About those pardons... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by winn ago by winn

Don't mind me...just usin' muh brains...

Kash no likey Elon https://greatawakening.win/p/17rT238RUG/kash-on-elon-musk/

Trojan horse? https://greatawakening.win/p/15IEJqXEVX/is-elon-a-trojan-horse/

Ratio'd over H1B https://greatawakening.win/p/19A12maKCW/elon-gets-ratiod-by-disgruntled-/c/ archive deleted tweet: https://archive.fo/gHkNs

Upgrade the matrix instead of get out of it https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0y5tybu/elon-musk-insists-the-matrix-is-/c/

Hinting at landlines going down (IoT wireless everything? No thx) https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0tW2pQC/is-elon-musk-hinting-at-a-commun/c/

ToS update to demonetize you for whatever reason they want (also see Fatality's comment) https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QCkmLE/x/c/4ZHlqPQ4rhO?d=50

Elon is muhjoo? https://greatawakening.win/p/17rm0hXzjm/x/c/4Tz2FstHGvz

Largest recipient of DoD (that's OUR) funding https://greatawakening.win/p/140vQvwWGM/kash-patel--elon-musk-is-develop/

I have heard that, like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, Elon is not some super genius who created the companies he runs. Rather, his entire persona is created, and his job is to be the figurehead for us plebs to fawn over, while the real "geniuses" are actually just agencies of the Federal Government, specifically DARPA / IARPA...

Remember Kash Patel saying Elon was the largest recipient of DoD funding? Gee, I wonder what that money went to. Paypal? X purchase? Neuralink? Tesla? Rockets?

So the Federal Government uses our own money to start these companies and appoints a figurehead who then gets presented to us as the company's founder. Yeah, whatever the fuck could be the issue with that?

Oh I know! Because if they actually presented them as government projects, they'd have to run them Constitutionally! Hell, we plebs might even get a say on the matter! Imagine electing the president of Twitter (;

But we can't have that, no no. So we instead present them as PRIVATE COMPANIES STARTED BY OUR FIGUREHEADS! This way, we can run them however we want

Got it.



The claim was subsequently disseminated through websites promoting Russian propaganda, such as EDaily (in both Russian and English), websites that are part of the Pravda disinformation network (in Ukrainian, English, and other languages), well-known propaganda accounts on X (formerly Twitter), including “Olga Bazova“, among others. The claim has also appeared in dozens of Russian websites, including lenta.ru and gazeta.ru. In all instances, they cite “Military Observer”, which in turn makes a vague reference to “Ukrainian sources,” which are neither identified nor linked to any specific agency.

The only Ukrainian mention is from the aforementioned Pravda network, which systematically spreads disinformation. This publication cites a post from the Russian account “Насправді” that includes a video claiming that the mansions of high-ranking Ukrainian military officials, valued at $90 million in total, were destroyed, without naming any individuals.

However, the video features a digitally added logo (top right) of the Ukrainian media platform United24. Yet, this platform has neither published such a video nor made any such claim.

I'm seeing a lot of clickbait off this story. Just a heads up. Until this is actually verified I'd sugguest not to amplify it


u/GDZeus comment https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1Ladf7r/x/c/4ZHlXQfx7vK

u/thanks_anon Operation "Sea Spray" from 1950: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1C9sbvn/flashback-sf-bay-1950-us-navy-cl/c/

Psy-ops Propaganda Goes Mainstream: ... "A shadowy media firm steps in to help orchestrate a sophisticated campaign of mass deception. Rather than alert the public to the smallpox threat, the company sets up a high-tech “ops center” to convince the public that an accident at a chemical plant threatens London. As the fictitious toxic cloud approaches the city, TV news outlets are provided graphic visuals charting the path of the invisible toxins. Londoners stay indoors, glued to the telly, convinced that even a short walk into the streets could be fatal. ..." ~ Sept. 19th, 2005 https://archive.is/f3xgx , https://x.com/FringeViews/status/1874093362548269239 (AmazingPolly)


"I do enjoy our Geoengineered weather 🤨…after the heavy spraying yesterday we are left with a heavy fog Day & Night they manipulate our skies #chemtrails #SAI #doppler #HAARP" - Nov. 14th https://x.com/JayneJ07/status/1856996648846582255


"...Less than 1/4 mile visibility maybe less and this is what it is. NOT FOG" Dec. 27th https://x.com/444Cin444/status/1739918429958680917

User gets community-noted on particles seen in the fog, with Wikipedia.com/Fog as sauce. Dec. 30th https://x.com/thinktankfranks/status/1873881056128156079

"Entire state of Florida covered in a heavy fog this morning at sunrise." Dec. 30th https://x.com/FLskywatchers/status/1873727475492237744

"Fog should have moisture...This is dry chemical fog." Dec. 30th https://x.com/SuePearFL/status/1873759663461671071

