I think there will be more ‘converts’ to the Q movement, as he said. When there’s nothing else to turn to - and this is the only thing that makes sense.
isn't he basically saying what that russian guy said was happening, Indoctrinating and it takes generations to break out of it, he said you could show them direct evidence even put it in front of their face and no matter what they wouldn't believe it.
Now this guy was speaking years ago with technology today its like steroids.
because of trump he saved MILLIONS of people world wide from it.
This is the great awakening. This is what Q has taught us truth. The confused will see the light and right their course. It is the only way humanity will survive. I see and feel a lot more than a Presidency going on right now
trust the plan and hold the line
Ps.can I get an Amen and no Awoman..
We should keep in mind cognitive dissonance is a GOOD thing. It's the idiot light flashing on the dashboard telling the self that there's a problem with the belief system.
Hopefully those experiencing this might be easier to lead to the Truth.
Short-circuits the thinking part. Gone is reason, all that remains is the accepted narrative and emotion. I know too many afflicted ... it's hard to see, it's as though they are aliens, no longer themselves, truly unable to think independently anymore.
Which is why I don't think showing the truth isn't going to work as much as we hope.
These people have been imprinted.
Don't dogpile on me, but I don't think trump is going to have a consecutive term. I believe the corruption is too high. So like some other posts say, he'll be handing over control to someone who will have the ability to fix things without question. Only then will he come back.
Yes that's what I meant. There will be four more years. But perhaps after someone like Flynn comes over and cleans up the corruption, after that Trump takes over.
Because with a fucking congress and senate dead set against him, it's going to be hard to make any use of even that four years.
Exactly what i think as well will happen, he needs to do it also for a matter of integrity vs the population that doesn't support him, this way, he clearly shows that he has no interest and he can step back in favour iof the country for the MILs that have no political interest if not cleaning the swamp
woke up thinking about the RED stages, probably the CLAS mov about Pelosi / Pence, refers to the impeachment? are they waiting maybe them to trigger something against him (either 25a pence or vote via pelosi) ?
yep that's the point, we assumed RED stages were already ongoing two or three days ago, but the official ' POTUS ' account removal happened only yesterday, se we may see an escalation of events within the next 48h
plus, regarding the impeachment, i think it's a bait as well, if things are on the right way, they can even try to remove him, but that would be already to late, MIL would be already on this and on his side
Im Simply telling them the truth. My job requires strict truth to my boss. Like it or not u will hear it from me. I told my boss, our HR, our company president and our attorney that Biden will not be president. To mark my words. Told them do not make business decisions based on what they hear on the news. Finally the only thing that got their attention was when I said. "If IM wrong I will resign. Which I will as i wont stay here in this state with Biden as president (no chance in my mind he will be) but I told them I'd stake my position on it and I will. It was the first time I saw shock on their faces and hope on a couple of them. My confidence bolstered the president and HR. Showing them my conviction was pretty powerful. Show conviction to the outcome like the left does, only we do not have to lie about it.
Awesome! This is how good men stand up to fight the evil. There are so many sheep who just follow and dont want to stand out. They need leaders and THEY WILL CHOOSE GOOD if we give them an option to be good.
What are we going to DO about this!? If Biden gets inaugurated, they are really going to hit us hard. There won't be any legal recourse for anyone those bastards decide to persecute. I understand there is supposed to be a military operation, but we have to use it while Trump is still President. I keep preaching on here that whatever they do is likely something we have never even thought of, because they need for the DS to not figure it out either, but, dang. It's hard just sitting here watching those bugs do this. They are NOT going to stop until we MAKE THEM.
Trump is the first dead guy...you think trump is gonna let them ruin his family? We win this or we die trying. Get it. War, stick with trump and you may live. Life and death guys, I'll be dead before ill be a slave again. I never thought I'd be free but right now I'm the freest I've ever been and I
Ain't going back. Any of you that don't get that, you get treated just like any commie. Got it. Wake up, nut up and man up or suffer the consequence of weak mindedness and cowardice. We won China lost.
Military won't allow Biden to take office in fact they may arrest him for treason. If Biden were to be in control only for a short time he could go nuclear literally. It's what HRC had planned. The wonderful 16-year plan, 8 obozo and 8 HTC to finish us off for good, per Q.
9/12/2020. There are different q sites(aggregators). I use qagg.news. If you there and type in ##4685 in the search box it will give you just that post. There numerous ways to look for certain posts. There's a menu bar at the top to give you different options of search. Click on qagg to bring up all Q posts with the newest being current page.
