killerspacerobot 3 points ago +5 / -2

Hopium, platitudes, truisms, prophecy, and retroactive promises. But nothing tangible. It's a narrative (to use a much-maligned term). At one point, he alludes to evidence of things happening---but pulls back from mentioning any examples. He throws tidbits to the various conspiracy mythologies, again without evidence.

He particularly feeds into the notion that all these upheavals must be insinuated, and that the public cannot "handle" a shock to their lives. I mistrust this theory the most, because it is at odds with the fact that we commonly withstand natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, car crashes, drownings, suicides, etc. that are full of death, pain, and privation...but survive it to the point where a few years past, no one even finds it worthwhile to mention. Where there are outstanding questions, the questions linger. That's not the humanity he is talking about, which he presents as being pervasively brainwashed and sheepish. If that were true, Trump would not be gathering the following he has.

He doesn't say so much out loud, but his whole message consists of "you must believe me." And, "reality must be faked." Well, I don't trust him. He asks for everything (credibility) and gives us nothing (no evidence). (And it doesn't help that his video clip was preceded by a hoax advertisement for a miraculous lighter.)

Notice that his message does not encourage us to help Trump win on November 6th. He urges us to stand by, waiting and smoking lots of hopium, in order to be ready to build the New World of paradise politics---AFTER the crucial events have happened. Now, what kind of appeal is that, to a supportive group, to tell them that paradise is just around the corner, brought to you by angels from God, and we don't need to do anything?

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, and I haven't seen a bit of harm. How can you measure I.Q. when (a) they have done their best to eliminate objective intellectual testing, and (b) seriously deficient schooling promotes bottom-of-the-barrel thinking? Children have far more to fear intellectually from their negligent parents and brain-washing teachers, than from safe levels of fluoride.

I've heard of this concern since before I was a teenager, back in the 1950s. I have always wondered what the evidence was, since it was impossible to notice on any practical level. This was back when everyone was also freaking out over DDT in the food chain. It has since turned out that DDT is innocuous; the birdshell brittleness came from birds that were fed diets deficient in calcium and phosphorus... Meanwhile, millions of children have needlessly died from malaria and other insect-borne lethal diseases.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing to do with Oprah, right? Or with fires? Do you have some kind of magical conception of reality whereby anything that has the remotest connection to another thing is actually significantly connected? No evidence that this guy is connected to the missing children. Also no evidence that Oprah is connected to the missing children. Where does that leave you? ESP? Trust the Seance? Alone in the swamp of paranoia, grasping at cattails?

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

You will have to, if it is the real thing. Like how we can communicate by internet using technology (solid state circuits) that depend on quantum physics. Or fly somewhere using technology that depends on aerodynamics, structural mechanics, and thermodynamics. Or get into and out of orbit.

You can't just pick out a piece of technology---of which you know nothing---and declare it contaminates "Science." Did you ever have an older TV set with a vacuum cathode ray tube to present the image? Particle accelerator! Ooooh, so scary. Pointed directly at the viewer!

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stupid people. Do you believe in witchcraft? That used to happen a lot before science came around. Meanwhile, the accelerator is a big pile of junk.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Interesting coincidences and a lot of Rorschach blots. You can read a lot into both.

killerspacerobot -3 points ago +1 / -4

Well, if you read superstitious nonsense, that is what you will think. If you would read up on synchrotron accelerators, you will conclude it is a stupendous dead end.

killerspacerobot -2 points ago +1 / -3

What "evil"? It is nothing more than a fruitless and expensive experiment. I happen to understand the science. You know nothing about the science and replace understanding with fearful mythology and terror of witchcraft.

killerspacerobot -9 points ago +1 / -10

Didn't take long to find a tip-off. The flash reference to CERN indicates how much this guy is breathing fumes. Impairs the credibility of his whole tirade.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +2 / -1

The discussion was about using this magical device to send the electromagnetic emission back at the emitter. No discussion of any actual weapon other than that. In any case, a "PCM weapon system" is imaginary. I spent decades of my career working on actual beamed weapons, which could not possibly have been directed by radar (too inaccurate)---unless they were microwave weapons. The closest to that we have are anti-drone electronic warfare systems. And, since I have the experience and expertise, I am not impressed with the "downvotes" of the ignorant.