"Fog conditions continue here in Northeast Florida...Very fine mist particles in the air that you can see up close." Dec. 30th https://x.com/thinktankfranks/status/1873845135756132604

"Mississippi Fake Fog. Chemical dry fog." Dec. 30th https://x.com/SuePearFL/status/1873763034709246289

"Yep. Not wet. This is today, Dec 30, at 330pm near Wausau, WI. No wipers. And we’re going 4 hours and we’ll get fog for 30 mins then totally clear. Then fog for 30 mins again and it repeats." https://x.com/me_mate_argyle/status/1873860093806260327

"These are three images, one is current radar, the other is current satellite, then satellite closer, where you can see the chemical trails and the pulsing of energy into the chemicals. We also had a fake dry fog earlier." Dec. 30th https://x.com/vincent9278/status/1873757855695982792

Dr. Peter McCullough: "The current strain of bird flu is a product of gain of function research done in the USDA Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia. ..." Dec. 30th https://x.com/newstart_2024/status/1873855727217107266

"This has been going on for DAYS now and not only are we getting strange PARTICLES inside the fog but now leftover toxic chemicals in peoples POOLS!!" Dec. 31st https://x.com/In2ThinAir/status/1874101910988345839

"Around the world, people are falling ill after encountering mysterious "chemical fogs." Dec. 31st https://x.com/In2ThinAir/status/1874136542307930443

"THIS FOG IS POISONOUS!!! I STARTED SWEATING AFTER I WAS OUTSIDE..." Dec. 31st https://x.com/In2ThinAir/status/1874123946188025930

"This fog...does not look like fog." Dec. 31st https://x.com/DanielGilr44222/status/1873995431077941268

"The strange FOG everyone is talking about SMELLS like aluminum and doesn't look like fog. It looks like snow flurries but it isn't cold. Here is Florida fog" Dec. 31st https://x.com/MilaLovesJoe/status/1873912167629808091

❗️"California Fog !? The Left is from last week & Right is this morning." Dec. 31st (note that date, before Cali fires?) https://x.com/FakeGayPolitics/status/1874077308010872882

Two videos from Florida, 90 minutes apart. Dec. 31st https://x.com/stef_stark/status/1874231901189529871

A drone flying over the "fog" in Italy. Dec. 31st https://x.com/Cielos_Toxicos/status/1873937082067878004

Some people think the entire fake fog narrative is fake. Jan 1st https://x.com/StefanBurnsGeo/status/1874283436149793203

"Smart dust "fake fog" coagulates in the presence of chlorine" Jan. 1st https://x.com/ncchange2023/status/1874438189471223863

(testimonial only) "Inland Central Florida: We’ve had the fake fog here. I live on a lake so I know natural fog. This is drier, has visible particulates and it smalls bad. Short lived, nasty cough and sore chest reaction. I’ll get samples if fog returns." Jan. 1st https://x.com/Soozinn/status/1874446424810852460

"They're going to convince people that they have the bird flu. They're just going to recycle the covid test and claim it's the bird flu test. They've poisoned people with this fake fog and then they're going to convince people that they have poisoned that they have the bird flu and that everybody needs to be locked down. ..." Jan. 1st https://x.com/QPATRIOTMLO1/status/1874286323126681875

WallStreetApes gets community noted on styrofoam-like snow called "graupel"... Jan. 3rd https://x.com/__jessayin/status/1875183440443957722

"This was the fog residue" Jan. 3rd https://x.com/__jessayin/status/1875183440443957722

"Nano-particle toxic fog here in Florida" Jan. 5th https://x.com/worldwarweather/status/1875710556063310110

US patent on artificial fog: https://x.com/Brock_a_dile/status/1874892344283312162

"Funny after heavy chemtrail and fake fog the whole world is sick" Jan. 7th https://x.com/Rockster77/status/1876440551253516586

Article: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/chinas-mystery-illness-worse-covid-34420044

Man in Oregon hits the fog with a blue light to discover that it is not fog, but rather white particles that resemble snow. Jan 8th https://x.com/tparon/status/1876819768147358074



BR21 collecting samples Jan. 1st https://x.com/BBBRW21/status/1874462771674300487

BR21's lab test results on the fog Jan 5th https://x.com/BBBRW21/status/1875984599337377798

Serratia Marcenscens detected: https://i.postimg.cc/MG2Q9nXN/IMG-6252.jpg

Serratia Marcescens: https://archive.fo/GVBqr

Serratia Marcenscens, extremely common and found in moisture? https://i.postimg.cc/mgF93YZ7/IMG-6251.jpg

Serratia Marcenscens: from Military Experiments to Current Practice https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3194826/