Exactly this. Before the purge, Qmap.pub was the BEST. Somehow qagg.news remains up, thank Heaven. I also like to search keywords from a post, that might be more rare, to find the other dozen or so posts that might include that word. This expands our thinking a little more than just the actual post. ie, I might have chosen ‘echo’ or ‘indoctrinate’ on this one.
The principal of the local elementary school is losing his mind and telling the kids that Trump is no longer the president and that he is hungry for power and won't concede.
A 50-something year old principal is pushing this emotional political freak outs on children 10 and under!
These people are going to flip the fuck out when Biden isn't sworn in.
Parents need to run him put of the school district. You can't leave your kids to liberals. Sides are drawn, no Grey area. Good and evil, they can no longer contain their evil influences.
I have always been towards good but evil has taken a hold of me before. I have done things I regret, things where I consider Satan had gained temporary control of me. But I always knew it wasn't right and always strived to break his hold. I think of this world as being filled with Satan's influence and it takes great strength to always look to God. It is a daily effort, for me.
Im Sure you are plenty good sir, though Jesus Cbrist himself said " "why thou callest me good? Only God is good." We are made righteous by Him and it was His pleasure to do so.
I think there will be more ‘converts’ to the Q movement, as he said. When there’s nothing else to turn to - and this is the only thing that makes sense.
Great deduction. I agree. This is what is happening. When ALL else is lost the people will turn to accept Q.
I mean, look at TDW. It's a shit show now.
Yup, that’s why I’m here.
Same. I bailed when i saw everyone turning on each other. I don’t need that energy.
Same. TDW changed after the 6th.
Yes, thank god for GA
They took the path of least resistance
I firmly believe that TDW has been flooded with shills who are purposely trying to demoralize just as they've already tried to do with /pol/.
isn't he basically saying what that russian guy said was happening, Indoctrinating and it takes generations to break out of it, he said you could show them direct evidence even put it in front of their face and no matter what they wouldn't believe it.
Now this guy was speaking years ago with technology today its like steroids. because of trump he saved MILLIONS of people world wide from it.
Demorolization with Yuri Bezmenov
I think we can break out of it fast with the truth unfiltered.
Yes. Thomas Schuman was right. 3 generations to subvert a society.
This is the great awakening. This is what Q has taught us truth. The confused will see the light and right their course. It is the only way humanity will survive. I see and feel a lot more than a Presidency going on right now trust the plan and hold the line Ps.can I get an Amen and no Awoman..
Well said. It is way more. Tbosnisbakon those who scoffed at Noah and got to go swimming
We should keep in mind cognitive dissonance is a GOOD thing. It's the idiot light flashing on the dashboard telling the self that there's a problem with the belief system. Hopefully those experiencing this might be easier to lead to the Truth.
Yep. Just witnessed this a few moments ago. Also, saw the rage and anger which seemed to come out of nowhere. Very bizarre.
This is what I have noticed the most. Other person comes unhinged to look like something you have never seen and when it is your sister, horrifying.
Short-circuits the thinking part. Gone is reason, all that remains is the accepted narrative and emotion. I know too many afflicted ... it's hard to see, it's as though they are aliens, no longer themselves, truly unable to think independently anymore.
I welcome the moment when the spell is broken!!
the most beautiful moment.
Can you feel the bliss with me?
I'm more pre-bliss impatience at the moment, but I'll get there and it will be ... a true gift.
imma go to rest soon. A body needs a good sleep
me too, body & mind.
Programming the subconscious mind. And as you said, fear mostly.
Which is why I don't think showing the truth isn't going to work as much as we hope.
These people have been imprinted.
Don't dogpile on me, but I don't think trump is going to have a consecutive term. I believe the corruption is too high. So like some other posts say, he'll be handing over control to someone who will have the ability to fix things without question. Only then will he come back.
Have fun watching the door on the Ark close from the outside.
I don't get that reference...
If it is not any of the traitors in Congress nor Biden's or Kamala I am willing to accept alternative leadership until the time comes for more Trump
Not me. Who the fuck do you trust? Compromise doesn't win this.
Yes that's what I meant. There will be four more years. But perhaps after someone like Flynn comes over and cleans up the corruption, after that Trump takes over.
Because with a fucking congress and senate dead set against him, it's going to be hard to make any use of even that four years.
Exactly what i think as well will happen, he needs to do it also for a matter of integrity vs the population that doesn't support him, this way, he clearly shows that he has no interest and he can step back in favour iof the country for the MILs that have no political interest if not cleaning the swamp
woke up thinking about the RED stages, probably the CLAS mov about Pelosi / Pence, refers to the impeachment? are they waiting maybe them to trigger something against him (either 25a pence or vote via pelosi) ?