The real reason I am downvoted around here is not because what I have to say is wrong (all the discussions end with sputtering and cursing on the other party's part) but because I am challenging ignorance and stupidity. I don't defer to them. I don't give Flat-Earthers or Moon-Hoaxers any credit, because they are simply ignorant and antagonistic to learning. (The latest nonsense is the posting of a "theory" that nuclear weapons are being used in current conflicts---when the video they show is clearly that of conventional explosions. Including the "sparkles" from delayed detonation of secondary munitions. I've seen these explosions repeatedly from coverage of Ukraine.)

You seem to want an atmosphere where everyone gets on board with the "consensus theory" of the day and doesn't rock the boat. I don't know why you would want to side up with crackpot theories and act like your own little universe of normies clinging to a "narrative". You don't like it when I kick your flimsy theories in the brisket. Asking questions is deemed virtuous, except when the questions are turned on theories. You don't bother to read any of my uplifting stuff, such as it has been, but I do get upvotes from time to time.

You want to call me a "shill" because you are also reduced to bad-mouthing. You couldn't prove I am a shill if the lives of your loved ones depended on it. It is a totally empty epithet. I know it, and you know it.

killerspacerobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would seem one might draw valid inferences from observing who is nervous and withdrawn and who isn't. Their behavior response is almost like a "coming out" party.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +2 / -2

Sorry, but you are spouting nonsense. The only thing that acts like you are describing is a corner-cube reflector, but it will only be reflecting the incident energy, without any focusing. No "time reversal" of the waveform; the leading edge of the wave will still be the leading edge. You can make a phased-array radar act this way, but that will only be radar responding to returns off a target. Phasing the wavefront is "aiming." Radars do not have the power for physical effects on target.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is evidence that Google provides bullshit. Most of this citation is mumbo-jumbo. There is optical wavefront control, but this is effected by controlled distortion of a key mirror in the optical train. The only system physically capable of making such an intercept was YAL-1A, and it was canceled, decommissioned, and scrapped by President Obama in 2012-2014. Radar is inadequate for laser targeting. There is no "time reversal." Since I have been working in this technology since the 70s, and specifically with YAL-1A, I am simply repeating facts.

killerspacerobot -2 points ago +1 / -3

You are all operating on the basis of a groundless myth. If that was a missile, it corresponds to an SLBM launched from a submarine on a northbound trajectory from Puget Sound. I have analyzed this photo, from where it was taken and the azimuth of view. So, it was going in a much different direction than Hawaii, and such missiles are not intended for nor capable of intercepting aircraft. My surmise was that it may have been an attempt to provoke a strategic incident with Russia. (There are no anti-aircraft systems that have the range or guidance to engage an aircraft over the Pacific from the Puget Sound.)

Why/how was it shot down? Because Bangor, WA is the western home port for ballistic missile submarines, McChord Air Force Base is close at hand, and this may reveal that the DoD has a fail-safe policy of keeping the sub base under constant patrol to counter exactly this kind of event, be it sabotage or accident. An air-to-boost-phase interceptor missile is well within current technology and might be a very secret capability. Thus, whitewash, forget, and maintain the secret.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +2 / -1

When I see "the Jews" as a target of criticism, that is quite enough to understand that collectivism is at work. If it were only that some trouble-makers are Jews, then the whole fact of them being Jews would be irrelevant---but it never is.

Posing questions as though there were only one answer is another tipoff. Especially when there are answers available which are rejected out of hand.

I have a questioning mind, which I am directing at a guilty pleasure: Jew hatred. Don't arrogate to yourself the title of Questioning Mind when you travel with unquestioning company.

killerspacerobot 3 points ago +4 / -1

You are not missing anything. There is nothing there to miss. It is merely another Rorschach blot for us to read into our prejudices.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

I do not accept any freely chosen bargain to be a compromise of liberty, otherwise there would be no trade and no free market. Money is an asset like any other, and can morally be traded or rented. My understanding of the Bible is clear, and you have no refutation.