S. marcescens has a long and interesting taxonomic, medical experimentation, military experimentation, and human clinical infection history. The organisms in this genus, particularly S. marcescens, were long thought to be nonpathogenic. Because S. marcescens was thought to be a nonpathogen and is usually red pigmented, the U.S. military conducted experiments that attempted to ascertain the spread of this organism released over large areas. In the process, members of both the public and the military were exposed to S. marcescens, and this was uncovered by the press in the 1970s, leading to U.S. congressional hearings. S. marcescens was found to be a certain human pathogen by the mid-1960s. S. marcescens and S. liquefaciens have been isolated as causative agents of numerous outbreaks and opportunistic infections, and the association of these organisms with point sources such as medical devices and various solutions given to hospitalized patients is striking. Serratia species appear to be common environmental organisms, and this helps to explain the large number of nosocomial infections due to these bacteria. Since many nosocomial infections are caused by multiply antibiotic-resistant strains of S. marcescens, this increases the danger to hospitalized patients, and hospital personnel should be vigilant in preventing nosocomial outbreaks due to this organism.



Americans say mysterious fog with 'chemical smell' is making them sick just minutes after exposure - Jan. 6th https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14255637/mystery-fog-chemical-scent-sick-minutes-exposure.html



Well frens, what do we think? Real threat or psyop? Cheers.

KARMAGEDDON (youtu.be)
posted ago by winn ago by winn

Visit: https://jordansather.substack.com/p/questions-on-cybertruck-bomber-matt for embedded links, images, and videos.


This evening, Shawn Ryan released a viral podcast with guest Sam Shoemate, former military intelligence.

The story goes that on Dec 31, Sam received an email from Matt Livelsberger with some extraordinary claims.

It wasn’t until January 1st, when the Cybertruck exploded outside Trump Tower in Las Vegas and Matt Livelsberger’s name hit the media as the attacker that Sam Shoemate took the email seriously and went to Shawn Ryan to help publicize the story/claims within it.

Linked below is the Shawn Ryan podcast they rushed to air today. Shawn Ryan proceeded to “go dark” after the airing of this show, saying he was logging offline for a few days presumably for his safety.

Shawn Ryan posted a screenshot of the email on his Twitter account that we will discuss below.

Here is the screenshot of the email in question: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F47cbd03f-8617-42b1-911b-1ea5d9010540_1200x1128.jpeg

Unfortunately many online are buying this story hook, line, and sinker, seemingly because popular Internet personalities are making a dramatic show about it. The group think is also playing into it - people are more apt to believe it because others are - yet I have many questions regarding this story. Here are some of them:

  • Some of the "drones" we saw throughout the mid Nov-early Dec timeframe clearly had wings and propellers (conventional propulsion), so why does he insinuate they're all (or at least most) are gravitic craft from China? What evidence do we have that these drones were “gravitic” in nature?

  • Calling them "gravitic propulsion systems powered aircraft" is quite retarded language from someone with "UAP/USAP access". I would expect more specific or technical language for someone supposedly “in the know” and wanting to blow the whistle.

  • We had evidence to suggest most of the drones were craft being tested out of Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey (esp. since the sightings only lasted a few weeks, then fell off), now they're from China?

  • If these drones are "gravitic craft" from "China submarines launched for years", our military somehow didn't know about this?

  • Allegedly China mastered gravity control, but they still have to be launched from a submarine off the coast? (doesn’t make sense)

  • The "unmanned aircraft" are "the most dangerous threat to our national security that has ever existed"... somehow they are more dangerous than nuclear holocaust? (reeks of fear porn)

  • "They basically have unlimited payload capacity", what does that mean and how is this possible? They have to be quite small to load onto submarines... so payload capacity would be quite limited.

  • Wasn't Livelsberger on leave from Germany? But he's trying to cross the border into Mexico? Going AWOL?

  • Why would Livelsberger admit to having a VBIED (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) in his vehicle, yet say he’s trying to cross the border. (doesn’t seem like a smart choice)

  • If he has knowledge of supposed war crimes by the Trump Admin... why go public now, 5 years later? (three weeks before Trump’s inauguration, but didn’t his family claim he was a staunch Trump supporter? Still a staunch supporter even after witnessing war crimes?)

  • Why would someone in 10th Special Forces Group have "UAP/USAP access"?

These are a few of the inconsistencies I notice in this particular email. Those, along with the dramatic show being made around this story by the prime reporters of it, put up red flags around this situation for me.

Here’s another issue, it appears Matt Livelsberger’s Signal number was changed AFTER the Cybtertruck explosion (after he apparently died) - https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5649d67e-9922-4b66-b6b2-c597331d1fca_1068x1028.png

Here is a notable tweet from a gentleman in the Green Beret community made this afternoon. Excerpt below:

I have been speaking with people close to Matt and his work. This morning I disclosed information about his Signal information changing following his death. Today, after Shawn Ryan announced the email/manifesto, more changes were discovered.