IDK. RED 2 hasn't happened yet. So can't really tell.
yep that's the point, we assumed RED stages were already ongoing two or three days ago, but the official ' POTUS ' account removal happened only yesterday, se we may see an escalation of events within the next 48h
plus, regarding the impeachment, i think it's a bait as well, if things are on the right way, they can even try to remove him, but that would be already to late, MIL would be already on this and on his side
Im Simply telling them the truth. My job requires strict truth to my boss. Like it or not u will hear it from me. I told my boss, our HR, our company president and our attorney that Biden will not be president. To mark my words. Told them do not make business decisions based on what they hear on the news. Finally the only thing that got their attention was when I said. "If IM wrong I will resign. Which I will as i wont stay here in this state with Biden as president (no chance in my mind he will be) but I told them I'd stake my position on it and I will. It was the first time I saw shock on their faces and hope on a couple of them. My confidence bolstered the president and HR. Showing them my conviction was pretty powerful. Show conviction to the outcome like the left does, only we do not have to lie about it.
Awesome! This is how good men stand up to fight the evil. There are so many sheep who just follow and dont want to stand out. They need leaders and THEY WILL CHOOSE GOOD if we give them an option to be good.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this!
If you dont mind me asking, what are the reasons you still believe (with 2 weeks left) Trump will stay in office for a 2nd term?
I think the president likes to live and see his family live. Also, because he is. Conviction to truth is powerful.
What are we going to DO about this!? If Biden gets inaugurated, they are really going to hit us hard. There won't be any legal recourse for anyone those bastards decide to persecute. I understand there is supposed to be a military operation, but we have to use it while Trump is still President. I keep preaching on here that whatever they do is likely something we have never even thought of, because they need for the DS to not figure it out either, but, dang. It's hard just sitting here watching those bugs do this. They are NOT going to stop until we MAKE THEM.
Trump is the first dead guy...you think trump is gonna let them ruin his family? We win this or we die trying. Get it. War, stick with trump and you may live. Life and death guys, I'll be dead before ill be a slave again. I never thought I'd be free but right now I'm the freest I've ever been and I Ain't going back. Any of you that don't get that, you get treated just like any commie. Got it. Wake up, nut up and man up or suffer the consequence of weak mindedness and cowardice. We won China lost.
I have to believe the Trump team is aware of this. How could they not be? Hold Fast, for now. Prep.
Military won't allow Biden to take office in fact they may arrest him for treason. If Biden were to be in control only for a short time he could go nuclear literally. It's what HRC had planned. The wonderful 16-year plan, 8 obozo and 8 HTC to finish us off for good, per Q.
Likely that will be how he is stopped.
What was the date on this post? That's incredible!
9/12/2020. There are different q sites(aggregators). I use qagg.news. If you there and type in ##4685 in the search box it will give you just that post. There numerous ways to look for certain posts. There's a menu bar at the top to give you different options of search. Click on qagg to bring up all Q posts with the newest being current page.
Exactly this. Before the purge, Qmap.pub was the BEST. Somehow qagg.news remains up, thank Heaven. I also like to search keywords from a post, that might be more rare, to find the other dozen or so posts that might include that word. This expands our thinking a little more than just the actual post. ie, I might have chosen ‘echo’ or ‘indoctrinate’ on this one.
The principal of the local elementary school is losing his mind and telling the kids that Trump is no longer the president and that he is hungry for power and won't concede.
A 50-something year old principal is pushing this emotional political freak outs on children 10 and under!
These people are going to flip the fuck out when Biden isn't sworn in.
Parents need to run him put of the school district. You can't leave your kids to liberals. Sides are drawn, no Grey area. Good and evil, they can no longer contain their evil influences.
Or you die from neednof the cure. Truth is the cure. Bold truth.
That's actually some never Trumper from what I've read
Sorry, disagree. I'm not evil. You may be but not me. I've never hurt or intended to hurt another person.
I have always been towards good but evil has taken a hold of me before. I have done things I regret, things where I consider Satan had gained temporary control of me. But I always knew it wasn't right and always strived to break his hold. I think of this world as being filled with Satan's influence and it takes great strength to always look to God. It is a daily effort, for me.
Im Sure you are plenty good sir, though Jesus Cbrist himself said " "why thou callest me good? Only God is good." We are made righteous by Him and it was His pleasure to do so.
You consider yourself to be good, most of us do. Also consider that there IS no good without evil.