xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw my ex-GF eyes go jet black like a demon once and I was sober. I was trying to prevent her from going out to score some hard drugs. You and I would probably have some interesting stories to share.

Hopefully someone heeds the warning. But as it goes, most people with that kind of curiosity have to find out themselves, the hard way.

You would think some among us would put 2+2 together and realize why Democrats want to legalize psychedelics and hard drugs. It ain't for our good!

xrp_moon_shot 3 points ago +3 / -0

God is within if you are a believer in Christ.

The reason being outside on shrooms is better is there's more colors, breeze, leaves turn into fractal patterns, pine needles on the ground turn into fractals, etc. Being inside is just boring.

It's just a sensory illusion. There is no spirituality in mushrooms. There is only opening yourself up to the negative spiritual realm (which can be seductive).

You can learn to meditate and have similar open eye visuals.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think Jesus really wants to be invoked for protection because you're taking some drugs that he pretty clearly said you shouldn't be taking, though?

If you need Him, He will probably be there for you. But I don't like the idea of "using Jesus", when He probably has better things to do besides trip sitting those who refuse to follow Him as He described.

That said, I have seen His power in that realm, and it's amazing to witness the sheer supremacy of Christ in the spiritual realm.

xrp_moon_shot 4 points ago +4 / -0

You speak the truth. Also highly experienced.

The illusion is that the psychedelic state is a heightened state of spirituality and connectedness. It's a powerful illusion, because it's pretty mind-blowing and causes deep feelings.

Lucifer appears as an angel of light, his spiritual realm operates similarly. Until they bite you right in the ass and mock you with psychosis, or worse... distract you from the true path.

Real spirituality is following Jesus and walking in humility, serving others and choosing the right paths in this lifetime until we meet our Maker. I thank God to have made it through many years of heavy "psychonaut" lifestyle, BROKEN, but still able to bow before Jesus, call Him Lord, and be healed.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great idea. I'm sure the government will simply take the L and not return with a small army.

Literally every response in this thread is written by a fool. You don't fight the government with force. You have to be smarter than that. Best defense is having a spotless record.

All you idiots are doing talking this way is putting yourself on a watch list. Brilliant "tactics".

xrp_moon_shot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check out JonLevi on YouTube too. Cheers

xrp_moon_shot 3 points ago +3 / -0

This could well be true. They don't want souls to be saved, of course.

Now you also know what the "climate change" hysteria is all about, and the predictions of world ending soon.

xrp_moon_shot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it gives me a weird feeling. Maybe it's "harmless" in the grand scheme of things, but it certainly doesn't seem beneficial.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for sharing. Something to think about. How does that discount the idea that some angels fell from heaven and also became like demons though?

I like where you're going with this, but not sure if they are exclusive concepts.

xrp_moon_shot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was a damn good speech at TPUSA a couple days ago. The only thing that would have made it better would be admitting Warp Speed was a huge mistake.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sure hope not too. But I think at some point soon even the MSM will have to admit what's going on. Imagine how pissed off and scared people are going to be.

We really need God to pull us through this one. We're in some deep shit.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice attempt at inversion. Yeah, it's the people on a conspiracy-related forum bringing up conspiracy-related content who are infiltrating.

Not the people like you trying to drive a pointless wedge and mock people adjacent to this community.

Calling all shadowboxers, this is your captain -- Engage!

xrp_moon_shot 28 points ago +29 / -1

I suspect whoever blew up the Georgia Guidestones wasn't opposed to the message.

They were probably trying to memory hole it, for the time when we really are at 500 million population.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Burns you a lot quicker than it used to though.

xrp_moon_shot 28 points ago +28 / -0

Personally, I'm mostly not bringing it up at this point. I warned everyone 2+ years ago and now it's happening. They still won't connect the dots because of MSM addiction and aversion to knowledge outside that bubble.

Think about how much fear you'd be living in if you realized what you'd done to yourself. Life is difficult enough these days. Enjoy your time with family and love them, it could be short.

For the rest of us who plan to inherit this realm and whose health makes it likely that we may do so, need to be smart and keep dodging these bullets until the time comes to pass when the culling is finally over.

xrp_moon_shot -1 points ago +10 / -11

Nazis were not fighting against the devil. They were/are evil as they come. Ultra-progressive eugenicist meth head genociding psychopaths.

xrp_moon_shot 12 points ago +13 / -1

A very difficult question to ask when the rest of the family is also vaxxed and they are in mourning. Nobody wants to deal with those implications. But it's obviously the elephant in the room.

xrp_moon_shot 77 points ago +78 / -1

It's true. Have a funeral to attend this week. Another one likely next week.

Aggressive and fast spreading cancer seems to be what's taken out most people I know in the last year or so.

All the purebloods I know are totally fine besides being horrified by the current state of the world.

xrp_moon_shot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Blinding white with a yellow tinge, not even close to the old days.

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