I’m not new here either. Been here since we jumped ship from Reddit. Knew about this .win before it was “habbening.” This account is new as of today bc I “guess I just wanted a new start.” ?
Glad to be here and really appreciate the message from the other day about the incredible people chosen to be here. God bless y’all!
When shills and glowies get banned, they have to start a new account and a handshake will appear next to their name to let people know they're a new account.
Of course all genuine Q supporters here were a new account at one stage, so some handshake accounts post pro-Trump/pro-Q comments. However, if you see an account being deceptive or trying to undermine moral, the handshake can help identify them as a shill.
Yeah and it's perfect for that meme from last night that said something about the feed just been blacked out and "but that's worse. You do see how that's worse right?"
I know you all think they went after the Pope, and I know why you guys wouldn't like the Pope given the things he said. But if you actually read his statements very carefully the Pope is kind of anti...everybody. He doesn't like American imperialism, but he also greatly dislikes Globalist Capitalism, China, and any other systems of greed. But I am not here to help you like the pope, IMO he is not a black hat, gray maybe, but moving on....
But what if, and hear me out, what is the Pope is in on the plan with Trump, and this was the VATACAN cleaning house? I think its MUCH more plausible that several Cardinals were deeply involved with the Globalist's schemes than the Pontiff himself would bring down the 2000 year old church over a petty bit of politics. Also consider it, why ally with the Globalists, they are all atheist. Its not a logical move for Francis. He would have to be an insane satanist bend on annhilating the Chruch, which...lets not open that bag of worms here ok? Lets assume he is a power-loving leading of a powerful organization, and wants to stay that way. So backing globalists leads to his OWN downfall, and likely death at globalist hands. So its counter to his intrests.
Now the Cardinals? Well THEY would have motive. Think about it, if THEY ally with the Globalists the globalists depose Francis and THEY can become the new Pope. Its logical, his underlings are far more likely to be corrupt.
For one, Francis had been talking about corruption inside the church for a long time. He had been threatening retaliation for it.
Two, the Vatacian, legally its own nation, is well known for very ruthlessly handling affairs internally. It an't fucking Disneyland over there. Its the Chruch, while they cant fight a nation-state, small groups cannot just walk in if they are not wanted.
Three, the Swiss Guard isn't for show. AGAIN the Vatican is NOT Disneyland. Those guys are NOT for show. To be a member of the Swiss Guard one has to be, of course a fanatically devote Catholic, but also a military man with a exemplary service record. Once in the Guard they are further trained. And they have a lot more than ceremonial pikes to play with. If you see a SG dancing around in their primary-colors outfit, know they have at least a pistol on under it, at least, if not a compact SMG. In short the Swiss Guard are "Catholic navy seals." Yes they wear the traditional uniform for tourists but they are the real thing. So don't think the Vatican lacks the "swords" to clean house with force. A lot of people don't know this, but the Swiss Guard is known to travel abroad to do wetworks on behalf of the Church. Their primary mission, is shutting up people in the hierarchy who are making problems for the Pope.
4th, I don't think the USM is going to invade the Vatican. While I know most of you Protestants here would LOVE that, Trump has to consider his Latino base and the futher complications that would come with US commandos going though the Vatican. Its just....utterly, utterly undesirable as a course of action. I'm not saying he wouldn't to save America, but if there is ANY way to avoid it, he would take that option first.
So what do I think happened?
Trump and Francis reached some manner of deal. US military Intel found that the bad actors in Italy (most likely the Mafia itself) including corrupt Cardinals who are pedos or plants controlled by the Globalists worked to overthrow the US election. Trump coordinated intel with Francis who has then ordered the Swiss Guard to very quietly handle the corrupt bad actors in the Church by sending the "sinners straight to the Lord.", possibly with US military help, but its also very likely they could have handled it themselves.
In turn the Church is going to say NOTHING publicly. It would harm their image to ever admit they had a problem, yes big stuffy old Church. Sorry guys if Francis was a black hat, it would be better to make him "fall ill of covid" than to EVER arrest him.
