Like every form of sickness, it comes from individual bodily condition and not from some external invisible body-possessing demon.
Bodies in good condition have no need to express the symptoms.
When did you stop beating your wife?
Lol. Call me a shill, go on. That will strengthen your ‘argument’ that so far consists of denial and incredulity.
You people (indoctrinated qultists) are sick.
I am here to talk to the rational ones.
I have read them, pretty much all of them.
Would you like a comparison between Q and Operation Trust?
lol, I’ve been reading them since Nov 2017.
Can you be specific, or are you a ‘qultist’ who blindly follows without being able to show the evidence?
Which “crimes against humanity” has Q exposed? Genuine question, not baiting.
Think before you answer. What verifiable evidence has Q revealed?
Why’s that? There are many similarities to Q’s approach.
Operation Trust
You should watch her interview with Andy Kaufman when she was unable to answer any of his questions.
I’m not even sure that Kaufman is genuine but he is at least consistent.
Judy Mikovics is a guardrail gatekeeper, keeping naive morons in the core narrative of a deadly virus instead of questioning the foundational premise itself.
This blog has two videos. One is the famous “everything wrong with the Capitol shooting” (21 mins) and the other (17 mins) shows a clear jump cut, indicating that the footage of the ‘shooting’ could not have been live.
This isn’t shooting, it’s shouting
Fat grifters shouting to collect crisis pay.
666 is obvious, but what’s the significance of 1024?
Big lol @ POTATUS 😂
Take what’s good, toss what’s not.
Even doing shots of deadly snake venom cannot harm you. Your stomach will metabolize it as quickly as saliva.
It can only do harm if injected directly into the blood — like by snakebite, or… injection.
Japan has had no lockdowns at all. They have been unable to pass new laws to date.
There have been a few ‘states of emergency’ declared by the Tokyo governor. These are administrative and non-binding, and only apply to licensed businesses who opt in to the incentive scheme.
All measures to date have been ‘voluntary’ — bribes from the federal or metropolitan government incentivise businesses to comply.
I posted an explanation about this yesterday but, surprise surprise, it was immediately written off as shilling.
So, take a few deep breaths, read this post, VERIFY IT YOURSELF, then be at peace that you now know who Marcus Goldfinch and Tim Ozman are, how they are connected and how it relates to Q.
Or, you can just downvote and call me a shill.
Yesterday’s post is here:
A bit of additional context: Tim Ozman is (obviously!) an alias. The Infinite Plane Society is basically a skeptics think tank filled with endless memes. Tim hijacks ‘elite’ tropes and pokes fun at them, the idea being that if you use ‘their’ symbols it weakens ‘their‘ power.
That’s what his “buy me a shot of adrenochrome” ko-fi gimmick is all about. It’s not literally buying him a shot of adrenochrome, IT IS A JOKE. Ok?
Anyway, Tim is as legit as they come in the world of conspiracy topics and skeptical conversation. Marcus is highly suspect and you’d be well advised to look into him more.
lol... you think I have something to do with George News?
Why would I be outing the actual CEO of George News if I was involved?
I don’t think you’ve put much thought into this.
You’re obviously not worth talking to.
Maybe someone else will see this, check the info and see that I am in fact telling the truth.
This is the first time I’ve ever had anything to say.
Anyway, don’t take my word for it. You have the info, you can check it out for yourself.
Or you can just downvote.
I don’t post here much, and I don’t have a dog in this fight. Just reporting facts you can double check fairly easily yourself.
Take it or leave it, I guess.
George News is run by Marcus Paul Goldfinch, aka Marcus Paul.
Marcus is a wealthy/connected person known to the Trump Administration, who was regularly invited to events during the 45 admin. He also runs
Goldfinch is also a cyber-squatter for several domains previously owned by Tim Ozman of the Infinite Plane Society. Marcus took control of those domains in 2017 and is still hanging on to several of them. Ozman believes Goldfinch to be responsible for shutting down his YouTube channel over 60 times. This feud led to legal action by Tim Ozman that is ongoing.
In retaliation, Tim Ozman acquired a bunch of George News-branded domains and social media handles, like, and, and he uses them to actively undermine Goldfinch.
Incidentally, Tim thinks Marcus is Q or part of the Q op, and he might be right.
For those who don’t know the reference