Your ideas of me are self-serving fantasy and I won't comment further.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

"The Jews." That's all I need to know about a collectivist view. I've read Mein Kampf. I've also read his "other book." I've read countless personal biographical accounts and histories of his main henchmen.

Asking questions in search of reinforcement is not sincere.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, there is the right to lay down the law against theft, assault, murder, and trespass. The border between law and freedom is delicate. The free market hinders no one's freedom, nor do contracts. There is little freedom if there is no obligation to fulfill bargains.

But getting our hands dirty cleans the soul.

killerspacerobot -1 points ago +1 / -2

"Should" according to who and where? You are evading the fact that this is an Old Testament injunction to be followed by Jews among Jews. It does not apply to Jews lending money to Gentiles ("foreigners"). It completely does not apply to Gentiles. Are you a Jew? Do you want to alter the Constitution to forbid interest-bearing loans? If you don't, and you are willing to let a free market prevail, then you are sounding a trumpet at the mountains. The mountains don't care...and neither do I. You can wear your righteousness on a shirt, for all the good it will do you.

No one is exploited who has the freedom to make financial arrangements to their own purpose and preference. Banks are not sending out dragoon squads to bring people in to be creditors. It is perhaps pointless to explain to you that sometimes it makes more sense to obtain an asset first, to gain the means of increasing income, and thereby repay the asset over time. It sounds like that arrangement is beyond your ken.

Casting scorn on "usury" is NOT a purpose of this site.

killerspacerobot -1 points ago +1 / -2

The number has been tallied as around 6 million Jews. If you want to pettifog over the exact number, be my guest, but it alters nothing. The events happened. It is an entirely believable circumstance that once the number was published, it was simply repeated. How do you know that any were wrong? If all you have are questions, then all you can prove is nothing. Your position is to disbelieve something terrible, testified by witnesses and evidence, without any reason for disbelief.

How does this get you closer to anything? This is your conception of making a point: get snarled up in a trivial detail and miss the big picture. Nothing changes if the number was some other number.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +3 / -2

Mushroom clouds are evident in every explosion that sends up material into the sky, particularly conventional explosions and volcanic eruptions. These were chemical explosions; no nuclear characteristics. Speckles are delayed detonation of secondary munitions (like in big aerial firework displays). You see them in big Ukrainian explosions of ammo dumps.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +3 / -2

This is complete nonsense. Those were exclusively chemical explosions originating at ground level. (Nuclear weapons are detonated at an optimum altitude.) No nuclear flash. No nuclear fireball. No blast wave. Impressive mushroom clouds are an old story for chemical explosions; watch the tail end of Walt Disney's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" (1954) for the special effects explosion of Nemo's island, Vulcania. The "speckles" are not ionizing radiation effects (and neutrons are not ionizing radiation). You see the same thing in impressive fireworks: little incendiary components of the explosion. What you may not appreciate is that a big detonation of explosive at an ammo dump does not immediately involve all the munitions available. A lot of the small munitions are carried up in the cloud and fall out, detonating on their own, to provide flashes. I've seen this sort of thing with big explosions in Ukraine.

The Beirut detonation of an ammonium nitrate stockpile came much closer to simulating a nuclear explosion (suddenness, blast wave), but it was still non-nuclear.

Neutron bombs are still nuclear weapons and have all the same requirements and effects, only an augmentation of neutrons, which no camera technology can detect.

To bone up on the subject read "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons" by Glasstone and Dolan, and watch a lot of actual nuclear detonation films.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +2 / -2

Of a conventional explosion where secondary or small munitions don't detonate until they have already been blown to some altitude. You see this in large ammo dump explosions in Ukraine. Prompt radiation does not linger around for seconds.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +2 / -2

There is fallout, but the amount is proportional to yield and the yield for a neutron bomb is low. To some degree, neutron radiation can induce radioactivity in normal materials.

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