Matt was not the most robotics-savvy person. In fact, his first official training on soldering and drones was this fall. In Signal chats designed for UAV users, Matt was known for asking basic questions. By December he seemed familiar, but still not an expert. He was a beginner at drones and robotics but interested and enjoyed them. Now the messages that bring his competency into question have been deleted at an unknown time.

It appears Matt Livelsberger’s accounts may have been compromised.

My guess is that Livelsberger did not send that email to Sam Shoemate that Shawn Ryan published.

I think it’s more than likely that a third party - an individual or a group - compromised Livelsberger’s accounts and sent that email on Dec 31, knowing Livelsberger would be used as a patsy for the Cybertruck bombing on Jan 1.

With the viral nature of the drones and UFO stories, whoever wrote the email worked that angle into the story knowing it would amplify the story and get an increased reaction from the public.

Now we have people 1) scared of the drones again, 2) thinking the Trump Administration committed war crimes in 2019 (three weeks before inauguration - convenient timing), and 3) working people into a frenzy thinking China could strike the U.S. at any time. There could be more agendas at play with this, which we may see become more clear as this story unfolds.

Re: Shawn Ryan, I will say that at times I get good vibes from the fellow, but other times I wonder about the guests he has on (primarily the UFO related guests), and wonder if he’s used as a “legacy alt. media mouthpiece”.

One thing that struck me quite odd about this Shoemate/Ryan show... Shawn appears to play quite dumb at the 20 minute mark.

He's done a few shows where his guests talk about USAPs (Unacknowledged Special Access Programs) and electro-gravitics (the coupling of electricity and gravity).

Yet he says he had to "look it up" (gravity propulsion) and "all he could find was science fiction type stuff".

He should know very well, or at least have an idea, what a "gravitic propulsion system" might be. This was made clear on his podcast by previous guests.

Some of these “former” CIA podcasters have been a little suspect recently.

*** UPDATE 6:00AM Jan 4th: More questions + email inconsistencies.***

Email writes “"I'm not under duress. My first car was a 2006 Black Ford Mustang."

Weird line, no? That code or something?

Esp. since he was already in the Cybertruck turning away from the border when the email was sent (if Livelsberger is the one who actually sent it) - https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd43888da-7732-4925-8ad1-903323cc0044_1156x729.jpeg

Also - at what point did a "VBIED" turn into propane tanks and fireworks? Even his family said he would be able to build something more sophisticated, being 19 year SpecOps after all. If true, maybe we could find an IED dumped on the side of the road somewhere along the Arizona highway.

If you're going to cross the border, why rent a Cybertruck? Going to be tough to charge that thing on the run in Mexico.

& if you're on the run from the Feds, why rent a Cybertruck? EVs can be tracked pretty easy these days with all the gizmos and gadgets in them.

Digging into the email itself - why are red spellcheck lines seen in the email? Those are seen when composing or editing, but not when reading an email. Also why is there a typing cursor line thing on it at the far left edge? (winn addition) - https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fad8e7999-641d-4e6f-a8d9-89a48ee26ee9_1962x1844.jpeg

Time inconsistencies, "10:42 AM" standard time on top and "14:22" military time on bottom.

Livelsberger car records

& It appears Sam Shoemate has spread faked emails before - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lp7tqoLMz0

Did he dupe Shawn Ryan with a fake email?

Seems weird to me that Shoemate & Shawn Ryan didn't ask many of these basic questions when presenting this whole story. Could they/should they have done a bit more investigation before or when presenting the email? Asking some of these "devil's advocate" questions during the podcast would have been.. ideal. Especially from two former intelligence/special ops guys. You'd think some of these questions would pop into their minds before or during the talk. Instead they basically said "looking like it's legit! we're going dark now, bye!" in quite a drama show. Odd.


We shall see how this story progresses, if it does progress at all. Be prepared for this to go nowhere and we don’t end up learning any more about it, which does happen with “bombshell” stories in alt. media now and again - people tend to forget very fast in the internet age with their short attention spans, remember that “ABC News whistleblower” everyone forgot about? Turns out the person who brought forth that ABC whistleblower claim was a fraud.

Will keep an ear to the ground for more on this, keeping all options open for fake or not. (though at the moment I’m leaning disinfo psy-op, but I shall keep my mind open)


Chris Paul sugguested on the recent Devolution Power Hour, which I also posted, that we should listen to Speaker Mike Johnson's speech, so I did. Aside from the "ecumenical inter-faith prayer at a Catholic church" bit, I found it refreshing and would also recommend you to listen to it.

Link to speech. It begins at 3:08:00 and lasts until 3:27:00 (20 mins total). My prayer is that he carries out this stated agenda and that America will indeed, once and for all, cast off the false American government which has plagued us almost from the moment our lawful, Constitutional Republic was formed. In Jesus' name, amen.

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