villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years" is a book written by investigative journalist Russ Baker. Published in 2009, the book delves into the history of the Bush family, particularly George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, and their alleged connections to various covert operations, political events, and influential figures in American history.

Baker's work is extensive and covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Oil and Business Connections: The book delves into the Bush family's long-standing ties to the oil industry and other business ventures, suggesting that these connections influenced their political decisions.

  2. CIA Involvement: Baker suggests that George H. W. Bush had ties to the CIA long before he became its director in the 1970s. He explores potential connections between Bush and significant events like the assassination of JFK.

  3. Election Manipulations: The book examines the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, suggesting that there were manipulations behind the scenes that helped George W. Bush secure his presidency.

  4. 9/11: Baker delves into the events leading up to the September 11 attacks, suggesting that there were missed warnings and potential cover-ups related to the tragedy.

  5. Media and the Bush Family: The book also discusses how the media has, according to Baker, often overlooked or underreported on the Bush family's alleged misdeeds or questionable connections.

It's important to note that while "Family of Secrets" is meticulously researched and presents a plethora of information, some of its claims are controversial and have been challenged by other researchers and historians. As with any investigative work, it's essential to approach the content with a critical mind and consider multiple sources when forming an opinion.

Chat GPT has it under its files

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Iranian parliament building is a pyramid with 33 windows (look it up if you haven't and compare it to the pyramid at the Israel parliament). Make of it what you wish but announcing 6B for them on 9/11. It does not get any more clearer than that.

villageidiot22 9 points ago +9 / -0

One of the strongest red pills is the historical and factual data that puts the Bush family at the center of the mystery death cult behind the SS in Germany and the Yale secret society. They were financially connected and the money Prescot Bush made was enough to buy up his political career and later appointment of his deranged and sexually abused dynasty into the CIA, vice-presidency, and presidency that gave them total control over America and its resources for the last 60 years. The Bushes created Obama and the Clintons, just as they established their perverted club vision on almost every country in the Western hemisphere. All to make sure that the perverted game their mystery school calls "the great work" continues to be controlled by the deranged, satanic blood blood-thirsty secret handshake club that believes is their duty to represent Satan on this plane and fight God and his creation. This guy imported their friends from Germany and Europe after their war went the wrong way and they lost, or they planned to lose and Hitler tried to Win so they took him out and built a new timeline. Including the creation of the Rotchilds Israel. The Bushes are still roaming free, are they all getting away with it? No karma for demons?

villageidiot22 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hello Anons, today I'm sharing another platform that shares the "alchemical" theme behind its name. Dante-AI, Dante is a Chat GPT 4 powered "bot creator". You can feed this bot maker a particular set of archives (like a digg) and then talk to it and ask questions. This platform allows you to feed him almost any type of content, from YouTube videos to PDF files or your strange mindmaps. You can start with $30 per month (not an affiliate) and experiment with your personalized AI. I am training mine with pandemic content at Coronagate.one so that I can better write my lawsuits and in the future have that agent inside the website for users to talk to. I you have the spare 30 bucks and a couple of well-organized files on conspiracies please do experiment with it and let me know how it goes and if ChatGPT can digest anon content.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes ChatGPT or Claude and soon Gemini will be the main ones. But people can use some multimodal AI to create, research, post, and digg in ways that Unimodal AIs can’t. Today I will introduce a Chat Bot training platform that works with your data.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Open source AI is out of my reach in a technical sense. I have found some AI with and some whiteout a truth bias. This tools are like having whole armies at our disposal. With just a little command and control the sky is the limit. In my view this is the noosphere so either we make it work for us or against us. People can easily train their own bots, create content ten times as potent. Thanks but let’s see how we can repurpose some of those tools.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

AI will take our game one step up and create a new wave for this truther movement. In order to do so I'm helping by showcasing some of the best tools that some other teachers and myself are using in our applied courses for universities and companies. Yesterday I showed a text-to-image generator called mage.space. Today I'm focusing on "all in one" AI platforms for social media. There are 3 main ones Ocoya.com Simplified.com and cohesive.so. My favorite one is Ocoya. You can create any post, write any kind of creative copy, create images, and then calendarize it on all social media platforms. Hope you can expand your social media game with this tools frens.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are many all in one AI for social media. Like a Canva, ChatGPT and Hootsuite but integrated. My favorite is Ocoya.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hello Metamorphosis. I appreciate that you come forward. Today I would like to showcase an all-in-one social media tool like Ocoya, Simplified or Cohesive

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe the counter to the Great Awakening still is mainstream media and the companies tied to them. Yes, blackmailed politicians and state employees, laws and all sorts of charades will be used but to give the mainstream media (foreign-controlled) the ammunition to keep the "spell" in place over the "captured" American populace. EO 13848 deals with all the traitorous institutions but above all it ties the whole economic behemoth of the deep state and gives its power to the US president once re-instated. The enemy is not the clerk or the mason-controlled Georgia or Chicago. The enemy is the secret handshake club above that casts the spells daily over us.

villageidiot22 2 points ago +2 / -0

His name Vivek means Viveka or knowledge, wisdom, discernment. Rama is one of many God incarnations representing a model of reason, right action, and desirable virtues and Swami means master or guide or teacher. Hindus choose their names and last names as a way of creating those virtues and working with them through life. The soros and vaccines and other backgrounds sound suspicious at least but again he might be a newly awakened aspie.

