is about the ban hammer coming down on those people who insist on bashing a race of people called Jews. I'm getting piled on for pointing out the Jewish religion is called Judaism not Zionism, I really have no clue what is wrong with you people.

Catholics aren't a race of people either, last I checked, they are a religious order founded by the Roman emperor Constantine. They are not all pedo's but a huge portion of their clergy sure seem to be, just like our politicians, teachers and camp counselors.

unQuestionable_Truth 9 points ago +9 / -0

From the article: An FBI agent who accused the bureau of political bias during President Donald Trump’s first administration was arrested Monday in New York on charges related to the alleged unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, according to court documents filed Tuesday.

Johnathan Buma, a 15-year veteran of the bureau, allegedly shared text messages, internal documents and other classified information with associates, including as part of a prospective book he began writing about his career as an FBI agent.

Beginning in Oct. 2023, Buma “printed approximately 130 files from the FBI’s internal network … some of which were clearly marked with warnings that made clear that the information was to be protected,” according to charging documents.

“Buma also printed nine text-file documents which contained text that had been copied and pasted from reports that were marked in such a way that made clear that the information must be protected,” the charging documents said..

In the ensuing weeks, Buma allegedly shared a draft of a book he had written about his career at the FBI with “associates” over email. The draft allegedly included details about “the FBI’s investigations into a foreign country’s weapons of mass destruction (‘WMDs’) program,” the charging document alleges.

...Last year Johnathan Buma told Business Insider that political bias under Trump’s first administration pushed him to become a ‘whistleblower.’

Buma, a 15-year veteran of the FBI who speaks Russian, said that the FBI ignored his so-called leads linking Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to Russian intelligence...

unQuestionable_Truth 14 points ago +14 / -0

They can't ... everyone hates the French ...just kidding. I love chicks with hairy armpits.

unQuestionable_Truth 3 points ago +3 / -0

Anyone with half a brain knows if you go after the Federal Reserve you are going after a bunch of Jews somewhere eventually.

But let's not forget Lyndon Johnson wanted him dead, Cuba wanted him dead, the mafia wanted him dead, the bankers wanted him dead, secret societies wanted him dead, communists wanted him dead and yes, probably Zionists wanted him dead too. The fact remains the CIA did the deed and every intelligence agency in the world helped to cover it up.

So, even with overwhelming evidence that the CIA killed Kennedy, and despite a mile long list of groups that wanted JFK dead, the take-away from the fringe haters is ... 4 out of 80,000 pages mention Israel, so it must be them.

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