How about sporting Native American T-Shirts? Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, Chicago Blackhawks, Local HS Native American team ... In a post SHTF America we should Embrace The Warrior Native American mythos.... Let the old world (europe) fix itself.... We (New) Americans (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian) will defeat the NEW WORLD ORDER!!!
I have a hunch that Tuls1 Gabbard was the actual V.P candidate (and eventual Prez) this whole time. Esoteric Programming. The 2020 US Quarter . State of American Samoa and Bat (BAT =Covid bat soup) (G4bb4rd born in American Samoa)
Hoodwinking us with a None US CITIZEN (again)
G4bbard and family is part of a new wave cult
"Book Deals" = PAYOUT