But I would watch closely the change of head administrators in the Church hierarchy. I think you are going to find a number of senior bishops and Cardinals are going to...well vanish.
A lot of people don't know this, but the Swiss Guard is known to travel abroad to do wetworks on behalf of the Church. Their primary mission, is shutting up people in the hierarchy who are making problems for the Pope.
Doesn't sound too far fetched, got any links where I can get more info?
But I would watch closely the change of head administrators in the Church hierarchy. I think you are going to find a number of senior bishops and Cardinals are going to...well vanish.
If the pope stays and they go, I'd say you're right. We'll just have to wait and see if anybody picks up on anything, as you say; it will be as discrete as possible.
My sister texted me an article that the pope had been arrested. I checked the article, and the website it came from was suspect IMO. I told her I couldn't find that info anywhere else so It's most likely fake news. I would also think that the pope being arrested would be a big enough story to make even the MSM.
This is a different Camera that was not referenced to prior. This is fake news. I know this because I lived in Italy. The Camera further away is very low quality and does not handle dark light well.
What does the handshake mean
New account.
Ah, okay. I’m fairly new. I’ve been visiting since the Donald was on Reddit and then banned and moved here but just recently made an account
I’m not new here either. Been here since we jumped ship from Reddit. Knew about this .win before it was “habbening.” This account is new as of today bc I “guess I just wanted a new start.” ?
Glad to be here and really appreciate the message from the other day about the incredible people chosen to be here. God bless y’all!
Welcome! Don't be sad about the handshake. Hell, I signed up 321 days ago and still handshake...
Thanks patriot. Hubby’s a patriot too but only tonight did he finally get on here. So excited.
A new account.
When shills and glowies get banned, they have to start a new account and a handshake will appear next to their name to let people know they're a new account.
Of course all genuine Q supporters here were a new account at one stage, so some handshake accounts post pro-Trump/pro-Q comments. However, if you see an account being deceptive or trying to undermine moral, the handshake can help identify them as a shill.
Interesting. Thanks for the insight. I feel like I’m probably being targeted since I have a handshake lol
nothing its a snide remark
This is a different Camera. I posted the original video. The original camera is still dark at night. Go check for yourself.
So that's what the video feed is supposed to look like... :-) Was wonder wtf I was looking at the past few nights in the dark.
Yeah I thought the Basilica was on the right half of the screen this whole time
What happened to the “normal” black filter? Disappointed.
Soon it will be lit by boulders of sulphur mixed with fire.
popes doctor = popes health = died = pope's dead
yup. Impossible to believe Vatican do not have a backup power generator. Even my shitty company has one at their building.
Yeah and it's perfect for that meme from last night that said something about the feed just been blacked out and "but that's worse. You do see how that's worse right?"
On point.
Yep I planned on keeping in eye on it tonight for that purpose. I will update if anything changes!
Any police cars?
Doesn't look like it.
Not that see
I mean.... it was either a black out lens.... or it was dark... both are equally disturbing.
Spotlights went off ~5 min ago
I know you all think they went after the Pope, and I know why you guys wouldn't like the Pope given the things he said. But if you actually read his statements very carefully the Pope is kind of anti...everybody. He doesn't like American imperialism, but he also greatly dislikes Globalist Capitalism, China, and any other systems of greed. But I am not here to help you like the pope, IMO he is not a black hat, gray maybe, but moving on....
But what if, and hear me out, what is the Pope is in on the plan with Trump, and this was the VATACAN cleaning house? I think its MUCH more plausible that several Cardinals were deeply involved with the Globalist's schemes than the Pontiff himself would bring down the 2000 year old church over a petty bit of politics. Also consider it, why ally with the Globalists, they are all atheist. Its not a logical move for Francis. He would have to be an insane satanist bend on annhilating the Chruch, which...lets not open that bag of worms here ok? Lets assume he is a power-loving leading of a powerful organization, and wants to stay that way. So backing globalists leads to his OWN downfall, and likely death at globalist hands. So its counter to his intrests.
