Actually taking a cold shower is pretty good advice. It's very good for your circulatory and respiratory systems, and mental toughness. Check out wim hof. If people took cold showers we wouldn't get sick so easily and big pharma would go out of business
The chance of dying from the jab is, depending on age and other factors, similar-ish to dying of covid. If you just look up some raw data you could confirm. But it's a very very low chance either way. Of course we don't know the long term effects of the jab. And we know some serious non-lethal side effects can occur like becoming sterile.
In the end it's unlikely you will personally know someone who died from either cus the chance is like 1 in 1000 or less. And I don't know 1000 people. Still 1 in 1000 people is 7 or 8 million people in the whole world.
Just think about the math. The cabal loves that nobody likes math in our society. But it's a very powerful thing to understand.
It sounds like you need someone to talk some sense into you. Here let me try.
Dude get over yourself. Just cuz you got lucky and ran into the right experiences, by luck and chance and God's grace, to be aware of the truth behind covid, doesn't make you some sort of genius.
Everyone on this earth sucks at many things and is good at a few others. You're no exception. There's no "normies". Doesn't fucking exist. There's just people. People who all have a variety off random ass half baked ideas about life, some right and some wrong. You're not in some special group of "awake". Maybe you're too "stupid, prideful or narcissistic" to get over yourself. But hey, so am I, and I got over myself anyways.
The good thing is that all of us people here on earth suck at most things. And are good at some. We all mostly suck, but we hyper focus on the narrow band of things we're good at and think it's the most important set of skills and qualities that exist. "Oh I'm so aware of covid, and that's the most important thing and I don't suck". Big woop. Someone else is unaware of covid but maybe they are good at being organized, or helpful to their relatives, fixing stuff, or cooking meals. And they value that and think themselves great for it.
We are all here on this planet to learn and grow, and we all have a lot of learning and growing to do. We all suck, and it's ok. Laugh at yourself and get over it. There's no such thing as "normies" and "awake" there's just people who suck. And all those people should probably just laugh and learn from their own absurd silly and constant mistakes as they stumble through life, coincidentally purifying and evolving their souls through the chance experiences God wisely and lovingly judges us towards. You have so much in common with all other humans cus were all in that same clumsy yet graceful meander through life. Take a biiig breath in and a looooong, sloooow exhale out. A big exhale is the magic key to get over yourself and stop acting all 'othery' Around other people, your brothers and sisters. Exhale out that goofy idea that you are less stupid prideful or narcissistic than anyone else cus I guarantee you, you are not, same as me or anyone else.
Getting a basic garden established and providing yourself with basic supplies at home is an absolute must in my opinion.
The food available at the grocery store, whether it's organic or not, is not ideal for human consumption. Big Agriculture and globalist food systems are as corrupt as Big Pharma, and are essentially evil mutant demon twins joined at the hip as Big Bio/Chemical industrial complex.
Pesticides, GMO's so-called preservatives, food coloring and other sketchy additives, added refined sugars, MSG, and so called 'natural flavors' are all over that "food".
It's funny how God gave us this lush garden full of delicious healthy food of all kinds, and we start adding all this non-food to our food and turning it into a slow-killing poison.
I so highly recommend you look into permaculture type sustainable gardening. There's many good folk who do it, including the "back to Eden" method and other mulch-based no-till methods of gardening.
Don't be mislead by the socialist-type rhetoric that unfortunately is tagged along with permaculture, because all kinds of people do it and the principles are solid. This has nothing to do with political "climate change" and everything to do with regenerating God's mighty Garden of Eden, our magical garden the size of the entire planet.
I stuck a couple marijuana plants into my hugelculture (woody mound bed) and, even though I planted them quite late, they grew HUGE and yielded over a pound each (which is more than I've ever smoked in my entire life, lol)