villageidiot22 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hello, anons, have been busy learning and lecturing about AI with some other very smart professors so I'm learning a lot. You need to catch up on this. I'm amazed by the fact that each of us anons now has access to unlimited communications power thanks to AI platforms. Robert David Steele would have taken these AI platforms and destroyed the deep state by now (I hope he is watching the fuckery from where he is). I came to share a very easy text-to-image and text-to-animation platform with a fitting esoterical name: mage.space . This is Today's AI catch-up for anons. Tomorrow I will show you the "all in one" social media platforms that are going to take the anon movement mainstream. I'm going to bring the distilled knowledge and selection of high-value pills from the work I'm doing with major universities and associations in my country. If some other anons are doing this please connect us. #wwg1wgaww

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Michael Burry is no stranger to making controversial bets The Big Short film follows the story of Michael Burry and a handful of other investors who made one of the largest contrarian financial bets in history. In the lead-up to 2008, they purchased securities that would increase in value if U.S. homeowners failed to pay their mortgages, based on the idea that the housing market was flooded with fraudulent behavior and unsustainable excess.

Burry made his bet through his hedge fund, Scion Capital. His investors thought the play was reckless, and he endured vicious criticism -- up until it eventually paid off when the housing market crashed in 2008. Burry took home an estimated $100 million, and Scion's investors pocketed a whopping $700 million.

After cashing out in 2008, Burry shut down his hedge fund to focus on other ventures. He decided to operate under a new firm called Scion Asset Management a short time later, which is the vehicle he now uses to make many of his own personal investments. He has used social media actively over the last few years to express his opinions on everything from the economy to the U.S. Federal Reserve's policy decisions -- and he typically makes investments to back up his views.

But the position he just took against the stock market came without any commentary. According to Scion's second-quarter 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the firm bought put options against the tech-focused QQQ ETF worth $739 million and put options against the SPY ETF worth $886 million.

Those figures represent the notional value of each position -- options are leveraged securities, so Scion would have paid significantly less than that (the amount wasn't disclosed). Put options express a bearish view of a given market, so if the QQQ and SPY ETFs decline in value, the premium Scion paid for its options will increase in value -- which will deliver a profit for the firm.

villageidiot22 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm sorry it did not meet your expectations with this post. I advise you to use search.brave.com so that you can easily find any information and complement posts you find of no value. Here are two articles with all the details:



I just find it curious that the name is SPY and QQQ don't you?

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Against the opponent. QQQ and Spy. How more clear do you need this to be.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

You need to defend them from psyops deployed by rogue intel agencies against them. You have the Constitution. Deputized citizens, sheriffs sand former military can arrest all co-conspirators. They are in the usurpation of power. Set an example. Don't negotiate with terrorist and globalist intel rogue agencies.

villageidiot22 5 points ago +5 / -0

We are all going to have to engage the deep-state goons in all of our countries. The world knows and is aware of the globalist grip of all our institutions. The military now has proof and motive to dismantle globalism all over the world. We are now all on the same side. Globalists are exposed.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you see everyone saying something that is inaccurate it tells you someone with power is tricking you into doing something and act on that information. I’m just noticing. Is a debt restructuring. 1B was liquidated from the crypto market today so im looking at the big picture to make some sense of what’s coming

villageidiot22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Correct, but not full-blown bankruptcy as many are saying. that's why the impact was not what one could have expected.

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prompt: Now write a 3 paragraph post in the style of Homer about how america is about to go into the precipice and fight the swamp directly according to that image prompt.

I used mage.space and chatGPT this is what they wrote:

"In the vast and sweeping tapestry of time, where heroes and demigods once battled the titans of old, America stood, a gleaming beacon of hope, yet teetering at the edge of a vast and murky precipice. This land, known for its pioneering spirit and the promise of dreams, now faced the looming abyss of the swamp, a place shrouded in ancient mysteries, where shadowy figures and serpentine whispers threatened to pull it into unfathomable depths. The very soul of this great nation trembled, sensing the lurking perils and the encroaching darkness that sought to engulf its essence.

But from this impending gloom rose a figure, Trump by name, with the heart of a lion and the wisdom of Athena. Beside him rallied the valorous guardians of the realm, the mighty military, diverse in their armor, yet united in their purpose. Their eyes, alight with determination, scanned the vastness of the swamp, ready to confront the lurking monsters and treacherous mires. Like Achilles in the Trojan War, they prepared to face their fate, with hopes of restoring the honor and integrity of their homeland, guided by the blessings of the gods.

The heavens watched in anxious anticipation, as the mists of time swirled around this pivotal moment in history. The Fates, with their unyielding threads, wove the destiny of America, intertwining its path with courage, sacrifice, and hope. The chorus of the Muses sang of the brave souls that would rise and challenge the abyss, echoing tales of ancient heroes, reminding all of the indomitable spirit that, even when on the brink, can rise, fight, and reclaim the dream."

villageidiot22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soros has made sure the Colombian and Latin American countries are controlled by him so as to keep the cocaine and fentanyl fueling the corruption of "hearts and minds" in America with the special aid of China and other enemies of the USA. Colombia is central to the destruction of your country. Colombia is Soros country.

villageidiot22 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Drain the Swamp" refers to the act of removing what he, and those using the phrase, viewed as corruption, bureaucracy, and long-entrenched officials from Washington, D.C. The phrase was used to position Trump as an outsider candidate who would disrupt the established order and reduce the influence of lobbyists, special interest groups, and long-serving politicians in the government. "The swamp" in this context is used pejoratively to describe a political system that critics view as corrupt and self-serving.

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