Now the Cardinals? Well THEY would have motive. Think about it, if THEY ally with the Globalists the globalists depose Francis and THEY can become the new Pope. Its logical, his underlings are far more likely to be corrupt.
For one, Francis had been talking about corruption inside the church for a long time. He had been threatening retaliation for it.
Two, the Vatacian, legally its own nation, is well known for very ruthlessly handling affairs internally. It an't fucking Disneyland over there. Its the Chruch, while they cant fight a nation-state, small groups cannot just walk in if they are not wanted.
Three, the Swiss Guard isn't for show. AGAIN the Vatican is NOT Disneyland. Those guys are NOT for show. To be a member of the Swiss Guard one has to be, of course a fanatically devote Catholic, but also a military man with a exemplary service record. Once in the Guard they are further trained. And they have a lot more than ceremonial pikes to play with. If you see a SG dancing around in their primary-colors outfit, know they have at least a pistol on under it, at least, if not a compact SMG. In short the Swiss Guard are "Catholic navy seals." Yes they wear the traditional uniform for tourists but they are the real thing. So don't think the Vatican lacks the "swords" to clean house with force. A lot of people don't know this, but the Swiss Guard is known to travel abroad to do wetworks on behalf of the Church. Their primary mission, is shutting up people in the hierarchy who are making problems for the Pope.
4th, I don't think the USM is going to invade the Vatican. While I know most of you Protestants here would LOVE that, Trump has to consider his Latino base and the futher complications that would come with US commandos going though the Vatican. Its just....utterly, utterly undesirable as a course of action. I'm not saying he wouldn't to save America, but if there is ANY way to avoid it, he would take that option first.
So what do I think happened?
Trump and Francis reached some manner of deal. US military Intel found that the bad actors in Italy (most likely the Mafia itself) including corrupt Cardinals who are pedos or plants controlled by the Globalists worked to overthrow the US election. Trump coordinated intel with Francis who has then ordered the Swiss Guard to very quietly handle the corrupt bad actors in the Church by sending the "sinners straight to the Lord.", possibly with US military help, but its also very likely they could have handled it themselves.
In turn the Church is going to say NOTHING publicly. It would harm their image to ever admit they had a problem, yes big stuffy old Church. Sorry guys if Francis was a black hat, it would be better to make him "fall ill of covid" than to EVER arrest him.
But I would watch closely the change of head administrators in the Church hierarchy. I think you are going to find a number of senior bishops and Cardinals are going to...well vanish.
Doesn't sound too far fetched, got any links where I can get more info?
If the pope stays and they go, I'd say you're right. We'll just have to wait and see if anybody picks up on anything, as you say; it will be as discrete as possible.
No I am fully aware the power was not out. But the feed is now lit up is the point
It was only the angel of death visiting for a night. No lights or sound is totally normal.. nothing to see here folks!
I say we light it up more with LOSBR missiles.
It seems this would contradict the people who claimed the darkness on previous nights was just an optical effect made by the camera.
Could it have been dark because it was the weekend? ?♂️
My sister texted me an article that the pope had been arrested. I checked the article, and the website it came from was suspect IMO. I told her I couldn't find that info anywhere else so It's most likely fake news. I would also think that the pope being arrested would be a big enough story to make even the MSM.
Its 8 PM in Rome right now, that's why its all lit up, later one they turn off the lights
The past 2 nights the screen has been almost completely dark right after sunset
It was blacked out early last night and the night before too
But only time will tell. I will update if anything changes
This is a different Camera that was not referenced to prior. This is fake news. I know this because I lived in Italy. The Camera further away is very low quality and does not handle dark light well.
It's the exact same live stream...soooo
It is not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDzcEhHzCEY
Lol it is the Vatican live stream. It's the same thing...ive been to the same link 3 nights in a row now. Stop lying